View Full Version : Forum Display Enhancements - vB Sponsors - Add a sponsors location to your site
02-05-2009, 10:00 PM
What does this do?
This allows you to add sponsors to your site.
How does this install?
1) Install this product via Admincp => Plugins & Products => Manage Products
2) Edit your Admincp options via Admincp => vBulletin Options => vBulletin Options => vB Sponsors Settings
3) Add one or more wherever they will work.
$vbsponsors_marquee - Box with scrolling marquee (vertical - up)
$vbsponsors_marqueeh - Box with scrolling marquee (horizontal - left)
$vbsponsors_onecolumn - One column sponsor box (uses first 20)
$vbsponsors_twocolumn - Two column sponsor box (uses two columns; Column 1 uses 1-10, Column 2 uses 11-20)
$vbsponsors_threecolumn - Three column sponsor box (uses three columns; Column 1 uses 1-7, Column 2 uses 8-14, Column 3 uses 15-21)
$vbsponsors_fourcolumn - Four column sponsor box (uses four columns; Column 1 uses 1-5, Column 2 uses 6-10, Column 3 uses 11-15, etc.)
$vbsponsors_fivecolumn - Five column sponsor box (uses five columns; Column 1 uses 1-4, Column 2 uses 5-8, etc.)
$vbsponsors_sixcolumn - Six column sponsor box (uses six columns; Column 1 uses 1-3, Column 2 uses 4-6, etc.)
Currently I have it set up (in the screen shot) in the FORUMHOME template right above the <!-- what's going on box --> comment.
How does this work?
Edit your:
Sponsorbox Title
Column widths (for left, center, and right columns)
- 1 column uses the center column size
- 2 column uses the left and right column sizes
- 3 column uses all three column sizes
- 4 column uses 4 even column sizes (to set)
- 5 column uses 5 even column sizes (to set)
- Marquee uses 1 column size.
Height and width of image to be resized (you can use any image but it will be resized to the dimension you specify here - width must be smaller than column width).
Sponsor Title, Image, and Link
- Title is the title or caption of the image
- Image is the your image you want displayed (full http:// URL works best)
- Link is where you want the clicked image to go to
You can have up to 21 Titles, Images, and Links. See screenshot for more detail. If anyone would like to provide a demo, please PM me and I will add it here.
It has been pointed out to me that you may be able to use this in more than one location:
e.g. $vbsponsors_threecolumn in your FORUMHOME template, and $vbsponsors_onecolumn
in your sidebar/column if you use columns. I've not tested this but have had someone test this with success.
Release Notes:
Gold: No changes
RC1: Added 3 more column choices and a new horizontal marquee choice. Removed a couple options that didn't work.
Beta 4: Fixed 3 bugs.
Beta 3: Fixed 4 phrases that may have caused some confusion.
- Added a scrolling marquee (up) for scrolling and size purposes.
Beta 2: Fixed ability to enable/disable modification.
- Added function to give each column's images their own sizes (width and height) specific for that column.
- Added second admincp page to separate long list of options from long list of Titles, Images, and Links.
Beta 1: Initial Release
Ideas for future releases:
One column marquee - Added in Beta 3
Pre-RC notes:
As this is Beta, I will support this but I am not responsible for issues outside of my control. If you would like to contribute to this and offer suggestions, please PM me and I will do my best to add/take in all suggestions for this modification as this can/does have potential. Aside from the bugs marked in the notes below, this beta is fully-functional.
I've classified this as Beta for these reasons:
1) I have more features planned for this
2) 2 features are present that may be developed further or may be removed as they currently do not serve a purpose.
Enable vB Sponsors - does not currently work. - Fixed
Unphrased item with three options - very well might remove this - serves no purpose.
3) 2 features are present that are somewhat potentially useless and are considered as "extras" that I am unsure their outcome.
One final note. If you don't like this, don't use it - if you do, great!
02-06-2009, 10:29 PM
Nice Hack ........ Will Install it
Than ks
Lone Gunman
02-06-2009, 10:39 PM
will give it a try on my test board
Lone Gunman
02-07-2009, 12:13 AM
adding it to my main board now. one idea to add to this. you can set your three colums at different widths, but all the images have to be same size. maybe have three different image size settings so the images in 1 colum can be bigger than the others
02-07-2009, 12:27 AM
That's actually a good thought - I'll see if I can make it work with the next update.
Lone Gunman
02-07-2009, 01:29 AM
ill look forward to it. i got a newer board so not much for users or sponsors yet. but feel free to see your work in action @ i really appreciate this and ill be sure to keep giving feedback.
