View Full Version : Forum Display Enhancements - Sorky - SubForum List Control
01-27-2009, 10:00 PM
This plugin allows extensive control of how SubForums are displayed.
Use any mix of between 0 and 10 columns
Different layouts can be used on specified forums
Change formatting
Display Thread/Post counts
Limit the number of SubForums shown (Show More/Less)
Collapse entire display
Sort SubForum display order
plus lots more!
Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
To set the options go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Sorky - SubForum List Control
To get it on the Forum Home page, set...
"vBulletin Options" > "Forum Listings Display Options" > "Depth of Forums - Forum Home" to "1"
For all other forums, set...
"vBulletin Options" > "Forum Listings Display Options" > "Depth of Forums - Forum Display" to "1"
You should also set...
"vBulletin Options" > "Forum Listings Display Options" > "Depth of Sub-Forums" to "1" Note: Setting it higher will also work!
Version Log
For previous versions see 3.7.x ( or 3.6.x Mods
v1.5.2 - 28th of January, 2009 = official release for 3.8.x (click here for more information (
v1.6.0 - 11th of April, 2009 = Removed (small bug found)
v1.6.1 - 13th of April, 2009 = Remember show/hide state + more (more information here (
v1.6.2 - 27th of April, 2009 = Debug opton + more (more information here (
v1.7.0 - 21st of May, 2009 = New & improved sorting (more information here (
v1.7.1 - 23rd of May, 2009 = alt text for show/hide image (more information here (
v1.7.2 - 17th of June, 2009 = Removed (small change simply combined with another in next version)
v1.7.3 - 17th of June, 2009 = Hide SubForums: prefix & count tool-tip as well as the SubForums (more information here (
v1.7.4 - 23rd of June, 2009 = Hide specific SubForums from the SubForum list (more information here (
v1.8.0 - 17th of August, 2009 = Display of SubForum descriptions (more information here (
Hall Of Fame (Donations - Greatly Appreciated - Thank You)
Fungsten US$25
Budweiser US$20
CreditForum US$25
lazyseller US$30
Alisa Lindsay US$10
Thanks (and apologies) to Cybernetec ( for the ideas & inspiration to generate this Mod.
SubForum, SubForums, Sub-Forum, Sub-Forums, Table, List, Grid, Child, Children, Parent
Settings, Demonstration Screenshots, Notes, etc
See v1.5.2 post (click here (
If you like this Mod please click INSTALL (
01-28-2009, 09:19 AM
V1.5.2 Features
Official update for 3.8.x
Other minor coding and commenting adjustments
For previous versions see 3.7.x ( or 3.6.x Mods
If the following templates have been modified from their original, either "revert" them or test this Mod carefully before use:
forumhome_subforumseparator_post (ignored)
forumhome_subforumseparator_nopost (ignored)
forumhome_subforumbit_post (append only)
forumhome_subforumbit_nopost (append only)
header (append only)
WishList - Other Ideas
Number of people viewing count (med)
SubForum moderators (med)
Enable/Disable for certain styles (med)
Different formatting for each SubForum depth [child/grandchild/etc] (low)
Settings & Demonstration Screenshots
01-28-2009, 09:33 AM
Excelent, excaktly what i need for a guy im helping setup his forum. :D
this is actually #1 request. thank you.
tagged for later use.
01-28-2009, 11:35 AM
Looks very good! Not installed yet but will do soon
01-28-2009, 05:03 PM
I've updated my forum to 3.8.x and the previous version of this mod (1.5.1) was working fine but to keep my forums mods up to date I installed this (1.5.2) also.
I double checked that I had 'Allow Overwrite' set to YES but it installed a second installation of the Mod.
Everythings fine as I uninstalled the old version and set the options for the new one.
Would it not be easier for this to simply overwrite a previous version?? :confused:
Regards, Howell :)
01-29-2009, 05:19 AM
yeah i liked urs better so i installed urs even when i was using 3.7.3.
and that version is still usable in 3.8 as well.
however today i updated it to the latest version for 3.8:)
thanx for the update.
01-29-2009, 05:28 AM
Would it not be easier for this to simply overwrite a previous version?? :confused:
Regards, Howell :)
I know... Unfortunately a new Mod needs a new ID, which means they do not override.
If I do a 1.5.3 under 3.8.x, then it will of course be automatically updated.
01-29-2009, 05:33 AM
and that version is still usable in 3.8 as well
Yes... So far the only actual differences in the Mods are the new ProductID, Version Description and URL... Main thing is that I can support the different versions without potentially breaking the others if a major change occurs.
01-29-2009, 06:10 AM
good work i'll update now :) thanks
01-29-2009, 09:33 AM
will update now. thanks.
02-07-2009, 08:19 PM
Thanks, works great!
02-14-2009, 04:54 PM
*Marked as installed*
03-15-2009, 11:17 AM
1. If I show my sub-subforums, by setting the depth of subforums to 3 in forum listing display options and 'Allow depth of SubForums > 1 by indenting the Sub-SubForums' to yes, then they get alphabetically sorted in such a way that sub-subforums are sorted together with subforums. It shows like this:
Subforum A
Subsubforum A
Subforum B
Subforum C
Subforum D
Subforum E
Even when Subsubforum A is a child of Subforum D. I would like it to show under Subforum D.
2. Some of my forums do not show a horizontal border between them. Edit: for some reason this is now resolved.
3. 'Forums where this Mod will HIDE any SubForums' does not seem to work for me.
How can I fix this?
Please add the function to show the number of people viewing a subforum.
03-16-2009, 12:33 AM
1. If I show my sub-subforums, by setting the depth of subforums to 3 in forum listing display options and 'Allow depth of SubForums > 1 by indenting the Sub-SubForums' to yes, then they get alphabetically sorted in such a way that sub-subforums are sorted together with subforums. It shows like this:
Subforum A
Subsubforum A
Subforum B
Subforum C
Subforum D
Subforum E
Even when Subsubforum A is a child of Subforum D. I would like it to show under Subforum D.
This is a known limitation (Note that the sorting option actually says: "Do not use alphabetic sorting if SubForumDepth > 1 as the sorting may not make sense"). The logic to try and do nested sorting given the way the SubForum are returned is far to complex and liable to impact performance... Use the "Forum Display order" sorting and you can force the order in the Forum Manager.
2. Some of my forums do not show a horizontal border between them. Edit: for some reason this is now resolved.
If it re-occurs, PM me a link &/ image so I can see it
3. 'Forums where this Mod will HIDE any SubForums' does not seem to work for me.
Works fine for me... PM me a link and screen shots of the option settings so I can see if you have something set incorrectly
Please add the function to show the number of people viewing a subforum.
It's added to the wish-list
03-17-2009, 11:46 AM
works and looks great for us sorky, thanks :)
one question: when hiding the subforum list in the forumbit, if i leave that page and come back, it is no longer hidden. is there anyway to make this stay on a per-user basis?
03-18-2009, 06:35 AM
works and looks great for us sorky, thanks :)
one question: when hiding the subforum list in the forumbit, if i leave that page and come back, it is no longer hidden. is there anyway to make this stay on a per-user basis?
Yeah - I have in my wish-list to add a cookie to remember the show/hide state. I do expect to get to it sooner or later ;)
03-21-2009, 01:18 AM
I have been checking out your work and think I can use this. It changes the formatting for all my forums so I must have something set wrong.
What config setting do I need to change to restore the original formatting?
I captured a couple screen shots so you can see what I mean....
The picture above is with the mod enabled...^
The picture above is with the mod disabled...^
03-21-2009, 09:12 AM
It would indeed be nice to decrease the space/margin between forum names and forum description.
03-23-2009, 05:40 AM
What config setting do I need to change to restore the original formatting?
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.5.2 / Forum description (div) formatting [original was class="smallfont"]
Default: class="smallfont" style="margin: 10px 10px 0px 10px"
Change back to: class="smallfont"
PS: Screenshots really helped!
It would indeed be nice to decrease the space/margin between forum names and forum description.
See above ;) - You can try different settings here to suit your own personal needs
Walter Ronny
03-23-2009, 01:11 PM
Hello, installed, works but i want to get forum looks like this. i was using and hack as this but with the 3.8.1 doesnt works, desinstalled it alrady and installed your .
problem now is when i enable the hack, it appear a comma.. here a screen...
I want to add another subforum in another forum category but i do it and appear like this.. in the secong line..
look yourself..
what i want to get done is just like screen you posted, No Expand, No collapse , not count and 3 columns, but i want all it into one column.
And i'd like that text appear a bit little than normal..
Do i can do it ?
Thank you.
03-23-2009, 01:37 PM
Sweet! Got it fixed. I would like to send you a donation for your hack. Where can I send it? (paypal?)
Marked as installed
Thnx, Dude...
03-23-2009, 09:05 PM
Sweet! Got it fixed. I would like to send you a donation for your hack. Where can I send it? (paypal?)
My pleasure & thanks for your appreciation. In the main post you will see a "Support the developer" link ;)
problem now is when i enable the hack, it appear a comma...
in the secong line..
And i'd like that text appear a bit little than normal..
Thank you.
Try this option to change the comma...
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.5.2 / Separator to use between SubForum [original was , ]
Try this option to help with the line wrap...
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.5.2 / Use the full column width for the SubForum table
Try this option to change the SubForum list font, etc...
