View Full Version : Generic Green Fluid Style

02-26-2009, 10:00 PM

www.skinsnstyles.com (http://www.skinsnstyles.com)



1) Unzip the file only ONCE. Do not keep on unzipping files.
2) Upload the "generic_greenv1.0" directory to your forums/images/styles directory found in the "upload" directory.
If you do not have a styles directory currently in your vBulletin set up then you will need to create one.
Upload all files intact keeping the structure of the directories.
3) Log In to your vBulletin adminCP and click on Styles>(Expand)>Upload/Download Skins
4) Browse for the vBulletin XML file that came in the zipped file and click open.
5) Your skin should be working and live now!


1) Unzip the zip file titled "fonts" to your desktop or where you choose on your drive.
2) Go to your C Drive on your PC (or where your windows OS is held) and double click on the "FONTS" directory.
3) Choose File>Install Fonts and then navigate to the font on your hard drive and select it.
4) Click OK.


1. Unzip the zip file and extract the font to your desktop.
2. Open your /home directory and look for the hidden directory called .fonts.
3. Copy the file into that directory. If you do not have that directory you can make it, place it in the /home directory and then place the file in it. You will most likely need to be in Administrator mode.
4. If you are running Wine on your Linux install then you will need to navigate to your Wine directory (usually shows up after you config it and its called .wine in the /home directory), and place the font file inside your Virtual Windows directory. Windows>Fonts. If you do not have a "Fonts" directory you can create one and drop the file inside it.

NOTE: The font install is for the fonts used on the header on the forum. This way you can modify the header with the same font if you like.


Included in this package is 1 PSD file. You will need Adobe Photoshop or something similar to modify the file and view it. This file was included so you can change the name of the forums to your forums name from the generic download name.


If you have problems installing the skin, making it work or other problems or questions, please post them in this thread! Make sure that you click the install link first!

Product Specs:

100% validated in XHTML
Fluid Width 100%
Version # - 3.0
Software Version: vb3.6.4, vb3.8.1, vB3.8.4
Sleek Top Rounded Corners
DEMO LINK (http://www.skinsnstyles.com/demo_area/vb3/index.php?styleid=3)

Package Includes:

1 PSD File to alter the header
All images for skin
All fonts for header
Easy to follow README file
XML Style File

Please do not remove the footer link. We work long and hard on presenting you free skins and appreciate the link back. Please take a moment and read our License Policy (http://www.skinsnstyles.com/license.php).

02-26-2009, 10:56 PM

Finally updated to 3.8.4!

02-27-2009, 06:23 PM
demo link doesn't work

02-27-2009, 07:16 PM
Sorry, I'll get it fixed most likely by tomorrow. My hosting server crashed and I lost some info. I'm working on restoring it all in my site.


02-28-2009, 05:29 AM
the best style:)

02-28-2009, 11:26 AM
the best style:)


03-01-2009, 03:08 AM
Demo link is now updated. Thanks for your patience. :)

03-01-2009, 09:32 AM
Very nice colors, thanks for sharing. :)

03-01-2009, 09:50 AM
Thanks, I'll have some other free skins up in the next week. I'm going through all my old skins and updating them to 3.8 & then re-releasing them again.

03-01-2009, 10:52 PM
wow this looks like a clone of a style i bought a year or more ago, in fact its the same but blue not green. when i find the link to it i'll post it. unless you own the old blue style of this???

03-01-2009, 11:05 PM
I own the original style of this. The blue one was released by MPDesignZ if that is the one you are talking about, if not then someone stole my style and then sold it. MPdesignZ was my old design site. And you should of NOT bought it, the style I had was never for sell. So if you bought the style from someone and its exactly the same then they may have stolen it from my site a couple of years ago.

03-01-2009, 11:13 PM
hi metalguy639, thanks for that, i honestly cant remembers where i got the style as im sure it was back in the 3.5.4 and up, but it looked sweet ;)
keep up the good work m8, cheers.

03-02-2009, 12:38 AM
No prob. I will actually be releasing my blue version of this style very soon on here for 3.8.1 once I get my server issues resolved completely.

03-08-2009, 04:47 PM
Looks good, thanks....

One small problem though, when changing over from the default the index page is in green. But when I open a forum (with subforms) the style goes back to the default blue style.

03-08-2009, 06:49 PM
Looks good, thanks....

One small problem though, when changing over from the default the index page is in green. But when I open a forum (with subforms) the style goes back to the default blue style.

Sorry but I cannot recreate that on my forums. I added a subforum & then tried to duplicate your problem but to no avail. The only thing I can figure is that somehow you lost the styles directory or did not make a styles directory inside your images directory to hold your style. So therefore you are missing some files & css. To repair the problem try these things first:

1. Recheck your uploaded files. Make sure that you have a styles directory inside your images directory if you do not then make one & upload the directory called "generic_greenv1.0" inside the styles directory leaving all the directory structures in tact. (If this does not fix the problem then proceed to the next step)
2. Open your AdminCP and scroll to "Styles Manager" on the left hand column, click it to open the style section.
3. Now click on the style that you need to check. In this case it should be whatever name you gave it. Click the "go" button on the far right of the same style you need to fix. You should see the css & other screen for the style now.
4. Now scroll down to your image paths and check them all make sure they start with "images/styles/generic_greenv1.0/" this needs to also be checked in the css itself for the threads & categories. Check all the image paths in the skin and if there are ones that are incorrect then put the correct pathway before it. For example it would look like this:


instead of this:


Let me know if you are able to get it fixed. If not I can most likely fix it for you in a couple of minutes with your admin access & ftp access.

02-24-2010, 04:41 AM
This has been updated to 3.8.4.