View Full Version : Trying to identify button set / style

02-12-2009, 11:36 PM
I ran across these buttons and a similar style a couple of years ago on a site that offered styles for sale. Unfortunately I am unable to locate the link and all I have are some of the elements. I know the buttons/images are from a different style than the thead, etc. and I didn't have the $$ to spend on multiple things at the time.

I've scoured around and can't locate this anywhere so it may have been one of the many designers that came and went a couple of years ago. However on the off chance someone might recognize this I'd greatly appreciate any assistance. Alternatively, if I can just get a button set made that matches I can do the rest of the template mods.

As I'm now ready to put up a site that can use this color scheme I'm very interested in tracking this down.