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.5.2 / SubForum Element (td) formatting
04-11-2009, 10:50 AM
Withdrawn due to a small bug
04-13-2009, 04:48 AM
New version returns an (several) error in IE:
My 595 line is: = "";
img.src = "images/buttons/collapse_thead.gif";
set_cookie("Sorky03_ShowOrHide_" + n, 0);
Uninstalled and reinstalled 1.5.2 version.
04-13-2009, 10:42 AM
New version returns an (several) error in IE:
Damn a bug (when not using the collapse feature). Found & Fixed
04-13-2009, 10:55 AM
Change Log
1. Added the 'None' selection for greater clarity
2. The long awaited, often requested, cookie to remember the collapsed state
3. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments
Change 1
"None" is the same as using "Selected" with no forums in the following list
"All" is the same as using "UnSelected" with no forums in the following list.
"Selected" allows you to choose which forums the option applies to
"UnSelected" allows you to choose which forums the option DOES NOT apply to
Change 2
The following option has changed...
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.6.0 / Allow SubForum displays to be collapsed (Global)...
SubForums are shown/hidden when the page is loaded
It was a Yes/No choice but it is now a multi-state. The existing behavior remains and it has an extra choice to "Remember previous state". This uses a cookie to keep the state as the user last had it. The name has changed slightly...
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.6.0 / Allow SubForum displays to be collapsed (Global)...
How do you want the SubForums to be shown by default?
New option added...
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.6.0 / Allow SubForum displays to be collapsed (Global)...
If no cookie exists show as...
04-13-2009, 02:38 PM
Damn a bug (when not using the collapse feature). Found & Fixed
Sorry :( but i thought you should know. Thank you for the update :)
04-13-2009, 02:50 PM
Udated and confirmed: no bugs. Thank you again.
04-14-2009, 08:55 AM
Sorry :( but i thought you should know. Thank you for the update :)
Glad you did as I'd rather be bug free ;) Took a bit to fix once I realized where the problem was and I forgot to test it without the collapse enabled
Udated and confirmed: no bugs. Thank you again.
Glad I could help
PS: Another user PM'd me that there was an issue. Found out that the "Ultimate Side Columns" Plug-In has an interaction issue with this. If anyone is using that one with this, changing the "parse_templates" order from 5 to 6 resolves it.
04-14-2009, 02:15 PM
As kindly requested by Sorky, here it is a screen shot of sub forum list in 1, 2 and 5 columns and the alphabetically sorting (in my case only in the 5 columns listing) working well:
04-15-2009, 02:35 AM
As kindly requested by Sorky, here it is a screen shot of sub forum list in 1, 2 and 5 columns and the alphabetically sorting (in my case only in the 5 columns listing) working well
Thanks for posting that - It shows very nicely how the multiple SubForum columns can be utilized.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to invite other users to share samples of how they have used this Plug-In ;)
Walter Ronny
04-15-2009, 05:36 PM
My pleasure & thanks for your appreciation. In the main post you will see a "Support the developer" link ;)
Try this option to change the comma...
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.5.2 / Separator to use between SubForum [original was , ]
Try this option to help with the line wrap...
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.5.2 / Use the full column width for the SubForum table
Try this option to change the SubForum list font, etc...
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.5.2 / SubForum Element (td) formatting
not sure if you understood me, doesnt work, anyway thx. :down:
04-16-2009, 07:30 AM
not sure if you understood me, doesnt work, anyway thx. :down:
Sorry to hear that - If you want to PM me a URL and access to your test server, I'm more than happy to have a quick look for you.
04-21-2009, 04:53 PM
1.6.1 produces invalid xhtml.
<div class="smallfont">
<!-- Sorky03 - vvvvv -->
<span id="Sorky03_ShowOrHide_span_xxxx"><strong>Discussion Forums</strong>:
<table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><table width="100%" bgcolor="#fff" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
a table cannot be contained within a span. the span needs to be closed.
looks like
// Finish the ShowOrHide span
// --------------------------
$Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideFinish_HTML .= "\r\n</span>";
is not working properly.
04-22-2009, 10:19 AM
1.6.1 produces invalid xhtml
Thanks for the clue - for XHTML a table cannot go within a span. I do close the span (so the code you highlighed is not the issue), just the fact that I use a span around the table. I did this as I want the "SubForums:" text AND the table to disappear.
Good news is there is a very easy fix - edit lines 271 and 275 of my product XML file and change "span" to "div" (ignore the ").
I have updated a copy on my machine as a new 1.6.2 version with this change, but as it is so minor and the product actually works (even though it produces XHTML that is technically invalid) I won't publish a formal update at this point in time (unless everyone desperately wants one).
04-25-2009, 10:12 PM
You might as well upload it or just add it to 1.6.1. I rather have valid xhtml
04-26-2009, 06:10 PM
Hey Sorky Thanks for the update. Its working fine on my site. If anyone would like to see a live example of Sorky's SubForum Control you can check it out on (
You can click on any of the main category tabs and you will see a show / hide button.
04-27-2009, 07:21 AM
Change Log
1. Addition of a debug information option
2. Changed a span to a div to make the plug-in XHTML compliant
3. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments
04-27-2009, 05:34 PM
Hey Sorky I just updated to 1.6.2 works great.
About the rss feed I remember I got that one a long time ago somewhere in the template mods section. I found it in my installed mods here is the one I use Rss Feed Icon for boards (
I'm actually going to install your Rss Icon since yours is up to date and offers admin controls thanks for letting me know about it.
04-27-2009, 11:51 PM
Hey Sorky I just updated to 1.6.2 works great.
About the rss feed I remember I got that one a long time ago somewhere in the template mods section. I found it in my installed mods here is the one I use Rss Feed Icon for boards (
I'm actually going to install your Rss Icon since yours is up to date and offers admin controls thanks for letting me know about it.
Yeah - I acknowledged kami as I got the icon from there ;)
Glad you like it :up:
04-28-2009, 01:30 AM
Hello. I want to hide/disable the forum itself to only show the sub-forums. Where can I modify that, if exist?
Thanks, nice addon :up:
04-28-2009, 02:13 AM
Hello. I want to hide/disable the forum itself to only show the sub-forums. Where can I modify that, if exist?
Thanks, nice addon :up:
Nothing to do with this plug-in, but I can help anyway...
Change your Forum to a Category : "vBulletin Options" / "Forum manager" / <Chosen Forum> / "Act as Forum" = NO
04-28-2009, 09:42 AM
Please add the function to display sub-forum moderators.
04-28-2009, 10:44 AM
Nothing to do with this plug-in, but I can help anyway...
Change your Forum to a Category : "vBulletin Options" / "Forum manager" / <Chosen Forum> / "Act as Forum" = NO
Thank you. With this function not showing properly in forumhome, but with "forum not open" seems better although not absolutely.
04-28-2009, 02:20 PM
You raise an interesting point Trotskid.
I would like to be able to have subcategories in a category. This is possible with the settings mentioned. But this will cause the category and sub-categories to become one ugly blue block on forum home, like Trotskid first screenshot shows. When you add several sub-categories this blue block becomes even larger and ugly.
Please add functionality to display sub-categories in a better way on forum home, while displaying the subcategories as normal categories on forumdisplay.
04-29-2009, 09:24 PM
You raise an interesting point Trotskid.
I would like to be able to have subcategories in a category. This is possible with the settings mentioned. But this will cause the category and sub-categories to become one ugly blue block on forum home, like Trotskid first screenshot shows. When you add several sub-categories this blue block becomes even larger and ugly.
Please add functionality to display sub-categories in a better way on forum home, while displaying the subcategories as normal categories on forumdisplay.
As far as I am aware, the Plug-In works really well in the ForumHome and in Categories (see image for an example from my test systems Forum Home). There are lots of setting, both in styles and in the options to let you customize the look and feel.
For the example picture, "Forum Listings Display Options" were...
"Depth of Forums - Forum Home" = 1
"Depth of Forums - Forum Display" = 1 <- Not actually applicable for Forum Home
"Depth of Sub-Forums" = 2
Il Pompa
05-01-2009, 01:48 PM
Great job!! Can you add the "alt code" on post counts when the mouse is over?
05-02-2009, 11:53 AM
Great job!! Can you add the "alt code" on post counts when the mouse is over?
To do what?
05-03-2009, 01:35 AM
As far as I am aware, the Plug-In works really well in the ForumHome and in Categories (see image for an example from my test systems Forum Home). There are lots of setting, both in styles and in the options to let you customize the look and feel.
Your test subcategory and testsubsubcategory show what I mean. They can barely be distinguished from each other. This is something that happens in vb by default. Is there a way to change the way categories are displayed on forum home, while keeping the display the same on forumdisplay?
05-03-2009, 07:52 PM
Sorky - amazing addon, thank you for contributing it. Marked as installed.
However, I have a few questions. Firstly, how do I modify the text color of the sub-forum links?
Secondly, is there a way to make the sub-forum area match the style (without the blue background stuff) of the regular forums? I know this doesn't really have anything to do with your addon, but I'm sure it will make the forums look better.
Thanks :)
05-04-2009, 06:48 AM
Firstly, how do I modify the text color of the sub-forum links?
Secondly, is there a way to make the sub-forum area match the style (without the blue background stuff) of the regular forums?
vBulletin Options
Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.6.2
SubForum list Formatting (combines with all previous settings)
You can put your HTML formatting here and it will be placed in the final HTML code for the page that is produced. Example...
