View Full Version : How to rename .php files?

03-26-2009, 11:15 PM
Edit: Problem solved. :) Although I still can't rename it with Notepad2 (don't know why) I can delete the old file and then save as config.php.
But now I've got a new problem since it says in the manual:
(Note that we do not recommend that you use Windows? Notepad to edit config.php, as Notepad has problems displaying the line breaks in some file types.)
So is it ok to use Notepad2?

I don't have the permission for the other boards (account could take up to an hour, I've heard) so that's why I post in here. Hope that's ok.

I'm trying to install vBulletin, but already run into a problem: I can't rename a .php file. I can however open it with Wordpad but don't know if I can then save it under a different name.

So what to do?

03-27-2009, 12:15 AM

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