Lone Gunman
02-07-2009, 01:54 AM
just noticed. after installing this on my main board i cant open new pms up. just get a blank white page. does it conflict with any other mods that you know of? ive had a couple other mods i tried do this same thing. ill do some testing to see if i can find a conflict with the stuff on my site
02-07-2009, 02:16 AM
Not that I know of - I set up a dev site specifically for testing and the only mod I have installed is this one. I just did a test PM and it went through just fine.
can it work in a sidebar?
02-07-2009, 12:58 PM
I've been told yes
Lone Gunman
02-08-2009, 12:12 AM
Not that I know of - I set up a dev site specifically for testing and the only mod I have installed is this one. I just did a test PM and it went through just fine.
pms seem to be working now today with this enabled and everything else i got still enabled.
i mustve just had a lil glitch that got worked out when the maintenance tasks ran. ill let you know if i find anything else. i was going to mention that live topic caused this to happen with a couple other mods i used to have.
like i said everything working now and look forward to future updates with more features :up:
02-08-2009, 12:25 AM
Glad to see everything working - I should have an update within a week or two (unless a bug is found that is not mentioned which requires fixing, then it will be sooner).
02-08-2009, 11:42 PM
Modification updated:
Beta 2: Fixed ability to enable/disable modification.
- Added function to give each column's images their own sizes (width and height) specific for that column.
- Added second admincp page to separate long list of options from long list of Titles, Images, and Links.
Lone Gunman
02-09-2009, 03:09 AM
wow. thank you so much for such a quick update with my suggestions! youre the best!
Lone Gunman
02-09-2009, 03:15 AM
you got these switched around in the admin cp.
Column Width - Right
Specifiy the width of the right column.
Column Width - Center
Specifiy the width of the center column.
the right controls center and center controls right
02-09-2009, 10:48 AM
I checked my site and and put in all three variables (one above another) - then went to the admincp and entered these numbers
25 - 60 - 40 (respective image heights)
185 - 460 - 276 (respective image widths)
Everything showed up as I expected for three, two, and one column.
Lone Gunman
02-09-2009, 06:33 PM
when i installed it the right and center column widths control were swapped. the image width settings were correct. it lists left, right, center for columns and left, center, right for image width.
02-09-2009, 07:02 PM
Give me about 10 mins.
I see the problem (Phrased incorrectly) I'll have an update - and an extra.
02-09-2009, 07:47 PM
I've updated this modification.
Beta 3: Fixed 4 phrases that may have caused some confusion.
- Added a scrolling marquee (up) for scrolling and size purposes.
Lone Gunman
02-09-2009, 10:42 PM
thanks. i knew i wasnt crazy. just didnt know how to explain it in tech terms to you.
02-09-2009, 11:21 PM
Your last explanation's last sentence was most helpful - I used that as the basis for my inquiry. Although the modification can appear to be somewhat easy, if you take a look at the XML and you can see how it can become confusing. :)
I hope the last addition (marquee) will be beneficial to some as I've seen on many sites where they've added it to a template and had to hand edit it every time.
Lone Gunman
02-09-2009, 11:43 PM
how exactly does the marquee work btw? do the banner images scroll up?
Lone Gunman
02-10-2009, 12:01 AM
forgot url for sponsor 15
02-10-2009, 12:10 AM
Yes, currently it is set to scroll up. I'll look at the URL for 15.
Lone Gunman
02-10-2009, 12:13 AM
the phrase for the url on 3 (description before the blank in cp) is missing too
02-10-2009, 12:46 AM
Fixed those two bugs and one other. Updated.
02-10-2009, 12:47 AM
Would you happen to know how to not make it push the sections out of place?
02-10-2009, 12:52 AM
Reducing the width on the column (and keeping the image sizes slightly smaller than the column width). Do you have an example of where this is happening?
Lone Gunman
02-10-2009, 01:01 AM
thanks again!
02-14-2009, 01:28 AM
If no more issues, I may release the Gold version this weekend.
Lone Gunman
02-14-2009, 01:59 AM
i been liking it. its the only thing i can get to work. lol.
now i need to add you to the sponsor list for all the help youve given me.
02-14-2009, 02:12 AM
No problem - grab my logo from my site if you want.
Lone Gunman
02-14-2009, 03:26 AM
will do. need more fake sponsors to attract the real sponsors. lol.
Lone Gunman
02-15-2009, 01:16 PM
hey david.... would it be possible to add rotating banners in your sponsor box in a future update like cybs rotating banner
just an idea i thought of
02-15-2009, 02:45 PM
How often would you want it to rotate? I actually created a mod for someone a couple years ago that rotated - did a weekly rotation and a monthly rotation (changed based on the date of week/month).
