View Full Version : Articles sytem?

01-21-2009, 03:47 PM
we are wanting to use and feature more articles on our site and were exploring having wordpress as the main core of our site for this type of thing but found this forum today: http://www.bbwforums.net/nba-basketball/writers-roundtable-mid-december-checkup/ and LOVE the setup of it - what mod was possibly used for their articles system?

01-22-2009, 11:35 AM
what mod? it's powered by wordpress (this is a vbulletin mod site)

what exactly are you asking? please be more specific

01-22-2009, 01:43 PM
well they still use vbulletin as a forum..

seing alot wordpress sites with vb forums..

and found a brigde here

dosent support wordpress MU though.
But if your really into that sort, you should check it out.