View Full Version : Help modifying member profile layout in 3.8

03-22-2009, 08:18 PM
I've got a very narrow forum width: 588px. It's designed to accommodate a sidebar that matches the rest of the site.

I have it working pretty well with most of the site, but I'm having problems formatting the member profile (see attached image).

Any suggestions on how to rearrange the floating content blocks?

Seven Skins
03-22-2009, 08:40 PM
Why dont you use:

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT !=member">SIDE BAR CODE HERE</if>

This will remove sidebar in membe.php page but it will show in all the other pages.

03-23-2009, 03:14 PM
Why dont you use:

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT !=member">SIDE BAR CODE HERE</if>

This will remove sidebar in membe.php page but it will show in all the other pages.Brilliant! If I want to do the same for a few other pages is there a way to do that? !=member, !=arcade for example?