View Full Version : Major Additions - Ultimate Flash Platform v2.3.0 LITE

02-09-2009, 10:00 PM
Ulimate Flash Platform v2.3.0 LITE (short: UFP)

One year of development and again one year for adding Xtras
Works on vB 3.6.x and vB 3.7.x

1st I have to say: sorry for my grammar

there's only the Permission to use the UFP or not
there is a generel NOPERMISSION for Guests

Generell Features
Own UserCP
Choose Language (english / german)
Style (normal / special)
disable Comments
set your own Start Page
enable/disable Email/PM notification
enable/disable Boxes
start a Challenge/Tournament
Favorite / Banned List
set Games to your Favorites or add 'em to your Bannlist
search for Games
News System
Highscore, Rankupgrade, Challenge or Tournament notification
all the best Highscorer ever
Top X
the best X Player of a Game
Hot Games
create HotGames (more Credits/Assets if one of those MOD is installed)
create a Session for a month, week eg. A session stored all Score for this reasen
play against one or more Player in a Challenge
up to 16 Players in a tournament
... what should I say
if enabled in the AdminCP, the User can enable/disable the Box into his UserCP.
if one or more Boxes disabled, a new Link appears to see those Box(es)
if you like, UFP can do Post into Forum. Newest Highscore, Tournament (each Round) or Challenge

Additional Features:
place your Games into seperate Categories
each Game can have an own Rank. see also Userranks
FSK is german. We have FSK6, 12, 16 or 18. In US you will say: G, PG, PG-13, R or NC17.
place a Game onto FSK and the User must have it to this Game
Game Ranking
you can rate a Game
see above ...
Score is time
some Games can contain a Score that it's a time
Reversed Score
the lowest Score wins
each User starts at the lowest Rank. A Rank can contain Points and/or a Posting count. Each Highscore gives the User Points for his Rank.
To reach the Rank, he musst have the count of Points and Postings. It's to play Games in higher Ranks

AdminCP Features
edit Games(s)
change Name, Categiory, Width, Height eg.
delete Game(s)
there's also a "massdeletion"
upload/install Game(s)
install Games by an SQL (Proarcade, MisterArcade)
install by Massupload (simply upload the Games into the "arcade"-folder and click "start Massupload"

edit, delete Users or adjust all UFP-Users.
Ranks (default: 26 Ranks)
give each Rank a count of Points and set the Posting-Count of a Rank
needed for sorting Games
it's a reason how long the Highscores of each Game will stored. When you start a new Session, all Highscore will be deleted.
some usefull Functions like: caching or CTMS
see in AdminCP *g*
Appended Note
you will found a PHP file called: ufp_globalvars.php. I don't want to implent those settings into the AdminCP.
so here a few more settings like:
min. and max. Category-Image Width/Height
who is posting into the Forum (UFP)

Asset / Credit
works with the Asset-MOD (http://www.vbulletin-germany.org/showthread.php?t=2837) or vBCredits (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=172399)
sorry, I have no vBBux / vBPlaza - so I can't implement it

if one of those MOD's installed, you will get:
costs per play
costs for Challenge, Tournament and LiveMatch (LM only in ProVersion)
bet on Highscore
win for Highscore, Ultimate, Challenge, Tournament, LiveMatch (LM only in ProVersion), ...Converter
i only convert convert ibProArcade (see READ.ME)

upload_max_filesize: min. 8M
memory_limit: min. 32M

PRO VERSION (actually v3.0.0)

will have more Features
Category Permissions
give each Category it own Permission for Usergroups.
you can enable/disable it in your AdminCP. If enabled, a User can choose his Highscore-Place during playing. If he didn't reach the Place, the Games will starts again
give each Game the Permission to download it after playing. You can set the "generel" Permission for the Download into the AdminCP
up to 128 Players (there is no real Limit. It could also 256, 512, 1048 ...)
Forums Tournament
into AdminCP choose a maximum of 10 Games. Enter a Reason and see what happend if it's finished
play against one or more Players (max. 9 Players) in Realtime.