SubForum Element (td) formatting
<td ... style="font-size:12px;">...SubForum Name...</td>
05-04-2009, 06:56 AM
Your test subcategory and testsubsubcategory show what I mean. They can barely be distinguished from each other. This is something that happens in vb by default. Is there a way to change the way categories are displayed on forum home, while keeping the display the same on forumdisplay?
Not quite sure what you mean...
In regards to different displays on ForumHome, the "forumbit" which displays the list of available Forums, which subsequently displays the included SubForums, is common no matter where you are.
It is possible to know what forum is being displayed and thus chose different behaviors - I do that to allow for different column counts for different forums.
I do not currently modify the style attributes of the existing display outside of the SubForum part - It would be possible to do other changes, but would be more logical in another PlugIn.
If that doesn't answer you, can you sketch what you mean?
M Shaker
05-04-2009, 10:02 PM
Thanks ... I like this one :D
05-05-2009, 02:28 PM
Great addon. Thanks!!
05-12-2009, 10:03 AM
Thanks for this mod.
I have a 3 requests
1st one is the same request as alpha1 has.
We have to make a extra forum to make it look like my picture. (see circle 1) I had to make an extra forum. If i do not my category shows and the forum depth is gone. If i change this the whole forum is altered and i do not want this.
We wish to maintain this look but the 1 category and beneath sub forum
3rd if you cannot fix 1st how can i delete the text : sub category or even better hide the multilanguage text :)
2nd in the second circle is it possible to fill the gap with more last posts from those forums? That would make it look nicer.
Thanks for your support.
05-13-2009, 10:47 AM
1st one is the same request as alpha1 has.
We have to make a extra forum to make it look like my picture. (see circle 1) I had to make an extra forum. If i do not my category shows and the forum depth is gone. If i change this the whole forum is altered and i do not want this.
We wish to maintain this look but the 1 category and beneath sub forum
Only way vBulletin provides to "group" forums is to put them inside one, and this is all about the SubForum display after all ;). Your choice on if it is a Forum or Category. If you make it a Forum, I'd suggest you have it closed for posting.
2nd in the second circle is it possible to fill the gap with more last posts from those forums? That would make it look nicer.
Would require a different hack - Cybernetec has one that may suffice:
3rd if you cannot fix 1st how can i delete the text : sub category or even better hide the multilanguage text :)
You can get rid of the "Sub-Forums:" by clearing the "Other formatting options (global) / SubForum heading.." in my PlugIns options
05-14-2009, 06:15 PM
Thank you Sorky!!!
05-21-2009, 12:16 PM
Change Log
1. Sort now works with SubForum children, grand-children, etc
2. Extra sort options so you can mix and match the sorting
3. Removed the indent yes/no option
4. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments
More details
1) Now fully supports alphabetic sorting with children, grand-children, etc, etc, etc
SubForum A
SubSubForum A
SubSubForum B
SubSubSubForum A
SubSubSubForum B
SubForum B
SubSubForum A
SubSubForum B
SubSubSubForum A
SubSubSubForum B
SubForum C
2) You can now have a all forums default to alphabetic-vertical sorting, but have a specific forum use forum order sorting
3) This option was not necessary, as you can simply erase the indent text from that option to get the same result ;)
Ok, I think this will do exactly what I want, however it doesn't appear to do anything on my forums.
It could just be the style I am using or something and makes this not work, but changing the config options doesn't appear to affect my forums display. And yes, I did turn the mod on in the config. ;)
05-21-2009, 08:34 PM
can anyone shed somelight here how toadd some curved box
05-21-2009, 10:12 PM
Ok, I think this will do exactly what I want, however it doesn't appear to do anything on my forums.
It could just be the style I am using or something and makes this not work, but changing the config options doesn't appear to affect my forums display. And yes, I did turn the mod on in the config. ;)
If you'd like to PM me a link, I'll take a look
05-23-2009, 12:03 AM
Hi Sorky
Firstly thanks for this great mod!
I have just noticed that there isn't any alt text with the collapse/expand images used to display the sub forums on the forums home page - can you advise where I can add this.
Also, I was wanting to add text "Click to expand" and "Click to contract" next to the button and again I am not sure exactly where I can add this - any suggestions?
Thanks Mate!
05-23-2009, 12:07 AM
thanks , going to install it within few days :)
05-23-2009, 07:21 AM
I have just noticed that there isn't any alt text with the collapse/expand images used to display the sub forums on the forums home page - can you advise where I can add this
Good idea - Only one image that gets swapped and alt text does not seem to want to change - Had to modify things a bit and make a new version
Not quite sure about your other request
05-23-2009, 07:23 AM
Change Log
1. Added 'alt' text for the show/hide images
2. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments
05-23-2009, 09:58 AM
hi! i have the problem on the screen. the text on 2 column it's not in one line. how can i solved this issue?
05-23-2009, 10:31 AM
hi! i have the problem on the screen. the text on 2 column it's not in one line. how can i solved this issue?
Assuming you have the width in the table, try this option to make the table use the full width available
vBulletin Options / Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.5.2 / Use the full column width for the SubForum table
Otherwise you just have to use less columns as the text simply will not fit in the space available.
05-24-2009, 12:37 AM
Good idea - Only one image that gets swapped and alt text does not seem to want to change - Had to modify things a bit and make a new version
Not quite sure about your other request
Thanks Sorky - v1.7.1 worked great
The other thing I was mentioning was not specific to your great mod but more of adding some text next to the collapse/expand button on my own site but I think I need to do it within your code somewhere as I can't seem to find where else to do it. One way is I could add the text in the expand/collapse image but that would lock the text colour with other styles on my site - see att
...and thanks again for a great mod!
05-24-2009, 12:59 AM
adding some text next to the collapse/expand button on my own site but I think I need to do it within your code somewhere
I guessed that was what you meant but wasn't totally sure. I actually tried it, but I wasn't really impressed with the result so I didn't publish it ;) I believe a much nicer solution would be to simply make an image with the text - that way the hover, click and alt all work the most effectively. It also saves doubling up on the text when images are disabled.
The new & improved implementation does still allow for it - If you really want to try using text, insert code at Line 342 and Line 345 - "$Sorky... = '<span style="...">Your text</span>';"
Try it and let me know - if you really want it, I can put it in to save you having a "hacked" version, but my 2c would go for the image.
05-24-2009, 11:00 AM
Change Log
1. Added 'alt' text for the show/hide images
What alt text is added? I am afraid that this will hurt SEO, by decreasing keyword density.
05-24-2009, 09:48 PM
What alt text is added? I am afraid that this will hurt SEO, by decreasing keyword density.
It simply allows you to add the text that appears when you hover over the image or if the image is not displayed.
If you don't want the text, don't enter it in the option.
05-25-2009, 11:46 PM
Ah great. Is it possible to use a variable? Like the forum name?
05-26-2009, 06:07 AM
Sorky this is a ripper, installed and nominated!!!!
05-26-2009, 06:40 AM
Sorky this is a ripper, installed and nominated!!!!
I (and obviously many others) wanted more than other Mods did.
Glad you like it ;)
Ah great. Is it possible to use a variable? Like the forum name?
Not currently. I could "eval" the option field, but I'm not crazy about doing that.
05-29-2009, 11:17 PM
Sorky, I'm still working on my new site. It's not open yet. I upgraded to 1.7.1 without any problems.
I did load another mod which seems to be in conflict with "Sorky Sub Forum List Control"
The mod is "Forum Minimum Age Restriction ("
When this mod is enabled the subforums on forumhome are not collapsible. I diabled it and then they were collapsible again.
I posted a message to IdanB ( about the conflict too. Any way you can take a look to see if these two mods could be made to work together?
Thnx, Kev
05-31-2009, 02:55 AM
I did load another mod which seems to be in conflict with "Sorky Sub Forum List Control"
The mod is "Forum Minimum Age Restriction ("
It certainly stops the show/hide and quite a lot more!!!
His mod will probably conflict with quite a few others as he makes a copy of the templates and then clears them before my Mod has a chance to dynamically modify them. Its a bit hard to modify something that isn't there ;)
The best fix is I believe to make his Mod copy and clear the the templates after we have a chance to modify them ;) Just make the following change...
Plugins & ProductsPlugin ManagerProduct : Forum Minimum Age / Datastore cache templates
Hook Location = parse_templates
Execution Order = 9
PS: For some reason I seemed to have to refresh my browser once or twice to get it to kick in.
05-31-2009, 12:02 PM
got a problem here though, after installing and setting up:
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in ....../forum/includes/functions_forumlist.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 1
05-31-2009, 09:15 PM
got a problem here though, after installing and setting up:
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in ....../forum/includes/functions_forumlist.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 1
If you can send me a URL and access, I'll be happy to take a look.
05-31-2009, 09:17 PM
* Thanks & Installed * :up:
06-02-2009, 07:40 AM
If you can send me a URL and access, I'll be happy to take a look.
I downgraded to 1.6.2 and it works fine :)
06-02-2009, 12:03 PM
I downgraded to 1.6.2 and it works fine :)
I'm still interested to know why it is a problem for you and if it will be a problem for others... Do you have a test system I can access? Or just PM me your site URL (without any access) so I can see if there is anything obvious.