Lone Gunman
02-15-2009, 03:31 PM
prolly more like so many seconds/minutes/hours or on refresh. im adding cybs rotating banner which you can place in as many places as you want, but it shows the same ads in same order in all those places. i thought something like yours with lots of different, smaller rotating banners would be real cool. that way say each of the 21 ad spaces you have on yours, you can have like 4 or 5 that rotate in each spot. this will give you 100 or so different adds all with their own links, but only take up the space of 21 on your page.
02-15-2009, 04:19 PM
I can do a random banner if that would help - that would randomize all your banners and I might be able to add some "weight" to certain banners as well.
I can also see about rotating a set of banners. Usually when I rotate, I rotate in a certain order though.
Lone Gunman
02-15-2009, 04:36 PM
its fine if they all rotate in the same order. just for each of the 21 banner spots on your mod, enable it so you can put up to 4 different banners in each of those 21 spots and they all rotate at same time/speed/order which universal speed can be adjusted. that way up to a total of 84 different sponsors can be listed in those 21 spots. each spot only rotates the 4 listed in that spot then.
you get what im saying or do i need to draw a picture. lol
02-15-2009, 04:59 PM
To do that, it will take some rewriting and some time. I will see what I can do.
Lone Gunman
02-15-2009, 05:02 PM
no biggie. no hurry. like i said, just thought that would make your mod really super cool. :)
02-24-2009, 02:29 AM
How can I get it to post an image on the Forum Title Line or Catagory line ?
02-24-2009, 10:24 AM
Are you referring to where it says "Title 1" or similiar? or are you referring to somewhere else?
02-24-2009, 06:41 PM
Are you referring to where it says "Title 1" or similiar? or are you referring to somewhere else?
Look at this site, see how under the catagory "Modular" each forum has a banner Image associated to it....
02-24-2009, 08:08 PM
Interesting concept. I've not looking into forum association, but I wouldn't think it would be that hard.
02-24-2009, 09:33 PM
Interesting concept. I've not looking into forum association, but I wouldn't think it would be that hard.
They use vBulletin 3.7.1 I guess I will ask the Forum owner how he does it.
Lone Gunman
02-24-2009, 10:51 PM
i used to have a mod from here that did that. you could use your own banners or google ad sense. i quit using it when i first found davids mod cause i couldnt get the links to work on it.
02-25-2009, 07:34 PM
how to put under ?
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02-25-2009, 11:04 PM
Edit your footer template
<div align="center">
<div class="smallfont" align="center">
<!-- Do not remove this copyright notice -->
<!-- Do not remove this copyright notice -->
<div class="smallfont" align="center">
<!-- Do not remove $cronimage or your scheduled tasks will cease to function -->
<!-- Do not remove $cronimage or your scheduled tasks will cease to function -->
Add what you want under that.
02-27-2009, 12:01 AM
Edit your footer template
<div align="center">
<div class="smallfont" align="center">
<!-- Do not remove this copyright notice -->
<!-- Do not remove this copyright notice -->
<div class="smallfont" align="center">
<!-- Do not remove $cronimage or your scheduled tasks will cease to function -->
<!-- Do not remove $cronimage or your scheduled tasks will cease to function -->
Add what you want under that.
thnx mann :)
02-27-2009, 12:10 AM
No problem :)
02-27-2009, 01:23 AM
davidw maybe I'm looking for more:) with a can do
$ vbsponsors_sixcolumn you have any ideas or :rolleyes:
02-27-2009, 02:10 AM
How many total sponsors (how many per column)?
02-27-2009, 04:41 PM
one per column.! like that six sponsor i one column i thing look well like that
02-27-2009, 06:45 PM
Let me see what I can do over the weekend.
02-27-2009, 07:20 PM
ok mann :)
03-03-2009, 11:37 PM
See if this works for you.
Up to 6 columns. 6 columns uses 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18
03-04-2009, 02:23 PM
See if this works for you.
Up to 6 columns. 6 columns uses 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18
thnx thnx mann :) is work and good job thnx again bye :up:
03-04-2009, 02:57 PM
I will most likely release this as the next update then.
03-05-2009, 05:49 PM
Updated to RC1 - Added 3 more columns (Column 4, 5, and 6) and a horizontal marquee. Removed a couple unnecessary items and grouped together templates.
03-05-2009, 10:12 PM
thanks mann
03-08-2009, 01:33 AM
How do you make it to open in a new window, rather than having them link out of your site totally?
