View Full Version : Add-On Releases - vBA CMPS: Webshop / Commerce Add-on (Physical Products)

01-20-2009, 10:00 PM

This hack is created by Joshua de Gier

It uses code from vBA CMPS 3.1.0 to run properly

Tested on:
vBulletin 3.7.2 and vBA CMPS 3.1.0

Should work on:
vBA CMPS 3.0+
vBulletin 3.6.x / 3.7.x / 3.8.x


Version: 0.2b
Secured the script from SQL injections

Version: 0.1b
Info: this is the first beta version of this hack, no installer or whatsoever is added. I'm looking for co-authors who can help me getting used to the vB product system and auto-template changes and template installations

File edits: 0
File uploads: 6

Database changes: 0
New Database tables: 5

Template edits: 1
New Templates: 1

New vBA CMPS Pages: 4
New vBA CMPS Modules: 1


Included in the ZIP-file there is a .sql file. Open your PHPMyAdmin and import this file into your database this file creates the tables for the webshop.

Upload all files from the upload folder in the zip to your forum root in the matching folders

-> Open template 'adv_portal' and find this code:
-> Above this add:
<if condition="$show['shopping_cart']">$home[shop]</if>
-> Save template

-> Create a new template called 'adv_portal_shoppingcart' and add this inside the field:
-> Save template

You have to add 4 new pages to your vBA CMPS system, in your admincp go to 'vBa CMPS -> Add Page':

1.5.1 CART

-> Page Title: Cart
-> Page Identifier: cart
-> Order/Keywords/Desc: free to choose yourself
-> Parent page: none
-> Custom style: free to choose yourself
-> Page active: yes
-> Path to file: modules/shop/cart.php
-> Clean File Output: no
-> Use Wrapper Temp: no


-> Page Title: Checkout
-> Page Identifier: checkout
-> Order/Keywords/Desc: free to choose yourself
-> Parent page: none
-> Custom style: free to choose yourself
-> Page active: yes
-> Path to file: modules/shop/checkout.php
-> Clean File Output: no
-> Use Wrapper Temp: no

1.5.3 SHOP

-> Page Title: Shop
-> Page Identifier: webshop
-> Order/Keywords/Desc: free to choose yourself
-> Parent page: none
-> Custom style: free to choose yourself
-> Page active: yes
-> Path to file: modules/shop/shop.php
-> Clean File Output: no
-> Use Wrapper Temp: no


-> Page Title: Shop Admin
-> Page Identifier: shop_admin
-> Order/Keywords/Desc: free to choose yourself
-> Parent page: none
-> Custom style: free to choose yourself
-> Page active: yes
-> Path to file: modules/shop/shop_admin.php
-> Clean File Output: no
-> Use Wrapper Temp: no

You have to add 1 new module to your vBA CMPS system, in your admincp go to 'vBa CMPS -> Add Module':


-> Module Title: Shopping Cart
-> Active: yes
-> Module Parent: none
-> Templates used: adv_portal_shoppingcart
-> Page active: yes
-> Clean File output: yes

You have now finished the installation!

You now have to perform some change to your navbar/quick links, where you want to add them is completely up to you. The links you can use depend on how your vBa CMPS file is called. Let's say it's still the default filename: cmps_index.php. In that case you can use the links:

Shop Admin

Go to your Shop Admin page and click 'Settings' from the leftside menu. Now configure your settings (also change the vBA CMPS page if it differs from the default cmps_index.php file!).



version 0.1b
This is the first version of the vBA CMPS Webshop script. It's very basic right now and open for beta testing and feature requests. However, it could take a while for requests to be added as I do not have much spare time left. Therefor I'm looking for a Co-Author who is willing to help me with this modification (perhaps also with making a product for template changes, etc.)