06-04-2009, 05:30 PM
Hey Sorky.
I have a problem since I upgraded to the latest version. After logging in I get forced off at random. I first thought it was the browser being buggy or a new style I installed but it seems to only fail when the mod is enabled.
I use Firefox mostly but also tried IE. I cleared cookies and cache, rebooted, and also tried two different computers. I searched and set the cookie setting back to defaults with the tools.php file. I disabled version 1.7.1 and had no issues so I downloaded and installed it again (without an uninstall first) but the problem returned after enabling the mod.
I haven't tried to uninstall or to install an earlier version yet. Can you take a look?
06-05-2009, 11:07 AM
Can you take a look?
Sure - I did but nothing jumps out at me...I see you have made good use of the expand/collapse for different forums and the different widths - looks excellent ;-)
When you say you get forced off, I'm assuming you are talking about being logged off. I can't see how the heck that could happen. If you turn on the debug option, I can look at the settings. How was 1.7.0? I can look at the code diffs, but nothing jumps out at me.
06-05-2009, 01:03 PM
How was 1.7.0?
I went from 1.6.0 to 1.7.1
After this weekend I should have a little time to experiment. I will load a few of the other versions to see what difference it makes.
When you say you get forced off, I'm assuming you are talking about being logged off.
Yes, I get logged off...
If you turn on the debug option, I can look at the settings.
I turned it on
If you want to log in, I have a test login.... username: "testuser" pass: "test"
It usually doesnt take long to get kicked off...
06-06-2009, 03:38 AM
If you want to log in, I have a test login.... username: "testuser" pass: "test"
It usually doesnt take long to get kicked off...
It seems to behave in IE for me, but in FF I see what you mean!!! The settings and the page source all look correct and nothing strange that I can see... Very odd.
I've tested my own sites and have never seen anything like this no matter what browser or server and I have never had anything like this reported either. I'm guessing there must be an interaction issue somewhere.
From here it is the normal routine of debugging...
1) Disable all PlugIns and then enable mine (one hook at a time if necessary) then all the others to see where the problem comes from.
2) If it is only due to my Mod, then have to look at any template changes (try the default style)
3) If it still happens with the default style, then you'd have to check any manual changes to the installed PHP.
4) Try the previous versions of my Mod to see when the problem started and look at the changes
I you want to PM me an admin login I will be happy to run through that routine
06-09-2009, 04:56 PM
Ok. I did some work yesterday and was able to get site to stop forcing a log off. The bottom line: I had to load version 1.5.2
I started by removing all styles except for the default vbulletin style. I then disabled all plugins (except for yours) and was still being logged off. I then uninstalled v1.7.1 and installed the most recent prior version. The problem continued through all of the versions except or 1.5.2 (which I originally had installed)
The site isnt open yet so there hasnt been much activity. I originally installed vb3.8.1 and have since upgraded to 3.8.2. I have made a couple edits to php but nothing major. I kept a short list of any of the changes. Here is the list I kept:
Email Que Cron add-on: Cron based e-mail sending (
Edited admincp/email.php and includes/functions.php
Log in as user add-on: Admin Log In As User (
Made template edit so the link is visabe on the members profile page
Added text to MEMBERINFO
Welcome Headers add-on: Welcome headers - Improve community registration rates (
Removed the existing forumhome header info from the "FORUMHOME" template
Banned members log add-on: Banned Members Log (
Added line to /includes/config.php
Other than these edits there was nothing changed from the base vbulletin 3.8.2. No styles, or plugins and the other versions still didn't work. I am ok with using version 1.5.2 but thought the feature with the cookies was nice. Do you think something above may be in conflict?
06-09-2009, 11:27 PM
Other than these edits there was nothing changed from the base vbulletin 3.8.2. No styles, or plugins and the other versions still didn't work. I am ok with using version 1.5.2 but thought the feature with the cookies was nice. Do you think something above may be in conflict?
The fact that 1.5.2 works and it starts to cause issues after that pretty much has to be the cookies as that was the change from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0 and it was pretty small.
I ran 3.8.2 [clean] on my system and no probs, so I guess there is something in those changes you mentioned - Do any of them change the fetch_cookie or set_cookie functions? I guess the only way to be 100% sure is to run without them as well.
Another way to see if it is the cookies would be to remove lines 583, 576, 568 and 564 from the 1.7.1 version XML file (Note: the reverse order for deleting to not re-number the lines). Expand/Collapse will break, but at least we'll know it is the cookies - why becomes the next question
PS: Had a quick look at those other modifications and the "Admin Log In As User" plays with cookies, so it may be the place to start if cookies are the issue
06-10-2009, 05:54 PM
When I use the latest version (1.7.1) my forum doesn't load. When I revert to versioon Version: 1.5.1 everything works ok. Any ideas ?
06-11-2009, 12:00 AM
When I use the latest version (1.7.1) my forum doesn't load. When I revert to versioon Version: 1.5.1 everything works ok. Any ideas ?
PM me you URL and I'll look at it. If you can give me admin access and to a test site or do not mind if I add/remove the plugins I'll test it out.
06-11-2009, 10:25 PM
When I use the latest version (1.7.1) my forum doesn't load. When I revert to versioon Version: 1.5.1 everything works ok. Any ideas ?
Thanks for the link & login. Couldn't login but looking at your site was enough to show me you were using the 3.7.x version. To upgrade to the 3.8.x version you have to make sure you uninstall the old one after recording your settings as the 3.8 version uses a different product ID
06-11-2009, 10:51 PM
Thanks for the link & login. Couldn't login but looking at your site was enough to show me you were using the 3.7.x version. To upgrade to the 3.8.x version you have to make sure you uninstall the old one after recording your settings as the 3.8 version uses a different product ID
I never installed any version on the site before I installed the 3.8 version. I had to uninstall it when the index page wouldn't load. Then I went ahead and installed the 3.7 version and it worked fine.
I'm sorry about the login issue, you should be able to log in now.
06-12-2009, 08:07 AM
I never installed any version on the site before I installed the 3.8 version. I had to uninstall it when the index page wouldn't load. Then I went ahead and installed the 3.7 version and it worked fine.
I'm sorry about the login issue, you should be able to log in now.
Latest installed and seems AOK.
06-15-2009, 03:50 AM
I have installed this mod and I really wish I could get it to work!
I am confused as to how you set up Forums and Subforums.
Right now, I have several Categories. Within each category, I have forums.
Two of my Categories have a lot of forums. I want to use this mod on those two categories only! The rest of my forum list, I want left alone.
For example, One of my categories is for my sponsors and in that category, I have a forum for each sponsor.
Do I need to change the category to act as a forum? If I do that, then I won't have the category heading that I like.
Please help a confused vBulletin noob!
06-15-2009, 05:14 AM
Do I need to change the category to act as a forum? If I do that, then I won't have the category heading that I like.
In a nutshell, if your forum displays "SubForums: ...", this mod can be used to improve that display.
At Club-R I do not see that. You need to have child forums that are deep enough (eg: If there was a "regions" category inside the "communities" that contained NE, SE, etc, then it would likely do what you are after).
What option or Mod do you use to have each Category appear in its own table? If that was off and the forum home sub-forum depth is 1, then you may also see my Mod in action.
PS: Yes it does work for categories as well.
06-15-2009, 05:33 AM
Thanks for the help. I will try your suggestions. I think I understand what you mean.
06-15-2009, 09:27 AM
Thanks for the help. I will try your suggestions. I think I understand what you mean.
I see you figured it out - Hope it gives you what you want ;-)
PS: What option or Mod do you use to have each Category appear in its own table?
06-16-2009, 09:26 AM
If a forum is set to not show sub-forums, it still shows the text 'sub-forums:'
06-16-2009, 12:48 PM
If a forum is set to not show sub-forums, it still shows the text 'sub-forums:'
They were never really linked, but it does make sense. I'll have a look at it.
06-17-2009, 12:49 AM
Removed as this was a small change and I did another so I simply combined them in the next version
06-17-2009, 10:35 AM
Great job!! Can you add the "alt code" on post counts when the mouse is over?
I finally guessed what you meant... You wanted it to say "Threads/Posts" when you hover over the numbers.
PS: It was a span title rather than an alt code ;)
06-17-2009, 10:39 AM
<u>Change Log</u>
1. Hiding SubForums now hides the SubForums: prefix as well
2. Hover over the counts to see what they are (added title to the count span)
3. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments
06-19-2009, 01:06 AM
If you hide a sub-forum, that is actually a sub-sub-forum, then it will be hidden on the display of its parent. But it will not be hidden on the main forum index/ FORUMHOME.
- Forum A
- Forum B
-- subforum1
-- subforum2
--- subsubforum1
--- subsubforum2
--- subsubforum3
--- subsubforum4
- Forum C
- Forum D
If you hide the children of subforum2, then subsubforum1,2,3,4 will not show on the forumdisplay of Forum B. But they will still show on the main forum index.php while they should be hidden on the main forum index as well.
06-19-2009, 01:20 AM
If you hide a sub-forum, that is actually a sub-sub-forum, then it will be hidden on the display of its parent. But it will not be hidden on the main forum index/ FORUMHOME.
The option is designed to hide the SubForum display for a specified forum, not to specify a Forum that would not be visible (ie: you specify the parent). Hiding particular forums completely would be better served using forum permissions. Note also that the Forum-Jump-Menu would have them listed.
