View Full Version : Missing database fields - profilecomment - Need help!

01-13-2009, 05:01 PM
I have read some of the previous posts, and see that you like a lot of information, in order to get the situation right, so let me try and start from the beginning.

Recently my website has been targeted by an amateur using simple scripts to take my website offline. They succeed and as such, forced me to improve the security on my server. This was around 5 weeks ago. Since then, I have not had a security issue, until recently.

Now I have been getting email errors sent to me, and they are growing massively each day (30-60 emails - depending on how many profile comments are made that day I assume)
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM xxxxx_profilecomment WHERE profilecommentid = 201;

MySQL Error : Table 'xxxxx_forum.xxxxx_profilecomment' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Tuesday, January 13th 2009 @ 06:48:31 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, January 13th 2009 @ 06:48:31 AM
Script : http://www.worldofclans.com/forums/profilecomment.php?do=viewcomment&postcount=3&profilecommentid=201

So I decided to wade into my database, only to find that these tables don't exist. Now the thing that concerns me, is the comments system "works" and shows the comments on the members page. These errors are generated mostly by guests/search bots. I can only think of one solution, and rebuilding the tables, but I didn't remove them, or understand why they are missing.

Is there anyone who could help me rebuild these missing tables, by telling me their structure, so I can add them to the db? If that doesn't work, or if you need more information, please ask.

I hope someone can help me understand how these tables got dropped!
vB Version: 3.7.2
Various Mods installed.

Marco van Herwaarden
01-14-2009, 06:34 AM
'profilecomment' is not a default vBulletin table. This must be caused by amodification you are using.

01-14-2009, 09:21 PM
Thanks Marco. I think I will be able to find the mod.

01-15-2009, 03:47 AM
Most likely, it is from an old profile commenting modification (for obvious reasons).

01-15-2009, 04:33 AM
I have checked, and checked again. I don't have any old profile commenting system installed anymore, but I do still have a file on my server "profilecomment.php"

Can someone tell me, if this ships with vB, or if I can safely remove it? (I only ask, because somehow these bots/guests are able to navigate to this page, even though I can not find the links they are using to get there on any users profile page)

I will check my vBSEO re-write rules, just to be sure none of them are out of date. [Edit: No re-write rules regarding this page)

01-15-2009, 05:34 AM
"profilecomment.php" is not a file that ships with vBulletin (as of 3.8.0) and it is the file that causes your problems.