03-08-2009, 12:47 PM
It should already be opening in a new window (target="_blank") - are you wanting to open them up in an iframe on your site rather than a new window? I'm a little confused.
03-09-2009, 03:43 AM
Thank you David my error!!
03-09-2009, 10:42 AM
No problem :)
03-11-2009, 08:52 PM
its fine if they all rotate in the same order. just for each of the 21 banner spots on your mod, enable it so you can put up to 4 different banners in each of those 21 spots and they all rotate at same time/speed/order which universal speed can be adjusted. that way up to a total of 84 different sponsors can be listed in those 21 spots. each spot only rotates the 4 listed in that spot then.I will attempt to work on this update this weekend.
03-12-2009, 01:21 AM
If I can make a suggestion for future enhancements.....
A report of how many clicks each of the sponsors sites got from it would be a great feature to show how much it is working.
Just my 2 cents....:D
03-12-2009, 01:47 AM
That is something I am planning on a future release when I move this to the database (as it's own entity).
03-13-2009, 03:36 AM
How can this be added to the main page for those of us who use Vba CMPS as well ?
03-13-2009, 11:29 AM
At minimum, you must add the template names being used and all relevant variables to the main options in the CMPS AdminCP options. I will see about a tutorial later.
03-16-2009, 09:40 AM
this is only RC, so when will the final be released?
03-16-2009, 10:45 AM
Anytime - So far no bugs have been reported. I could just label this as Final or Gold now. The betas had bugs in it, but I'm pretty sure this one doesn't. Also, with the added features I put in through each beta, I wanted to wait until each had time for bugs were weaned before moving on. I will be adding more features, just when I get them ready. I just hadn't had time to change this to "Gold" or "Final" yet, even though it is ready.
04-03-2009, 02:01 AM
Updated to 1.0.5 Gold version.
not showed, in our forum. why?
04-05-2009, 12:33 PM
Under How does this install? which bolded part (starts with $vbsponsors_) did you use? Also, which template did you put it in?
04-06-2009, 01:12 AM
I like this , im using the $vbsponsors_marqueeh , is there any way to make it wider , its about 4 inches , i have about 4 inches of blank space on each side of it
04-06-2009, 10:48 AM
Currently, edit the width of the center column to make it wider/narrower.
04-06-2009, 07:53 PM
Thanks , that worked great
04-06-2009, 08:16 PM
Anyone elses admincp options not showing once installed?
04-12-2009, 05:54 PM
This is a very nice hack. Thanks for it.
Some suggestions:
A) I wish I could use different sets or blocks of banners in order to show them at different places of my forum (because although we can use different variables it always use the same set of banners).
1- I have one set of 6 banners that I would like to see on each forum page (like putting the variable in navbar)
2- I have another set of 8 banners (different than the ones in point 1) that I would like to only show on forumdisplay
3- I have another set of 4 smaller banners (different than the ones in points 1 and 2) that I would like to show between posts in the forum
All of them would rotate.
B) A click management system
C) Support "Flash" Banners
D) Finally, expiry dates for showing the banners (starting and ending dates) linked with a subscription system (Once a vendor selects the option they want, and the length of time they want from the drop down menu, they should be given the opportunity to upload a banner. Either by way of URL or by browsing their computer files. This banner upload feature can be before or after payment).
That would be the best Rotating Banner System to my point of view!
Some of the options exist on Cyb Rotating banner system but the problem with his mod is that it only shows at the same place. It onle rotates one set of banner.
Many features are present or so on different hacks but I can't manage to find a real banner system than would contain all these features and fits my own needs.
04-24-2009, 03:24 AM
Any follow-up on the suggestions?
What about having the possibility to shuffle the banners when using the $vbsponsors_marqueeh variable? Actually, it always display the banners in the same order... It would be nice to have this to show the banners in a random order when we use this variable.
04-24-2009, 10:58 AM
Strange, I didn't see a subscription reply on post 79.
A) 1, 2, and 3 are currently available (to an extent) through manipulation of the current system using available slots and different $vbsponsors_ variables
Rotation is something I am going to implement in the new banner system - it isn't available in this system.
B) Click-management will come to the new system - it cannot work in this version.
C) I already have written a flash version for a client a couple years back (totally different type) but will most likely implement this in the next version.
D) Part is doable, but vendor upload is possible but could pose a security risk, especially if it is a flash banner. I will have to take consideration in this one.
04-24-2009, 12:17 PM
Thanks for your answers for post #79 davidw, I really like your hack.