Although I do somewhat understand what you are asking, this Mod is more about cosmetics than security.
06-19-2009, 11:48 PM
For cosmetic reasons I would like to hide some subsubforums from index.php (forum index) while showing its parent subforum. Could you add this function?
06-21-2009, 12:23 AM
For cosmetic reasons I would like to hide some subsubforums from index.php (forum index) while showing its parent subforum. Could you add this function?
Would you not simply use the "Forum is Active" option in the actual subsubforums configuration? That hides it from view in all the displays (including the jump menu).
06-21-2009, 07:12 PM
I want them to be visible when viewing in its parent or its children. I only want to hide it from forum index (forum/index.php)
06-21-2009, 09:50 PM
Thanks for the awesome mod :-)
I was wondering how I can still have the Last Post, Threads and Posts Counts show for the subforums as done here:
06-21-2009, 10:04 PM
I was wondering how I can still have the Last Post, Threads and Posts Counts show for the subforums as done here:
There are options that lets you display the counts
06-21-2009, 11:44 PM
There are options that lets you display the counts
Thanks for your reply Sorky. I know I can have the counts display in brackets next to the forum title. But what I mean is, how does show 3 more columns (including Last Post) to the right of the subforums columns?
Which option enables that?
Thanks :)
06-22-2009, 12:18 AM
Which option enables that?
Those come from the standard vBulletin displays for a Forum... You are probably using a Category - In the Forum Manager, set the forums "Act as Forum" to Yes ;-)
06-22-2009, 11:21 AM
Hi. I wondering how can I hide a subforum from the forumhome to only appears inside the forum (when you?re inside the forum).
Thx ;)
06-22-2009, 01:52 PM
I want them to be visible when viewing in its parent or its children. I only want to hide it from forum index (forum/index.php)
Ok - I believe I have what you want ;)
Hi. I wondering how can I hide a subforum from the forumhome to only appears inside the forum (when you?re inside the forum).
May be related to the new feature I just did (see above), or may simply be the use of the existing "Forums to not show any SubForums" option
06-22-2009, 01:55 PM
Set that in VB Options/Forum Listings Display Options and if I remember correctly set the 1st setting for forum home display to 1 and the subs will only show when the forum is opened.
06-22-2009, 01:58 PM
Change Log
1. Extra option added to allow specific forums to not show up in the SubForum list
2. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments
More detail
For change 1 see...
vBulletin Options
Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.7.4Miscellaneous Options (combines with all previous settings)Forums that should NOT be listed in the SubForum
06-22-2009, 02:03 PM
Cool Sorky, thanks - OBM updates!
06-22-2009, 02:23 PM
or may simply be the use of the existing "Forums to not show any SubForums" option
Thank you Sorky :up:
06-26-2009, 12:55 AM
Thank you!
07-28-2009, 06:42 PM
Since ive installed this I had some issues, when i disabled it , it automatically put my forum in to columns regardless of it being disabled... how do I resolve this?
07-28-2009, 09:58 PM
Since ive installed this I had some issues, when i disabled it , it automatically put my forum in to columns regardless of it being disabled... how do I resolve this?
PM me your URL and an admincp login and I'll check your settings and the styles.
07-28-2009, 11:42 PM
I can give you the forum url ( and thats about it sorry :(
07-29-2009, 01:10 AM
I can give you the forum url ( and thats about it sorry :(
Looked - I cannot help as you do not even have my plugin installed. I would be happy to install it for you if you would like (PM me).
08-07-2009, 08:21 PM
I had this going perfect then something happened and I can't get this to display my subforms in columns right.
Forum structure is:
-Venues (form closed/header only)
----team 1 ----team 2 ----team3
----team4 ----team5 ----etc
I have adjusted the forum listing display options to no avail. Any idea what happened or what am i doing wrong?
08-07-2009, 11:44 PM
I had this going perfect then something happened and I can't get this to display my subforms in columns right.
Turn the debug option on and PM me a URL and I'll take a look...
08-08-2009, 10:51 AM
How does this mod differ from Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager?
08-08-2009, 03:54 PM
How does this mod differ from Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager?
I once used his but I wanted more...
a different number of columns for different forums
vertical sorting
sub-subforums can be shown with indent
08-09-2009, 04:06 AM
Very nice - installed
One question.
I have the std and a dark style on my forum, is there a way to make it use the default background colours, its the only thing spoiling it at the minute, other wise excellent.
08-09-2009, 04:47 AM
One question.
I have the std and a dark style on my forum, is there a way to make it use the default background colours, its the only thing spoiling it at the minute, other wise excellent.
Easy - Adjust the formatting in "SubForum list Formatting (combines with all previous settings)"
use class="@@@" and define @@@ as you want it in each style ;-)
08-09-2009, 05:00 AM
Easy - Adjust the formatting in "SubForum list Formatting (combines with all previous settings)"
use class="@@@" and define @@@ as you want it in each style ;-)
wonderful thanks - 100% improved
08-15-2009, 09:28 AM
I can give you the forum url ( and thats about it sorry :(
I see you now have it working - great news. Please remember to mark as installed.
08-16-2009, 02:12 PM
Change Log
1. Description for the SubForums (as alt text)
2. Description for the SubForums (before/after the count)
3. Other minor coding and commenting adjustments
More detail
08-17-2009, 05:48 AM
Fantastic! thank you Sorky!
Is this MOD compatible with this hack? ForumHome Category Spacing [3.8] (
And one more request! as you know, it's impossible to prevent showing subforums for certain forums on homepage by default, is this feature available now on your MOD?!
08-17-2009, 07:17 AM
Fantastic! thank you Sorky!
Is this MOD compatible with this hack? ForumHome Category Spacing [3.8] (
And one more request! as you know, it's impossible to prevent showing subforums for certain forums on homepage by default, is this feature available now on your MOD?!
You can easily test by loading and enabling mine - If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll be happy to investigate.
My PlugIn has an option to hide specific SubForums (they must be in the "SubForums:..." section).
09-01-2009, 11:10 PM
OUCH! :eek: I'm getting this error:
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in localhost:\path\to\forums\includes\functions_forum list.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 2
Running vBulletin 3.8.4, and version 1.8.0 of this mod.
09-02-2009, 12:22 AM
Unexpected character in input: (ASCII=30) state=2
I can understand the character existing but it is usually removed - unless some other PlugIn or a manual template change is interfering.
Running vBulletin 3.8.4, and version 1.8.0 of this mod.
I have that same setup verified here, so there must be something else...
Standard debugging...
Disable all PlugIns except this and make sure it is working with a completely default standard style.
Try with your other styles.
Re-enable other Plug-Ins one by one.
I'll be happy to have a look for you if you PM me a link and login.
09-03-2009, 01:58 AM
I'm developing on my local machine, not able to give access to that. :)
But I did install your mod in a default vBulletin installation, with no other changed settings or templates or add-ons. And still get this:
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=29) state=2 in localhost:\path\to\forums\includes\functions_forum list.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 2
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in localhost:\path\to\forums\includes\functions_forum list.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 2
Notice the two different ASCII references. These two lines of error messages repeat themselves down the whole page of the site.
09-03-2009, 09:35 AM
If it is stock-standard, I'd expect myself and everyone to have the same problem...
But if you say so, there must be something else...
Web Server?
PHP version?
MySQL version?
I've sent you a PM with a suggested edit - let me know how it goes!
09-03-2009, 11:22 PM
Windows XP Home
Apache 2.0.55
PHP 5.2.1
MySQL 5.0.37
I've replied to your PM.
09-04-2009, 12:05 AM
Okay, I tried it on the remote server on my test board, and it works perfectly there. Very strange! But glad to know it will work for my members. :)
09-04-2009, 03:20 PM
Okay, I tried it on the remote server on my test board, and it works perfectly there. Very strange! But glad to know it will work for my members. :)
Glad it is working... Now if only I can figure out why you had trouble:confused:
09-05-2009, 10:32 PM
It can only be a local setting on my Apache or something. I don't have the time or ambition to track it down, but long as it works on the live server for visitors, that's good enough for me. Thanks. :)
09-07-2009, 05:06 AM
It can only be a local setting on my Apache or something. I don't have the time or ambition to track it down, but long as it works on the live server for visitors, that's good enough for me. Thanks. :)
For what it is worth, my test system uses...
Windows XP Pro
Apache 2.2.8
PHP 5.2.6
MySQL 5.0.51b
09-25-2009, 03:20 AM
Hi Sorky,
Thanks for this hack but I got some problem from this. I set SubForum "Sort Alphabetically" but it doesn't work. When any subforums had a new post and it auto-sort to the first.
I set Depth of Sub-Forums = 1.
I need your help!
10-01-2009, 07:11 AM
Thanks for this hack but I got some problem from this. I set SubForum "Sort Alphabetically" but it doesn't work. When any subforums had a new post and it auto-sort to the first.
Sent you a PM asking for admin access so I can check it out - or you can turn debug on and I can have a quick look... Never had any issue with sorting before, but to be honest I never investigated the sorting in non-English, so I may need to do something due to that.
10-01-2009, 08:45 AM
installed :) thankies :D:
10-02-2009, 06:26 AM
Sent you a PM asking for admin access so I can check it out - or you can turn debug on and I can have a quick look... Never had any issue with sorting before, but to be honest I never investigated the sorting in non-English, so I may need to do something due to that.
