View Full Version : In Search of Community Tips.

03-27-2009, 03:01 AM
Hello All, Kevin Here

After creating my website (http://allboutlife.net/forums/) I've been having some problems managing my forums. Because this is a chat and support forum, it's a bit harder for me to find users to come post. Many who visit will say, what an empty forum this is and simply go. I've been suggested that we should have more content, but content isn't what I can do. Time is very limited for me as of now, and all the members are dead. No one ever bothers posting when it's empty, unless I actually spend some money and use Pay Per Post.

I'm looking for some tips that you, as a webmaster did when you first created a site. I know I should've created one earlier back so it would be indexed faster and more well known, but it's to late to regret now. If anyone can provide some advice on what to do, that'd be great. Oh yeah, and content, the easiest way would be copying, but that's a very dumb idea, so don't suggest that. Even if you give credits, it still makes it look like your forum is a worthless site that just steals, makes it no special then an illegal site.

Thanks for everyones time, :rolleyes:.

03-27-2009, 09:37 PM
- Your front page is important to give an overview of the content of the site.
- Rss feeds from other sites posting content along the same subjects is nice to have.

03-29-2009, 10:29 PM
Why did you start a forum if you have no time to run it? Content is king and you need to provide it. There are many ways of doing this without resorting to paid posts.

04-04-2009, 01:25 AM
I have enough now because of spring break and summer. But this is for members to come chat and seek support, not to read articles, why not change my name to wiki how.

04-04-2009, 04:30 PM
I think you might as well give up if that's your attitude. There is no magic formula for getting people to come and chat. They can do that anywhere. You start discussions, other people will join in to take part. Keep that up, even when it feels like you're talking to yourself, and you just might get started.

04-04-2009, 06:31 PM
here you go , let me put it in your face! , jk.. not but really... here is how you will attract people..

First ask yourself a couple of questions..

What is the uniqueness of my site ?
If i were someone who has interest in whatever you are providing , what would make me stay on the site?
What am i providing that others will find interesting ?
is you content unique and relative to your primary topic?

Another thing , you need a FRONT PAGE! , its BORING because people come and see forums , nothing to read at first glance , take my site for example , i have a mission statement , ( which im still working on my site , barely started ) .

Or go to joomla , any big sites have a front page to deliver the sites message, important topics and what not.

Just make the user interested, as AzH said , there is no magic formula , if people like your site they will stay , if not , they will move on , your duty is to make your site as interesting as possible , not wondering if people think your site is boring .. focus on improving .. FOCUS ! ... pondering if your site is boring , will make it boring.. just get your head up , get to work , take in the advice , test it , works good , if not , try something else, yet one thing for sure , you wont get people to stay in a day or two, all matter of time and time investment in your site.