View Full Version : PM on new registration?

07-27-2000, 03:12 AM
First off, i wanted to thank Parker Clack for helping me on the last request, now im wondering how hard it would be to send each new regestered member a template driven PM?

I already have the code for the email on regester, but would also like to have the code for a PM on registration, i know sombody else requested this, but i did a search, and couldnt find anything about it, wierd.

Anywho, here is the thread with parkers code for email on register, if somebody could edit it to work with PM, i would be one heck of a happy boy! http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=1941

Thanks again!

P.S. I bought that php book with the 4 or 5 programers on front thru amazon this week, so hopefully in the next few weeks (yeah, weeks, its 500+ pages!) i'll beable to do my own little hacks :)