Hi Sorky,
I was waiting for your reply, thanks! :up:
But I don't see any PM from you and I turn on debug mode, you can take a look here (
This is the log:
<script type="text/javascript">
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.8.0 - Debug Information
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default behaviour (value in brackets below) = 5
// (0) Forums with original SubForum behaviour =
// (1) Forums with SubForums hidden =
// (2) Forums with the new SubForum formatting =
// (3) Forums with 1 SubForum column =
// (4) Forums with 2 SubForum columns =
// (5) Forums with 3 SubForum columns =
// (6) Forums with 4 SubForum columns =
// (7) Forums with 5 SubForum columns =
// (8) Forums with 6 SubForum columns =
// (9) Forums with 7 SubForum columns =
// (10) Forums with 8 SubForum columns =
// (11) Forums with 9 SubForum columns =
// (12) Forums with 10 SubForum columns =
// Should SubForum length be limited (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N) = 3
// SubForums to limit or not (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// Maximum number of SubForums to show = 0
// How to display more (0=text/1=link/2=expand) = 2
// Text to use if there are hidden SubForums = <More...>
// Text to use if there are SubForums to be hidden = <Less...>
// SubForum Descriptions (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N) = 3
// SubForums for descriptions (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// SubForum Description mode (0=N,1=Anchor,2=Before,3=After) = 0
// Max length of SubForum description = 50
// Characters that indicate the description is cut off = ...
// Characters to preceed the SubForum description = <
// Characters to follow the SubForum description = >
// SubForum outer box table formatting =
// SubForum table formatting =
// SubForum element formatting =
// SubForum sorting (0=H,1=AH,2=AV,3=V) = 1
// Sort ForumOrder-Horizontal Forums =
// Sort ForumOrder-Vertical Forums =
// Sort Alphabetic-Horizontal Forums =
// Sort Alphabetic-Vertical Forums =
// Text to indent with =
// Separator to use between SubForum names =
// SubForums to not display in the SubForum list =
// Should Forums show counts on SubForum (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N) = 3
// Forums to show or not (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// Should the count include Sub-SubForums (0=A,1=I,2=E,3=N) = 3
// Forums to count or not (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// Count display format (0=N,1=T,2=P,3=TP,4=PT) = 0
// Count start character = (
// Count middle character = /
// Count end character = )
// Count formatting HTML = style="font-size:10px; color:darkgray;"
// Hide zero counts (1=Y,0=N) = 0
// Should Forums show counts (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N) = 3
// Forums to show or not (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// Allow collapse of SubForum list (0=A,1=S,2=U,3=N) = 3
// Forums to allow or not (only if the above = 1 or 2) =
// Expand (Show) image = images/buttons/collapse_thead_collapsed.gif
// Expand (Show) alt text = Show SubForums
// Collapse (Hide) image = images/buttons/collapse_thead.gif
// Collapse (Hide) alt text = Hide SubForums
// Expanded/Collapsed/Previous default (0=E,1=C,2=P) = 2
// Default if the above = 2 (0=E,1=C) = 1
// SubForum heading text =
// Forum description formatting HTML = class="smallfont" style="margin: 10px 10px 0px 10px"
// Align icons to the top (1=Y,0=N) = 0
// Use full column width (1=Y,0=N) = 1
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10-03-2009, 01:48 AM
Hi. It's possible hide a sub-subforum from the subforums page?
Something like that:
10-03-2009, 04:48 PM
is there any way to change the sup forum color from this mod
10-07-2009, 12:14 AM
Mod raises dozens of
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in /myforumpath/includes/functions_forumlist.php(501) : eval()'d code on line 1
10-07-2009, 11:56 AM
I turn on debug mode, you can take a look here
I have duplicated all your settings for my mod on my system and it all works perfectly for me... Either a problem with the character set (Vietnamese?) or some other setting. What settings do you have for the "Forum Listings Display Options"?
10-07-2009, 12:01 PM
is there any way to change the sup forum color from this mod
Of course, just look at the sample screen shots in the first post or from others!
I put some default values (style="font-size:12px;" bgcolor="#DDDDDD") in the options so that you would know what could be entered and where. Edit or remove as required. ;)
10-07-2009, 12:04 PM
Mod raises dozens of Warning...
I had this reported before, but have not been able to reproduce it. Scroll down a couple of posts and you will see the discussion about it. The reporter did not have the problem on the their live system, only the test system, so I presume it has to be an issue with the PHP version or some setting in the server.
I'm happy to try and help if I can.
10-07-2009, 12:08 PM
Hi. It's possible hide a sub-subforum from the subforums page?
It looks like you have the "Forum Listings Display Options" / "Depth of Forums - Forum Home" &/ "Depth of Forums - Forum Display" set as 2. I think you will be happier with them set as 1.
10-07-2009, 12:49 PM
I had this reported before, but have not been able to reproduce it. Scroll down a couple of posts and you will see the discussion about it. The reporter did not have the problem on the their live system, only the test system, so I presume it has to be an issue with the PHP version or some setting in the server.
I'm happy to try and help if I can.
It is production server, testvb instalation. It raises warnings to all chr29 and chr30 manipulations. I do not understand why are you using this two markers, so can not fix it.
10-07-2009, 09:05 PM
I do not understand why are you using this two markers, so can not fix it.
Char 29 & 30 are used as they would not impact any forum names. You can always open my XML file and do a search and replace in my product xml of "chr(29)" to "chr(221)" and "chr(30)" to "chr(222)" <Check if those numbers work and are not valid in your character set>
10-08-2009, 08:55 AM
I have duplicated all your settings for my mod on my system and it all works perfectly for me... Either a problem with the character set (Vietnamese?) or some other setting. What settings do you have for the "Forum Listings Display Options"?
Depth of Forums - Forum Home: 2
Depth of Forums - Forum Display: 0
Depth of Sub-Forums: 1
I sent you an PM now you can access to my forum to have a quick look.
P/S: My forum use Vietnamese but some box like Sony PlayStation they have many child forums (PS, PS2, PS3, PSP) but sorting problem is always appear...
10-09-2009, 03:28 PM
It looks like you have the "Forum Listings Display Options" / "Depth of Forums - Forum Home" &/ "Depth of Forums - Forum Display" set as 2. I think you will be happier with them set as 1.
That's it. Thank you!
10-12-2009, 12:05 PM
I sent you an PM now you can access to my forum to have a quick look.
Sorry for the delay... I had a look and I can see that it is trying to sort, but the alphabetic order is getting confused. You can see this by selecting the different sorting options and you will see that the display order does change.
Two options now are:
1) Give me a higher login access so I can check the forums, styles and the plug-in code
2) Manually set the 'forum display order' that you would like to see each SubForum appear in [do this in the forum manager] and set my PlugIns sorting option as "forum display order across/down"
Let me know how you go!
10-13-2009, 02:11 AM
1) Give me a higher login access so I can check the forums, styles and the plug-in code
I choose this one and you can check my forums again.
Hope the problem will be solved soon. :)
10-13-2009, 12:09 PM
I choose this one and you can check my forums again
I believe I have it working properly... Seems that your site also has issues with chr(29) and chr(30) [it strips them which stuffs up my PlugIn]
I did a search and replace in my product xml of "chr(29)" to "chr(221)" and "chr(30)" to "chr(222)" which seems to have solved everything. Not sure it those characters will have an impact on the names given the Vietnamese character set. Let me know how it goes before I make this a permanent change for all.
10-14-2009, 04:23 AM
Thank you and love you so much! :D
Sorting fuction seems to be work but some characters in Vietnamese was sorted not correctly.
Now: A - B - C .. - Z - ? - ? - 1 - 2 - 3 (???)
Correct (in vietnamese): 1 - 2 - 3 - A - ? - ? (or ? Ạ ? Ả) - B - C ... - Z
Would you please to help me again?
10-14-2009, 08:36 AM
Thank you and love you so much! :D
My pleasure, although I still need to ensure that chr(221) and chr(222) are not valid characters in your character set that may be used in a forum name.
Correct (in vietnamese): 1 - 2 - 3 - A - ? - ? (or ? Ạ ? Ả) - B - C ... - Z
I did notice that, however I am not aware of a way to solve this. I use the inbuilt php function "strcasecmp" to do the sorting which gives the result you see. If someone is aware of a php function that will sort correctly for a Vietnamese character set, I will be more than happy to investigate this further.
Log on
10-14-2009, 08:50 AM
thank u
10-24-2009, 02:54 AM
Is there a solution that does this not only for the forumhome but also when viewing category and forum pages?
My Forumhome ( , Category page ( , Forum page (
See how the last two could benefit from having the sub-forums organized like forumhome. This is the solution that I really need.
10-26-2009, 06:57 AM
Is there a solution that does this not only for the forumhome but also when viewing category and forum pages?
Can't see your examples at the moment, however I the PlugIn does work at any level. I'm sure that you have the Forum list display options / Forum home depth > 1 - Just make sure that the forum display option is also > 1
10-27-2009, 10:36 AM
Hi Sorky, thanks for this great addition.
One question though:
I use a Depth of Forums - Forum Home = 2 and would like to contiune to use this setting. I'd like to have certain forumids show their subforums in your compressed list-style and leave te remaining ones as they are now. Is this possible with the current product?