Shop home: category overview + 5 latest products
Shop category: product overview
Shop Products: view products
Shopping Cart: add products to cart
Shopping Cart: update/delete items in your cart

Member Discount: you can add special discount for forum members! This is perhaps a good way to attract members to your forums.
Unique user sessions: these are either based on user-id (if logged in) or ip-adres (if logged out). Shopping carts save infos as long as the order is not finished. If the order is finished, a new shopping-session will be created as soon as a product is added to the shopping cart

Unique owner per shop: you have the ability to add a specific user as a shop owner, this user can add/edit/delete products in this category and will receive an e-mail as soon as a product is ordered from his/her category

Order proces: orders are processed via mail! There are no online payment methods so far!
As each category has it's own owner, the proces will create a mail going out to each of them ONLY CONTAINING the products ordered from their category. If they manage multiple categories, it still will be one email
The user who ordered also receives an e-mail containing the complete order

There are a couple of features i'd like to add, as I haven't added them so far:

Image uploader (+ auto thumbnail)
Online Payment Processing via PayPal
Add/Edit/Delete buttons in frontpage if a users is an admin or the category owner
Show all orders in admin area (closed sessions)
Shop open session (sorted by start date) and have an option to delete sessions older than x days (to clean up database)
View orders: this page shows all of your orders in the past like the shopping basket

5.1: Homepage of the webshop, displaying the categories and random products
5.2: Categorie page: product listing
5.3: Shopping cart
5.4: Shopping cart updated (multiple products)
5.5: Submit order form (user details)
5.6: Order succesfull notice (if a field was left empty, the form will be reloaded and displays an error message)
5.7: Admin: Edit category (add category uses the same form)
5.8: Admin: Edit product (add product uses the same form)
5.9: Settings which can be editted
5.10: Admin: view categories
5.11: Admin: view products in category
5.12: Order e-mail received by both the website owner and the user who has order the product

That's it so far! Hopefully you'll enjoy this as much as I will :)

01-21-2009, 06:22 PM
Reserved for future use & screenshots!

01-21-2009, 06:26 PM
More screenshots

01-21-2009, 07:06 PM
looks very nice will keep a check on this and see how it develops
nice work keep it up :)

01-21-2009, 07:12 PM
hehe, thanks.

As I said already, I have very less time with school/work the upcoming time and I rather learn something more about auto install of DB-tables / Templates etc before I release a next version. However, it's pretty much a standalone script so what is the need for that,.. a decent installer would be handy despite of that though :)

Since I got used with PhpMyAdmin I hardly ever create a installer script anymore.. should be doing it actually :)

01-21-2009, 07:36 PM
so this does work on vb 8 right?

01-21-2009, 07:41 PM
Only thing you actually need is vBA CMPS 3 or higher I guess, perhaps it'll even work on lower versions..

It uses vBA CMPS to bridge the script with vBulletin and some variables (bburl, bbtitle, userid) from the forums to create sessions and relations between tables and users. So in fact it should work on all version of vBulletin which use vBA CMPS as long as custom pages/modules are support.

01-21-2009, 07:47 PM
@ Admins: should I crosspost this at vB3.6 and vB3.8 Modification forums ?

01-21-2009, 08:53 PM
Very nice plugin, will install later on!

01-22-2009, 07:39 AM
2 upcoming features:

Show all orders in admin area (closed sessions)
Shop open session (sorted by start date) and have an option to delete sessions older than x days (to clean up database)

01-22-2009, 01:51 PM
I'll be watching this one. However, you will need to add an integrated payment system for this to be really viable. PayPal and Google Checkout seem like great options to start. :)

01-22-2009, 01:53 PM
very nice , but how can set Discount for a group?

01-22-2009, 02:07 PM
Discount for a group is not supported so far.. it can be added however :) ain't that big of a deal!

Right now it's discount for registered members :)

01-22-2009, 02:14 PM
I'll be watching this one. However, you will need to add an integrated payment system for this to be really viable. PayPal and Google Checkout seem like great options to start. :)

Question right now is, where to store the money? It can go to one person but there can be more category owners :) So in everyway, the money will go to one person who has to split it up between al shop owners.

Than I also should add a mail to the website owner with the complete list of ordered products, just to make sure that some products are really ordered (+ back-end overview of orders ofcourse)

01-22-2009, 02:26 PM
this should work with no vbAdvance installation (just vbulletin)?

