View Full Version : costum tcat, round ends ?

01-29-2009, 09:28 PM
so guys seeing alot of costum tcat's on unreleased skins
so wondering..

Think it would work makeing a css
like a exspanding header for tcat

so make a left img center(spacer) and right img, then plot them into
tcat and they would form a costum tcat background ?

anyone got some experience with this to share ?

dont have any code yet, havent attempted it
wondering how to change the div css to fit into the tcat additional css and work.. :confused:

Dax IX
01-30-2009, 02:34 AM
Just like almost everything else, there are several ways to accomplish this (Keep in mind, that I'm VERY new to templating and rounded corners).

You could make an inline list of divs that contained your right corner, center, and left corners.

You could place a table in a div with one row and three columns (again, right, center, left).

Or you could just add another row to an existing table with three columns, but then you would need to make sure you have the correct colspans on your other td's.

It wouldn't really work to have one div with a right float and a left float image to define your corners because the background would be behind those, too (well, I guess you could if you were using non-transparent corner images).

many, many ways. :)

Again, I'm totally new, so disregard if you already know all of this. :o