10-27-2009, 12:54 PM
Great plugin!! Is there a way I can get the Sub-Forum description to be on the line below?
Never considered that, but it is definitely possible! This is what I just tried in the options and I liked the result!
Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - V1.8.0
/ Display SubForum Descriptions (combines with all previous settings)
/ Prefix text
= <br /> <
PS: I looked at your forum and you definitely can use this PlugIn to manage your SubForums! Enjoy!
10-27-2009, 01:05 PM
I use a Depth of Forums - Forum Home = 2 and would like to contiune to use this setting. I'd like to have certain forumids show their subforums in your compressed list-style and leave te remaining ones as they are now. Is this possible with the current product?
Sure is! Have a look at just some of the options (
Image was the earlier version with up to 5 columns and the text may not be clear, so a quick summary...
Choose any of the following as the default AND specify forum number(s) against any of them to override the default for that forum!
No change
Formatting only (no columns)
One column
Two columns
Three columns
Four columns
Five columns
Six columns
Seven columns
Eight columns
Nine columns
Ten columns
10-28-2009, 01:47 PM
Sorky I must say this plugin is great! vB should have incorporated all of these features to begin. My members definitely noticed a difference and all love it. Thanks a lot, and thanks for the help via PM's also!!!
Nominated + installed
11-02-2009, 10:23 AM
Sorting fuction seems to be work but some characters in Vietnamese was sorted not correctly.
Now: A - B - C .. - Z - ? - ? - 1 - 2 - 3 (???)
Correct (in vietnamese): 1 - 2 - 3 - A - ? - ? (or ? Ạ ? Ả) - B - C ... - Z
I just found out about this... setlocale(LC_COLLATE, 'English');
If used with Vietnamese instead of English it may fix the sorting
11-06-2009, 05:10 PM
Simply awesome...
Very useful MOD.
Congratz... :up:
11-08-2009, 06:40 PM
Great mod and good job on it. I wish I would have found it earlier. I have a small issue that I just can't figure out. I got the rest to look exactly how I want except for this.
I want to eliminate the space between the main forum's description and the sub-forum title. Attached is a screen shot.
I'm stumped. :o
11-08-2009, 08:59 PM
I want to eliminate the space between the main forum's description and the sub-forum title. Attached is a screen shot.
Best you can hope for would be to use table formatting options to minimize padding and spacing or to adjust the position...
Put formatting in here: "SubForum Outer Box (table) formatting"
or here: "SubForum Table (table) formatting"
PS: You can use "style=...
11-09-2009, 11:45 AM
PS: You can use "style=...
I'm sorry but I don't understand what it is I'm supposed to do. :(
11-11-2009, 12:23 AM
I'm sorry but I don't understand what it is I'm supposed to do. :(
You can insert CSS style options into the HTML for either the inner or outer table so as to adjust the display of that table. I just googled "table position CSS" and found "" which has some great examples. I even tried one as follows...
SubForum Outer Box (table) formatting
11-17-2009, 12:39 PM
I can't seem to get the subforums to display like I would like. I don't want to list the last post, threads and post colums in the forums that I have enable your mod (see attachment) I want the subforum list table to span across the width of the category table.
I played around forum listing display display options and it seems if I chose anything other than 2 for the depth of forum home, the subforums won't appear at all.
Any suggestions?
GHC Webmaster
11-17-2009, 02:00 PM
I can't seem to get the subforums to display like I would like. I don't want to list the last post, threads and post colums in the forums that I have enable your mod (see attachment) I want the subforum list table to span across the width of the category table.
Any suggestions?
I have something like that (similar to for example and you will have to edit templates (and be familiar with html) to achieve that.
11-17-2009, 04:01 PM
Are you also using this mod to achieve that look, or is that all manual template mods you are using?
GHC Webmaster
11-18-2009, 02:26 PM
Are you also using this mod to achieve that look, or is that all manual template mods you are using?
I'm using this mod as well. By the way: ubuntuforums does have a last post (in a different layout), we don't.
You can have a look at
(The forums itself are members only, but you can see the front page.)
11-20-2009, 02:22 AM
I can't seem to get the subforums to display like I would like. I don't want to list the last post, threads and post colums in the forums that I have enable your mod (see attachment) I want the subforum list table to span across the width of the category table.
In vBulletin, you can have a Forum or a Category [See option "Act as Forum (Will act as category if no)"]. If you made "Coral" a Category, the last post, etc would not appear, but it would also no longer allow posts in that location, just in the SubForums.
Formatting and appearance of the rest of the forum display is outside the scope of this PlugIn.
Having the columns hidden if there are SubForums would be possible to achieve by doing custom template modifications or through another PlugIn.
11-20-2009, 10:50 PM
You can have a look at
(The forums itself are members only, but you can see the front page.)
Thanks for sharing - Looks like my PlugIn was perfect for you and your template mods work nicely with it! :up:
GHC Webmaster
11-29-2009, 12:55 PM
Thanks. Are you planning on recoding it for VB 4.0?
11-29-2009, 10:09 PM
Thanks. Are you planning on recoding it for VB 4.0?
I do intend to.
I do intend to.
Good luck, I'll wait.
GHC Webmaster
11-30-2009, 02:33 PM
Good to hear. As we purchased a license for the full suite and intend to use it.
Thanks in advance!
Thomas P
12-21-2009, 02:37 PM
How many queries does this add to forumhome please?
12-21-2009, 08:00 PM
Im not sure about that, but it runs fine on my large board and I have at least 6k concurrent users most of the time.
I do intend to.
I appreciate it Sorky.
Thomas P
12-22-2009, 12:06 AM
Im not sure about that, but it runs fine on my large board and I have at least 6k concurrent users most of the timeHave you measured the microseconds of php execution time before & after? I did 0.077 compared to 0.126 ;)
Honestly: Thanks for your post, if it runs fine with that much users online I'll give it a try.
Bram H
12-25-2009, 02:53 PM
Dear Sorky,
Will you upgrade this mod to vB 4. All other subforum managers miss your feature to enable it only on forums you would like to display the subforums!!
Keep up the good work!
Thomas P
12-28-2009, 07:06 AM
Hello Sorky,
great hack, as far as I tested it works good.
But: Validate is awful, a lot of (X)HTML errors are thrown:
Maybe you could have a look, Thanks
12-29-2009, 03:24 AM
Validate is awful, a lot of (X)HTML errors are thrown:
Strange - I have previously done just that and cleaned up anything I saw - maybe a variation in options shows up an issue - can you PM me a link to look at or email me the html produced (turn on the debug option)
Dear Sorky,
Will you upgrade this mod to vB 4. All other subforum managers miss your feature to enable it only on forums you would like to display the subforums!!
Working on it ;-)
Thanks for your post, if it runs fine with that much users online I'll give it a try.
Nothing like a practical test for confirmation!
How many queries does this add to forumhome please?
NO SQL at all. Just extra php code to adjust the information provided - amount of code it executes depends on the options you choose. See above answer ;-)
Thomas P
12-29-2009, 10:34 AM
Strange - I have previously done just that and cleaned up anything I saw - maybe a variation in options shows up an issue - can you PM me a link to look at or email me the html produced (turn on the debug option) Thanks, awesome
NO SQL at all. Just extra php code to adjust the information provided - amount of code it executes depends on the options you choose. See above answer ;-)Ok, fair enough for me :)
01-02-2010, 10:53 AM
Thanks, awesome :)
Bit of a delay - holiday season and all ;-)
I had a look at your main & test boards and there is a variation in content, and the first validation error is in the content, not in due to my PlugIn - Would be a good idea for you to do a validation with my PlugIn uninstalled (or simply disabled) and then enable it and re-validate.
The next error look like an old rule violation (that actually worked) that I fixed a long time ago - what version of my PlugIn did you install? Make sure it is the latest, turn the debug option on and I will then take another look.
Thomas P
01-02-2010, 03:58 PM
Thanks, ok.
I will send you PN as soon as we've installed your PlugIn. We use v1.8.0.
Thomas P
01-04-2010, 06:42 AM
Ok, it's installed.
We had to change the following (last) line in the Plugin Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - forumbit_display
// If the SubForums can be collapsed (ShowOrHide) then set the HTML that is inserted in the parse_templates section
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($Sorky03_SubForumsExist = ($Sorky03_SubForumListText != ''))
// Starts the ShowOrHide div
// -------------------------
$Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideStart_HTML .= "\r\n" . '<!-- Sorky03 - vvvvv -->';
$Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideStart_HTML .= "\r\n" . '<div id="Sorky03_ShowOrHide_div_' . $forumid . '">';
// Finish the ShowOrHide div
// -------------------------
//Comment here $Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideFinish_HTML .= "\r\n</div>";
$Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideFinish_HTML .= "\r\n";
Since we don't use collapsible subforums the extra </div> caused many validation errors
Thanks, your AddOn works great.
01-08-2010, 06:05 AM
I do intend to.
Thank you so much !
I need this like BAD Sorky.
I've created about 1,600 forums, and There'll just about ALL sub-forums.
Bless You,
01-10-2010, 04:07 AM
We had to change the following (last) line in the Plugin
Now that you have pointed it out, I remember noticing that my PlugIns subforum table start mark was not in your original page source and therefore the start div would have been omitted as well! Your solution of removing the ending div works by virtue of the fact that the start was not inserted, but it doesn't really solve the problem safely. The most likely cause for the start div not being inserted is a manual edit of the templates or using a style that is not fully compatible [I mention this in the release notes (]. I'd be interested in hearing which it was for you.