01-22-2009, 02:35 PM
I will be releasing a standalone version aswell soon :)

Actually the only thing I have to do, is get a 'blanco' vb3.7.x / vb3.8 template (index.php for example) page and put the code all together I think :) For then, I just release this under vBA which is for me the simpelest way.

Feel free to help and contribute to this modification if you can and will,.. a standalone version would be great ofcourse, but I guess it'll be better to get this thing running properly first :)

02-06-2009, 12:41 PM
We've been offline for a while due to security issues in the the script, please download the current version and replace all files from the /upload/ folder.

Leo Brazil
02-06-2009, 06:44 PM
The file seems to be corrupted.

02-07-2009, 04:31 AM
Which file? the complete zip?

Leo Brazil
02-09-2009, 04:18 PM
It's fine now. Thank you for sharing.

02-10-2009, 07:15 PM
In fact it does not at the moment. It uses the template system in vBAdvanced to get the right header/footer/includes on the page. There is a plan to make a stand-alone version (which isn't that hard actually I think).

But before I do that, I want to finish all functions.

Anyway,.. you can also run vBAdvanced on another filename than index/forum (for example webshop.php) and use that file to run this addon.

02-15-2009, 06:12 PM
This is exactly what I have been looking for! The only thing stopping me from using this is that it need an intergrated payment system like PayPal. I think if you will get that feature implemented you will have a big hit!

I will be keeping my eye on this one and hoping for a payment system really soon. Hint, hint! ;)

02-16-2009, 09:56 PM
it is planned already but I do not have any time to do it right now due to school.

03-05-2009, 02:31 PM
If there are any coders out there wo want to be co-author of this hack and expend/improve it, that would be more than welcome. Seems that I do not have any time to upgrade the hack untill summer..

04-14-2009, 07:35 AM
Any more news on this? I wish I was a coder, I would be more than happy to give you a hand with this one.

04-30-2009, 05:14 PM
haven't received anything so far unfortunatly

05-01-2009, 07:03 PM
It is sad.
This MOD have great future...

06-12-2009, 06:11 AM
perhaps upcoming summer.. maybe I can make the mod complete by then.. we'll see. I hoped that at least someone could help me out with this because of my lack of time.

06-18-2009, 05:21 PM
perhaps upcoming summer..

that would be great!!!

06-23-2009, 06:28 PM
I need to keep an eye on this mod.

08-10-2009, 03:27 PM
Anymore news here on this very needed mod?

09-11-2009, 02:04 PM
Anymore news here on this very needed mod?

I Second...

09-13-2009, 03:42 AM
PLEASE integrate paypal as soon as possible. This is a great hack, but need integrated payments.

10-29-2009, 11:26 AM
Ok is this working correctly?

12-03-2009, 09:29 AM
I still have no time for any further development of this modification. Let's hope I can find some more time soon, I need it for my own website aswell.. (paypal/cc integration). However a stand-alone version does not have my preference so far, so the vBAdvance will remain a requirement in the next version(s).

- Josh

07-31-2010, 05:02 AM
can i used this for vb 4?
i want this i present pay money for this

08-04-2010, 10:40 PM
too bad I don't have the time to finish this modification. I recently started my own business so who knows I might decide to create this mod afterall. But as you might understand I would most likely be selling the mod instead of releasing it for free.

04-07-2014, 05:20 PM
Could really do with some help with this mod please. After installing and doing all the edits and page adds, when I go to the shop admin page the links look like this

Any ideas please

11-19-2014, 06:23 AM
I don't think it's of any use to use this mod anymore. I doubt it is compatible with any of the later vB versions (using 3.8 is just too old to be using), the code doesn't use "vB code" but regular PHP code with functions to connect to MySQL that have been depracated in the last versions.

I'm sorry for not being able to update the mod anymore, things really kicked of for my business as soon as I started. I guess there are better options available right now than my mod.

As far as I'm concerned, this topic may be closed for good. Anybody mail feel free to do with the code whatever they want to do. If it helps someone to learn, be my guest :)