View Full Version : Can vbulletin suggest similar posts in real-time when thread title is typed?

03-04-2009, 12:37 AM
is there a mod which will help with duplicate thread prevention? So when the user types a new thread subject/title it brings up similar threads automatically on the side, like how Google groups does it. Since I could not find it when i looked for it, is it possible for such a mod to be created i.e. is the vbulletin platform capable of this?
I am deciding which forum system to purchase for my website. People have told me that the above mod is not possible on invision power board, so i am wondering if it is on vBulletin.

03-04-2009, 01:06 AM
weather one exists or not I don't know, but it can be modded to do this.

03-04-2009, 02:13 AM
thanks BigJohnny, that is what I wanted to know. I asked Invision Power Board's modding community at fmods and they told me that it's not technically possible to make such a mod for IPB.
So I suppose vBulletin is superior to IPB (unless you're only speculating).

03-04-2009, 10:30 AM
im not speculating, it CAN be done.... it would be much the same as what happens when you enter the name of a referer when you sign up, or when you are entering a name to search for in the search box, it will automatically search and see if the name your typing exists, and if it does it pops up suggestions just below where your typing.

It can be done with topics too, but It might increase server load a lot, especially if the forum is big since it would probably have to poll the thread table as each letter is typed to see if any topics come close to what your typing.

This is also a job for an experienced coder, I myself couldn't do it even though i have an idea of HOW it would be done, my coding skill are minor.

and yes, vBulletin is FAR FAR superior to ANY message board software, but thats just my own opinion ;)

Actually if you look at the similar threads box below this post, you will see one mod that is CLOSE to what you want, im sure you could modify that code to work when posting topics instead of just showing new ones.(<-- that IS speculation there)

edit again.... actually, there is a mod somewhere called "check if already posted" it puts a button beside the topic title box, and the person posting can press it to find if the thread they are going to post, has already been posted.... once again, something that could be modified to work as you want it to.

03-04-2009, 11:01 AM
I asked Invision Power Board's modding community at fmods and they told me that it's not technically possible to make such a mod for IPB.
So I suppose vBulletin is superior to IPB (unless you're only speculating).

actually you are evaluating two different engines based on one single feature that does not exist in any of the situations... how can you then speculate that one is superior just because Johnny told you it was possible here, and the guys at IPB told you the opposite?.... i suppose IPB guys just did not evaluate the application, and gave you a quick answer.

Johnny is right, it can be done. not with the actual engine, you would require a product to be coded to execute this, but basically, it's done already, as some of the guys here already coded something similar, but have a button to check existing thread titles instead of having a ajax popup.

what you require is the point that will make you choose a forum script instead of another?!... seriously? all the other features are not good in the balance?

03-04-2009, 12:00 PM
Do you mean this (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=151714)