View Full Version : Moving my forums to a different part of my website

01-16-2009, 01:24 AM
My forums currently reside in public_html/example1/example2 (two folders deep into my main folder). Would I suffer from any database errors, MySQL errors, vBulletin errors, etc. if I moved all of my vbulletin forum folders from the folder example2 up to my public_html folder? I'm trying to clean up my URLs.

Brandon Sheley
01-16-2009, 02:26 AM
you shouldn't have any issues with your DB, as long as you set the new url in your general settings before you move the files

you will however, lose a lot of indexed pages if your site is at all visited by the search engines, it sounds like a good idea in the long run, but you might also look up some info on "301 redirect" and redirect some of the popular forums :)


01-16-2009, 02:29 AM
My forums currently reside in public_html/example1/example2 (two folders deep into my main folder). Would I suffer from any database errors, MySQL errors, vBulletin errors, etc. if I moved all of my vbulletin forum folders from the folder example2 up to my public_html folder? I'm trying to clean up my URLs.

Nope you wont have any problems, you may want to add a few lines to the .htaccess such as to help the spiders find your content

Redirect 301 /example1/example2 http://yourdomain.com/

And put that in your /example2 folder

01-16-2009, 04:40 AM
Make sure you also update the URL you have set in the vBulletin Members' Area.

01-16-2009, 01:37 PM
Thanks a lot guys.