My plugin inserts the start div where the <strong>$vbphrase[subforums]</strong>: is in these templates: forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost forumhome_forumbit_level1_post forumhome_forumbit_level2_nopost forumhome_forumbit_level2_post
To go back to using an unedited version of my PlugIn you can either (a) revert the templates to their original or (b) insert <strong>$vbphrase[subforums]</strong>: into the mentioned templates just before the $forum[subforums] // Don't worry as my PlugIn has an option to then edit/remove it!
01-10-2010, 05:23 AM
I really like this modification, so I tagged it. I will download and install it when I know if this is compatible with vB 4.0 -- can you update it for compatibility?
Thomas P
01-11-2010, 05:24 AM
@Sorky: I agree, it definetely could be our style. I'll check - thanks.
01-14-2010, 12:20 PM
New update available for 4.0.x (WILL NOT WORK WITH ANY 3.x version of vBulletin) (
No changes to the current version for those still on 3.8.x - just letting those wanting it on 4.0.x know I have migrated it across.
The current version (this thread) is for 3.8.x and also works for 3.7.x and 3.6.x (
01-23-2010, 04:33 PM
Please add the function to display sub-forum moderators.
Has this functionality been added since then? If not, then could you please add it? I really need this.
01-25-2010, 10:24 AM
Has this functionality been added since then? If not, then could you please add it? I really need this.
It hasn't and has not been requested from others either - A bit beyond my desire I'm afraid.
01-25-2010, 05:11 PM
Is there any way I can motivate you to add this?
01-31-2010, 10:14 AM
Is there any way I can motivate you to add this?
First I'd need to understand what it is you want - can you post some kind of example?
01-31-2010, 06:20 PM
If a subforum has a moderator, then I'd like this to display in the moderator column on forum index.
Lets say a 1 forum(forum A) has a 4 subforums(subforum 1,2,3,4).
The moderator column on forum index currently lists the moderators of forum A. (Moderator A, Moderator B, Moderator C)
The sub-forum moderators of subforum 1,2,3 and 4 should be listed under the moderators of forum A. Like:
Moderator A, Moderator B, Moderator C
Subforum Moderators: Moderator 1, Moderator 2, Moderator 3Does that make sense?
02-01-2010, 12:12 AM
02-02-2010, 06:45 PM
Is there a solution that does this not only for the forumhome but also when viewing category and forum pages?
My Forum page (
See how the last two could benefit from having the sub-forums organized like forumhome. This is the solution that I really need.
Can't see your examples at the moment, however I the PlugIn does work at any level. I'm sure that you have the Forum list display options / Forum home depth > 1 - Just make sure that the forum display option is also > 1
Sorry About that my forum is down for reconstruction.
This is what I currently have:
Example shown in ver3.8 using Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager
The way that the sub-forums are listed it's almost impossible for a user to ever realize that there are actually posts down below.
View Full Size (
And this is what I'd like to achieve:
Photoshop Mock up of the same page corrected
View Full Size (
The Mock up is, of course, the ideal situation but anything would be better than what I have now.
02-05-2010, 04:08 AM
Does that make sense?
That helps... This PlugIn doesn't (and wont) touch anything but the SubForum display.
That is not to say that another PlugIn could not be done to do what you are after - would take a bit of work cascading down through SubForums, but is definitely doable.
The Mock up is, of course, the ideal situation but anything would be better than what I have now.
There is a lot of confusion here due to the way vBulletin refer to Forums, SubForums and Sub-SubForums. The first section in the display (which is known as the ForumList) is in reality showing a list of SubForums of the current Forum, however in the views of vBulletin they are Forums inside the current Forum. In vBulletin terms, SubForums exist as a layer below the ForumList and are displayed in the "SubForums: ......" section.
A simplistic view of this PlugIn is that it simply takes the "SubForums: ......" text and re-formats it and therefore cannot help with the issue you describe. Funnily enough, your mock-up is actually what you see in the forum above your current forum, which is where this PlugIn can do its magic.
As this PlugIn does not modify the actual ForumList section (just a small part of the contect) it cannot and it is not appropriate to have it help with what you need. You could consider modifying the forum display templates yourself or see if there is another PlugIn that would help in terms of a "Forum List Control"
02-05-2010, 11:18 PM
That helps... This PlugIn doesn't (and wont) touch anything but the SubForum display.
That is not to say that another PlugIn could not be done to do what you are after - would take a bit of work cascading down through SubForums, but is definitely doable.
There is a lot of confusion here due to the way vBulletin refer to Forums, SubForums and Sub-SubForums. The first section in the display (which is known as the ForumList) is in reality showing a list of SubForums of the current Forum, however in the views of vBulletin they are Forums inside the current Forum. In vBulletin terms, SubForums exist as a layer below the ForumList and are displayed in the "SubForums: ......" section.
A simplistic view of this PlugIn is that it simply takes the "SubForums: ......" text and re-formats it and therefore cannot help with the issue you describe. Funnily enough, your mock-up is actually what you see in the forum above your current forum, which is where this PlugIn can do its magic.
As this PlugIn does not modify the actual ForumList section (just a small part of the contect) it cannot and it is not appropriate to have it help with what you need. You could consider modifying the forum display templates yourself or see if there is another PlugIn that would help in terms of a "Forum List Control"
Thank you for your response. I'll see what I can do to create this. I had asked this about a year ago on another mods thread and the question was ignored. Thanks again!
02-07-2010, 07:24 PM
I get this error if i enable the addon:
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=29) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=29) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=29) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=29) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=29) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=29) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=30) state=2 in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 1
02-28-2010, 01:58 AM
I removed the "sub-forum:" heading, but I still get "-->" being displayed above my sub-forums.
The code reads:
<div id="Sorky03_ShowOrHide_div_xx"> --> <ul class="subforum">
How do I remove that??
03-02-2010, 07:06 AM
I removed the "sub-forum:" heading, but I still get "-->" being displayed above my sub-forums.
The code reads:
<div id="Sorky03_ShowOrHide_div_xx"> --> <ul class="subforum">
How do I remove that??
If you are using vb4, use the version of my mod specifically for it ( ;-)
Otherwise, it looks like you have customized your forumhome_forumbit_level#_XXpost templates - Revert them and let my mod remove the title.
03-02-2010, 07:07 AM
I get this error if i enable the addon:
There are other posts below relating to that, please read through the thread. Most likely cause is a modified template that my plugin cannot work with
03-02-2010, 03:28 PM
If you are using vb4, use the version of my mod specifically for it ( ;-)
Otherwise, it looks like you have customized your forumhome_forumbit_level#_XXpost templates - Revert them and let my mod remove the title.
Using vb 3.8.4. I edited the templates in question and just removed the "-->" syntax. All good now. Thank you!
03-10-2010, 09:59 PM
Sorky, how can i stop this gap from appearing every time i enable your mod please?
EDIT: sorry got it, had to change "Forum description (div) formatting [original was class="smallfont"]" from 10px
to 0px
03-28-2010, 02:34 PM
In 2 years im using vbulletin this mod is ONE OF THE BEST MODS iv seen.
Incredible and very usefull THANKS !
03-29-2010, 11:41 AM
In 2 years im using vbulletin this mod is ONE OF THE BEST MODS iv seen.
Incredible and very usefull THANKS !
Why thanks - I'm glad you like it :o
Sorky, how can i stop this gap from appearing every time i enable your mod please?
EDIT: sorry got it, had to change "Forum description (div) formatting [original was class="smallfont"]" from 10px
to 0px
You can also clear that option completely ;)
03-29-2010, 03:49 PM
For some reason when I view the list of sub-forums in Firefox, it doesn't display them correctly. What I mean by that is at times, some sub-forums are missing, while others are in the wrong place (sub-forums under wrong parent forum). Anybody experience this?
I'm using vBSEO Style 2.0, so not sure if that has something to do with it. Can't imagine it does as it works fine in IE (shocker).
04-02-2010, 04:14 AM
is there any way to make the background clear?
04-19-2010, 07:55 AM
08-10-2010, 10:33 AM
hmm.. whenever i have this product enabled i can't login, plus it keeps logging me out. (yes it is this product, once disabled everything is ok) can you help me out?
Edit: I've enabled it and disabled the option allowing users to hide and show subforums. Once this option is disabled the login works.
08-12-2010, 11:04 PM
Thanks for this mod.
09-13-2010, 07:15 PM
i dont know what is going wrong, i already read and try the TIPS, but i still couldnt make the SUB FORUM that already inside the SUB FORUM to appear in the main page of the forum, just like this one:
could someone give me a clue? i really2 need this option.
and the subforum description, when i enable it, the description text appear just right to the SUB FORUM text, so like this
FORUM<description text here>
supposed to be:
<description text here>
missing one <BR> code.
please help..
thank you very2 much
11-16-2010, 05:37 PM
Hello All, It also works with version 3.8.6?
Thanks in advance
08-27-2014, 05:02 AM
can i change my subforum Icon each
05-07-2020, 08:42 PM
i have vbulletin 3.8.11
i want use subforum i try this all not work !!! not show subforum
last 4 days im trying help me please
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