View Full Version : News Fader Help Please!

06-16-2001, 12:45 PM
Hello all, thanks for reading

Wonder if anyone can please help a VB Newbie, I have managed to install the news fader 2.0 and have it running on my forums but there is a couple of things I would like to change if possible.

It will be easier for you to see for yourself by visiting my forums http://www.top-forums.com/forums

The news fader I installed has moved all the greetings and information off the top of the forums where the welcome new users and no of messages ect are usually.

I would like to use the news fader for my own information and move the original information (threads,posts,welcome ect) back to the top where they were before I installed the hack.

Also there is a 2 line space between the bottom of the news fader and the top of my forums, can someone please tell me how to reduce this line by one, so its looks a little more normal.

I have look though all the code but cant seem to work it out

I would be very greatful for any help

Thank you very much


06-16-2001, 04:44 PM
newsfader for all vb Version (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=17198)

There's a demo


06-16-2001, 06:21 PM
Just installed that version and the java didnt work :( others seem to have had problems also.

Anyone else please help?
