View Full Version : 'Show Avatars' checkbox removed, but one problem

02-27-2009, 04:30 AM
I removed the 'Show Avatars' checkbox from the modify buddy list template. My goal is to eliminate that control and have it turned on by default.

But there is one problem: The checkboxes for the individual avatars (for incoming friendship requests) cannot be checked. The 'check all' function works, but I cannot click the checkbox within the avatar.

Here is the code I removed.

<label class="show_avatars_ctrl shade"><input type="checkbox" id="buddylist_showavatars"$showavatarchecked />$vbphrase[show_avatars]</label>

and further down the template,

<label class="show_avatars_ctrl shade"><input type="checkbox" id="incomingreqs_showavatars" checked="checked" />$vbphrase[show_avatars]</label>

I replaced the first bit of code (toward the top of the template) with:

<input type="hidden" name="buddylist_showavatars" value="1" />

Is there any problem with this modification, and can you see how it somehow caused the individual avatar checkboxes to stop working?

Many thanks.