View Full Version : Administrative and Maintenance Tools - Find posts by IP search

02-05-2009, 10:00 PM
Find posts by IP 1
Last Updated 20-march-2010.

About :
Done pr request, since noone else did, i completed the request here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=201479)
About the product page link (http://www.evisystems.org/showthread.php?707-Vb-4-Find-posts-by-searching-ip.-admin-feature.&p=1055#post1055)
Vb 4 versions availble here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=238703)

Short about :
Lists all posts by a ip search

Installation :
1) upload files
2) import product xml

Download :

v - 2010 : 114449


V2010 : Rebuild for vb4, then modified to run on vb3 aswell!
V0.8 : Security fix's, plus folder renameing for compability
V0.7 : Re-release with suggestion addons.
V0.5 : Release.

Known Issues :

Screenshots :

2010 screenshot : 114448

02-06-2009, 02:12 PM
Uninstall :
1) Simply uninstall the product file,.
2) file's
- admincp/efpbip.php
- includes/xml/cpnav_efpbip.xml

Plans :

-Add pagination when i get it working.
-Add max ammount shown per page number with default value

Dax IX
02-06-2009, 02:40 PM
Whoo hoo!

Thank you so much for this mod. Hopefully this will help a LOT for one of my forums. :)

02-06-2009, 06:11 PM
This is very useful.

Could you please add this function to the default IP search function?

By default, when you search the IP's that a member has, vbulletin will display two columns: the 1st is a list of the IP's used by the member and the 2nd has links to 'Find more users with this IP address'. Please add a 3rd column: 'Find posts by this IP'.

You would get:
123.456.789 [Find more users with this IP address] [Find posts by this IP]
123.456.790 [Find more users with this IP address] [Find posts by this IP]
123.456.791 [Find more users with this IP address] [Find posts by this IP]
123.456.792 [Find more users with this IP address] [Find posts by this IP]
123.456.793 [Find more users with this IP address] [Find posts by this IP]

02-06-2009, 07:47 PM
This is very useful.

Could you please add this function to the default IP search function?

By default, when you search the IP's that a member has, vbulletin will display two columns: the 1st is a list of the IP's used by the member and the 2nd has links to 'Find more users with this IP address'. Please add a 3rd column: 'Find posts by this IP'.

You would get:
123.456.789 [Find more users with this IP address] [Find posts by this IP]
123.456.790 [Find more users with this IP address] [Find posts by this IP]
123.456.791 [Find more users with this IP address] [Find posts by this IP]
123.456.792 [Find more users with this IP address] [Find posts by this IP]
123.456.793 [Find more users with this IP address] [Find posts by this IP]

you mean a sorting of some sort.
dont see why not. will look into it tomorrow.

cause atm it lists both posts, and usernames by ip.
so regardless if the same ip have several different users they will all show if ip match the serach.

02-07-2009, 03:51 AM
Thanks for completing the request. I will test it out now and see how things go. Hopefully vbulletin will implement this feature in vb4 since it is such a useful thing to do from time to time.

02-07-2009, 04:03 AM
For some reason I am not having the menu item on the left show up after installation, I have to manually go to admincp/ESearchPostbyIP.php?act=main Is anyone else having this?

Feature request: link the post ID to the actual post.
Feature request: include the date next to the username field.

02-07-2009, 06:59 AM
For some reason I am not having the menu item on the left show up after installation, I have to manually go to admincp/ESearchPostbyIP.php?act=main Is anyone else having this?[/url]

re-check that the cpnav_cpnav_ESearchPostbyIP.xml
is infact present in /includes/xml/ cause anything you place here should just
popup in your cp menu by itself, no installation required.

If using optimazetion software, flush cache, and ofcourse try f5 on your browser.

Feature request: link the post ID to the actual post.

Will be done, howewer the link will be to the thread

Feature request: include the date next to the username field.
yeah, its a given. will add it.

