View Full Version : my law student site

02-26-2009, 01:37 PM
I have worked pretty hard to get this site up,

I would love some feedback and comments

w w w.ex terna law.c o m

02-26-2009, 02:04 PM
It looks good. One thing I'm noticing, though, is that various descriptive text seems to be kind of a mess; I'm talking about punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and run-on sentences.

For instance, this, which is to the right of your header . . .

forum for law students, Distance learning students and all other LLB LLM or JD are welcome, Discuss law subject, Case Law , Legal Job oppertunities and more, share case notes, class notes and all other legal documents

. . . and this, which is just above the search field . . .
law students forum externalaw now connects to BAILII, see About BAILII. Find all your case law

Those are sort of confusing to read. I'm normally not too much of a grammar nazi, but these blocks of text feature very prominently at the top of your site, so I think it would be a good idea if they were on-the-nose correct and easy to read.

Oh, don't forget to add a custom favicon. This is one of the most neglected things, especially on vBulletin forums. It drives me nuts to see a forum that the owner obviously put a lot of time and effort into, yet there is that default vB logo favicon sitting up there in the address bar. In your case, a favicon that reflects your status icons would look nice, I think.

Good luck with the forum!

Jon Tolzien
02-26-2009, 02:09 PM
I like the layout of the site, but a few changes in my opinion would help you out.
1. Make sure that everything is readable. Like external law... that blends in a little
2. Make yourself a favicon for the top. a 16 by 16 giff
3. Not sure that I am a huge fan of the quick register at the bottom
4. Your text at the top, make sure that your capitalization are correct.

Other than that it is a pretty solid site. I like the background, but I would look into using gradients as your background it seems that has become the new standards of web. But solid site. I liked it.

02-26-2009, 02:12 PM
I think there is too much on the index page ... it looks a bit all over the place ... I really don't know where to look !! have a look at this to see how you can have an organised 'look' = http://www.studentsforum.co.uk/

anyways, as I am a law student, I signed up! :D

02-26-2009, 04:38 PM
The quick reigster in the footer looks horrible!

02-27-2009, 08:11 AM
Thanks so much guys, I will work on all the items!

--------------- Added 1235731101 at 1235731101 ---------------

removed quick register, made a new favicon, ordered a logo at gotlogos.com and changed the top text...


04-18-2009, 11:20 PM
A new review please.... worked really hard to make it better