Supported Games in both Versions:
Proarcade / MisterArcade
SNG (Sit'nGo - for LiveMatch) [only in ProVersion]
i didn't found a way to save a Highscore, but it's supported *g
you need to rewrite the Games first (like SWF). I put a Game in the LITE Version (found into the "arcade" Folder) to test it.
those Games are rewritten exclusive for the UFP
Gameboy, NES and of course M.A.M.E.
for all those Games you need an Emulator (found in "AddOns" Folder). All Games doesn't save any Highscore - sorry.
For M.A.M.E. i use the Cottage Emulator and not all Games are supported
All Pictures taken from the ProVersion and there is no DEMO for Guest.
If you registered, you can found the DEMO here (http://www.php-unlimited.com/ufp_start.php).

The direct Link to my UFP is here (http://www.php-unlimited.com/ufp_start.php)
and the Licence-Manager is here (http://www.php-unlimited.com/licence_manager.php)

This version is simular the same as for vB 3.7 see her (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=189744)

[edit 22.02.2009] implement vBbux/vBplaza (1.5.8) Support

02-11-2009, 05:50 AM
If you could make highscores save for gameboy games that would be amazing ^^ but I guess that would be breaking copyright laws having playable gameboy games on your site tho.

OcR Envy
02-11-2009, 09:55 AM
Demo? SCreenshots?

02-13-2009, 02:42 PM
without words ...


02-13-2009, 11:37 PM
Hi, got the pro version from your site...

Having problems with the skinning and the games..

The skin style is being stretched wider than the forum should be. I have the columns on one side to keep it less stretched for now, while finding out if there is a fix?


Altho they show in admincp, they arent not showing on the forum side as well as it stating no 0/0 games.
That aside, when in the acp clicking on a game to see if plays, get Error Message saying "have no rights to play it" even tho permissions in user group manager are enabled.

Credits: how do you set it so it actually uses the vbcredits?

Thanks you :)

02-15-2009, 12:32 AM
It does not appear to work as zipped. I get the error:

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/tk/public_html/board/admincp/modules/module_functions.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/tk/public_html/board/admincp/ufp_admin.php on line 63

The file ufp_admin.php requires 3 files:
require_once (DIR . ADMIN_CP . '/modules/module_functions.php');
require_once (DIR . ADMIN_CP . '/modules/module_template.php');
require_once (DIR . ADMIN_CP . '/modules/module_actions.php');

Which do not exist in the zip file.

02-15-2009, 10:21 AM
I'm sorry. Think there was a Link to download the modules.


Try this here.

02-15-2009, 03:12 PM
It looks like those are the (German?) modules. I believe this is causing no games to show because the categories don't match (e.g. Action vs. Aktion)?

Also, earlier versions of php are not compiled with the memory_get_usage function, so I'd recommend adding this to the beginning of your ufp_functions file:

if( !function_exists('memory_get_usage') )
function memory_get_usage()
//If its Windows
//Tested on Win XP Pro SP2. Should work on Win 2003 Server too
//Doesn't work for 2000
//If you need it to work for 2000 look at http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.memory-get-usage.php#54642
if ( substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN')
if ( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 3 ) == 'WIN' )
$output = array();
exec( 'tasklist /FI "PID eq ' . getmypid() . '" /FO LIST', $output );

return preg_replace( '/[\D]/', '', $output[5] ) * 1024;
//We now assume the OS is UNIX
//Tested on Mac OS X 10.4.6 and Linux Red Hat Enterprise 4
//This should work on most UNIX systems
$pid = getmypid();
exec("ps -eo%mem,rss,pid | grep $pid", $output);
$output = explode(" ", $output[0]);
//rss is given in 1024 byte units
return $output[1] * 1024;

The English is poor all around, but that's not hard to fix. Once I get it running smoothly I can help clean that up.

04-09-2009, 08:43 PM

fixed the german-

the mod still doesn't work for vb 3.8.1-

i keep getting -you don't have the rights to play this game- even though I do. It's a shame to .

04-18-2009, 11:40 PM
Another uninstalled added to this thread.

07-25-2009, 09:49 AM
Wait... what exactly is this? Is this like IBProArcade? Better?