What about shuflling the banners asked in post #80, when using the variable $vbsponsors_marqueeh? Is this feasable with the actual version?
Finally, do you have a release date frame for your new version?
04-24-2009, 12:44 PM
I cannot shuffle/rotate in the current form. That will be available in the new version. I have to switch how the banners are handled.
I cannot give a release time, however, if I were to give a conservative estimate I was guess 1-2 months. My coding time for these projects usually fall on the weekends.
04-24-2009, 01:04 PM
All right, thanks. Once all the new features will be there, this will be the best mod for sponsors. It's actually not bad already. :)
05-02-2009, 05:29 PM
how can i set this so i can make a new page and have my sponsors on one seperate page by itself?
for the future need some adjust in the sposers area large box to put code in not just links that way we can monitize it adsense links etc
05-02-2009, 07:42 PM
I would have to create a separate page for the sponsors page, but that wouldn't be that hard.
I can do a ad/text box for top, bottom, left, and/or right but that would come with a future revision.
Don't forget to click install.
05-06-2009, 09:54 PM
I was wondering if someone can help me? My issue is I have the plugin installed and I added a sponsor under setting in vb. How to add it to my site. Do I copy paste the html from your template(i.e. 2 column) and paste in the ad location template? Or do I just copy/paste $vbsponsors_twocolumn into the adlocator template. I know I have to select adfooter etc. But I'm haveing trouble getting it to appear on my site. Thanks for your time! Rich
05-06-2009, 11:53 PM
If you have the plugin installed, you should be able to just use the variable rather than copying and pasting the template code itself. For the most part it is trial and error. If the variable doesn't work, then try the template code - this way you know one way or the other.
05-07-2009, 12:32 AM
I have the plugin installed. I just tried it both ways and neither worked. I added it to the Ad Location Templates in the ad footer/ end. But nothing appeared. Is there something I could be misssing? I have google adsense if that could matter. Vb sponsors is showing as installed in my plugin manager. Plus I have the options for it under vb options. Under settings I have it "yes" for it being vb sponsor enabled. Under users able to view, I added aminstrators, and registered users. Besides that I didn't change anything. Thanks again!
05-07-2009, 01:00 AM
If you are using the template within a template within a template... I can't say if it will work or not. The best thing to do is evaluate the plugin (look at caching the templates and template evals. I am familiar with calling templates but not calling templates from within templates.
05-07-2009, 01:56 AM
I just wanted to thank you for all your help! I got the mod working. I was makeing a dumb mistake but its fixed now. Great mod!!
05-07-2009, 10:48 AM
Good to hear! Don't forget to click install :)
05-07-2009, 04:31 PM
Done thanks!
07-12-2009, 06:34 PM
Installed, thank you!
08-23-2009, 04:41 PM
Nice! **Installed**
I like the fact that I can set it up where I want it. I've been playing with it on one of my styles, once I find exactly what I like I'll move it to the others.
Great Mod!!:up:
08-24-2009, 02:13 PM
installed, excellent work!
Robert Waanders
09-03-2009, 09:05 PM
Great mod, running on my board. One question, I have more than 21 sponsors, is it possible to increase the numbers of sponsors?
09-28-2009, 11:57 PM
How many did you have in mind?
10-06-2009, 10:52 AM
Hi. Thanks for this addon. is it possible to get this working for vbadvanced?
10-08-2009, 11:15 PM
Let me see what I can do this weekend. I can't promise anything though.
Don't forget to click install.
Robert Waanders
10-11-2009, 02:20 PM
How many did you have in mind?
Hi David,
This can be up to 50.... (I know, its terrible ;-) )
10-19-2009, 04:59 AM
I really wish Flash ("swf") files would work in the $vbsponsors_marqueeh variable.
10-19-2009, 11:43 PM
Let me see what I can do.
04-30-2010, 02:21 PM
Is there a 4.0 version of this coming out soon?
05-14-2010, 07:37 PM
Just wondering can you fix it so the adverts are 100% so whatever size the image is it configures to it.. so say if i have an image of 120px x 60x and another add is 200px x 100px they will be the image not expanded to one size... Thanks.
06-24-2010, 10:25 PM
Looking to see if you have figured a way on adding more than 21 ?
Also as a newbie, how would i have this on a seperate page on its own ?
07-14-2010, 12:43 PM
08-04-2010, 01:13 PM
I want a vB4 version!!!:D xD great mod!;)
08-26-2011, 06:32 PM
Awesome mod! Thank you!
05-19-2014, 05:19 PM
this work with the latest Version 4.2.2 ?
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