View Full Version : Running apache on desktop as standalone no installation required how do i ?

02-02-2009, 09:34 AM
Hi guys..

Wanted to do my modifications locally before screwing up my board online.

plus i wanted to experiment with different CMS systems and how they
interfer with vbulletin etc. make them run together.


I used to, well i still have it, but cant/arent allowed to redistrubite a standalone
apache server, well infact its just a folder with som dos commands and the entire
apahche server contents.

Got the same for Mysql, but thats userfriendly :p

Anyone know how to make that work with a new download of apache
so it dosent install on the computer, but just runs from a a click.

attached a screenie of my "local" server folder.
but i need to upgrade both php and apache
MYsql i just updated no sweat, they ewen supply instructions.

cause downloading apache and php now is a installer
or do i actually have to do a recompile myself, to avoid the installer.

Cheers ;)

02-02-2009, 12:13 PM
Well i solved it,

found a software "bundle" called Xampp
which also allows for non installed server makeing it

a transport able standalone, just gotta run config when moved..

02-02-2009, 12:35 PM
Sorry didnt see this - I use WAMP


02-02-2009, 05:31 PM
Sorry didnt see this - I use WAMP


Aswome share, tx for this.. downloading love this bundles..

the one i found was this http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html

--------------- Added 1233608081 at 1233608081 ---------------

okay tryed your wamp, haveing alot of problens enableing the php extensions i need
such a curl and openssl.

going back to my initial find.

02-03-2009, 04:07 AM
You can download PHP as an archive. Just replace the PHP folder with all the new files.