02-08-2009, 06:19 PM
Thanks for the update. I will upgrade to it when I come home tonight. Thanks :)

02-10-2009, 12:17 PM
MySQL Version must be 5.0 or above :(

02-10-2009, 03:02 PM
MySQL Version must be 5.0 or above :(

try this 94567

you still need to upload the other files, just import this instead.
If this works, great! if it dosent, tobad.

02-12-2009, 08:15 AM
try this 94567

you still need to upload the other files, just import this instead.
If this works, great! if it dosent, tobad.

Worked great, thanks :up:

02-19-2009, 03:17 PM
FYI file not found message
I noticed in the zip file that the Dir \Upload\Includes it should be \Upload\includes (lower case i) . It created a Dir \Upload\Includes on my server when i selected all in the upload Dir.

Deesystems for

02-19-2009, 03:23 PM
FYI file not found message
I noticed in the zip file that the Dir \Upload\Includes it should be \Upload\includes (lower case i) . It created a Dir \Upload\Includes on my server when i selected all in the upload Dir.

Deesystems for

hmm using Includes on both my test server which is apache and on my live server which is windows.

so not sure what you asking of me.

please specifi your problem.:confused:

02-21-2009, 12:46 AM
I finally had a chance to upgrade today. so thanks again for that last update.

I am looking forward to these planned updates: pagination, Add max amount shown per page number with default value, Sort by feature; sort by date, username, threadID, and post id. - that will make it really great!

I also worked out why it wasn't showing in my admincp. because you named your folder 'Includes' when it should be 'includes' and for some reason my upload didn't detect that and I had 2 folders uploaded.


I have now had time to try it after the update, and it is not working for me no longer. I click on the 'search by IP' I then enter in the ip and click search. But then it takes me to my forums where the smilie list is.

for example the main link is: http://www.mysite.net/forums/myadmincp/ESearchPostbyIP.php?act=main I type in the ip and click on search, then it takes me to this IP:
http://www.mysite.net/forums/myadmincp/EsearchPostbyIP.php?do=Find I am now in the FAQ - > Smilie List

02-25-2009, 10:59 PM
I get Invalid File Specified when i try to import the xml

tried it a few more times. fifth time it was imported. no clue what happened.

04-04-2009, 01:38 AM
anyone have an update on this or a link to a working version?

04-21-2009, 03:01 PM
i got it to work you have to make a file named ESearchPostbyIP.php and another file named EsearchPostbyIP.php

02-01-2010, 11:39 AM
Is this still supported? Can't seem to get it working with 3.8.4

02-02-2010, 06:15 PM
I just got it working you need to rename 3 files it will work
1) ESearchPostbyIP.php to EsearchPostbyIP.php
2) cpnav_ESearchPostbyIP to cpnav_EsearchPostbyIP

then open the xml "cpnav_ESearchPostbyIP"
3) <link>ESearchPostbyIP.php?act=main</link> to <link>EsearchPostbyIP.php?act=main</link>

03-20-2010, 02:47 PM
Completely redid it for vb4
and found a hell alot of rookie mistakes :p

Refittet to run on a 3.8.5 board.

Just did a test install on a local 3.8.5 test board. WORKS.

03-20-2010, 04:57 PM

Very good Addon,

Please checkit, i install today under vBulletin 3.8.4 and don't appear Post/thread/Comment title

03-20-2010, 06:00 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<---- look here....


Very good Addon,

Please checkit, i install today under vBulletin 3.8.4 and don't appear Post/thread/Comment title

What that text will only show if the user enter a title,
posts dont need to have a title, but you have the option to..
Im going to add the title to this response..

and if the ip you search on created any new threads, they would also show there..
normal reponses wery rarely have a title. but its possible.. seee this post :D

Working as intended.

03-20-2010, 06:37 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<---- look here....

What that text will only show if the user enter a title,
posts dont need to have a title, but you have the option to..
Im going to add the title to this response..

and if the ip you search on created any new threads, they would also show there..
normal reponses wery rarely have a title. but its possible.. seee this post :D

Working as intended.

Thanks Vaupell