View Full Version : Major Additions - Ultimate Media Gallery LITE

01-11-2009, 10:00 PM
What is it ?
It's a gallery - what do you think ?

Why another Gallery ? There is no gallery, it can do all the things you need. Categories and Images, every gallery can do, but ...
... does anotherone have passwords for categories or let a category visible at a certain time ? Which gallery supports
Medias ? JPG, GIF and PNG are standard - but what happend with APE, ASF, ASX, DIVX, AVI, MIDI, MP3, MPG, SWF, FLV ... ? or what happends with Links (Videos) ?
No Problem for the Ultimate Media Gallery ! approx. 20 Medias + approx. 20 URLs are supported. The best to it, all in the forums - no external player.
My thanks goes to @nix (Goldbrick) for his permission to use some parts of his Mod.

Categories, Media, Comments and also the Searchfunction works for permission. Which may not be seen, e.g. with the search one does not found.
The gallery is not integrated in the forum like many different - from performance reasons. The number of Queries per side is on the average with approx. 10-12.

Look and Feel like your vBulletin
Full Navigation in Navbar
Report Media/Images or Comments
seperate Galleries (Public and Private) with own Categories

unlimited Gallery-Size (filesize) for public Gallery
limited Gallery-Size (filesize) for private Gallery (Usergroup permission)
use your Forums Attachments as a Category (only in PRO Version)
use your Forums Albums as a Category (only in PRO Version)
copy Images from the Gallery into you Forums Album (only in PRO Version)
supports a lot of Media-Types to upload

avi, mp3, wma, ogg, wmv, mov, mid, midi, mpg, mpeg, swf, flv, mp4, divx, wav, asf, ape, asx, wm, kar
define the Playersizes (width / height) in the AdminCP of each Media type
all Media Types will shown in the Gallery (NO external player)
supports approx. 20 Media Links

youtube,myvideo ....

Media/Image Rating
change Category Title on index site
change Media Title like your profile
Advanced Search (Username, Tags and Mediatypes)
unlimited Categories for the public Gallery (limited to 5 in the LITE version)
limited Categories (set in usergroup permissions) for a Members Gallery (limited to 2 in the LITE version)
seperate Category structure for EVERY Gallery (User can create there own structure)
Usergroup/Buddy/Friends permission for a Category (inherit to all Child-Categories)
Timeshift (only in PRO version) - create a Category time and let it appears at the date you want (only Admins and the User itself can see it)
Password (only in PRO version) - give your Category a password (inherit to all Child-Categories - only Admins and the User itself doesn't need it)
allow Rating, Comments for a Category
allow Images and/or Media in the Category
moderate the Comments enable/disable
custom Fields
create unlimited custom Fields (all Categories)
chosse from 6 models (single text line, textarea, radio buttons, checkboxes, select menu and multi-select menu)
use Massupload via FTP or ZIP (Usergroup permission) (only in PRO version)
enter a Media Link or do a "single" upload
create Tags for an Image/Media
EXIF or ID3 Tag
on JPG it will show EXIF (if avaible and allowed)
on MP3 files it will show the ID3 tags instead
Own UserCP and Mod-/AdminCP
create,edit or delete Categories
Upload Images/Media in public/private Galleries
moderate Comments
private Settings for the Gallery itself (global Settings must be set to ON in AdminCP)
eCard supported
create an eCard from the Images (no Media) but remember a Password or Timeshift *g
Legal Notice (for german sites only)
- could be disabled for other countries

Search like vBulletin
Quick- or Advanced Search
search by Keyword, Username, Tag or Mediatype
search for Titles only or include Comments
search for Uploads since ...
choose from 3 different watermarks (gif, jpg, png)
place it in one of 8 directions
Usergroup Permission
can use the Gallery
can see public Gallery
can see private Galleries
can create a private Gallery
can rate Images/Medias
can give Comments
can change own Comments
can delete own Comments
can moderate Comments (in own private Gallery)
allowed Media Types in public Gallery
allowed Image Types in public Gallery
maximum width in public Gallery
maximum height in public Gallery
maximum filesize in public Gallery
allowed Media Types in private Gallery
allowed Image Types in private Gallery
maximum width in private Gallery
maximum height in private Gallery
maximum filesize in private Gallery
maximum Filesize (overall) of a private Gallery
is Moderator in the Gallery
is Super-Moderator in the Gallery
is Administrator in the Gallery
can use FTP-Upload
can use ZIP UploadYou will found some EXTRAS into the folder "do_not_upload".
The Documentation and Instructions can found into the folder "documentation" (there're also the images of the AdminCP).
Please, read the Documentation before asking Questions

All Extensions, Changes ... will only be done in the PRO Version (the PRO already uses HOOKs).

Ultimate Media Gallery uses the following third party Products:
Highslide Javascript (http://www.highslide.com)
(Highslide is free for non-comercial Websites. If you don't know, if you have a comercial website, take a look at the licence http://highslide.com/#licence)
The media player and mp3 player are from http://www.jeroenwijering.com/

Question: Will it work under vBulletin 3.8 ?
Answer: Yes, it will.

Question: Is there a Converter for Photopost or Photoblog ?
Answer: Yes, there is.

Question: I have Photopost or/and Photopog runinng. Must I deinstall both or one of them ?
Answer: Definately NO. You can run all three MODs (in UMG you can get a Javascript-Error if Photopost running) - but that's all.

Question: Are there modules for vBadvanced.
Answer: Yes, there are. And also the same modules for vBCMS.

Question: In a Gallery it shows me 0 Hits or no Thumbnail ...
Answer: The Hits, Thumbnails, eg. will shown the Category itself. You have some Child-Categories inside your Category.

Live DEMO (Pro) can be found here: http://www.php-unlimited.com/umg.php (you don't need to register yourself for viewing)

More Questions ? Pls, RTFM first.

[edit: 25.1.2009]
Change the Imagecheck. Example: If you change an PNG into JPG, it will now saved as an JPG.
new PRO-AddOn: Forum Attachments can now a Categorie in a private Gallery.
new PRO-AddOn: Forum Albums can now a Category in a private Gallery. Also this AddOn allows you to copy Images of the Gallery into you Album (based on Users Album Permissions)

[edit: 26.1.2009]
Fix a bug in the Installation. You need to uninstall, then reinstall with this new product, only if you haven't any Mediatypes or UMG Permissions (see in you AdminCP -> UMG)
Added: vBgallery2umg.php (a converter for vBgallery) - it's not 100% testing, so it's in Beta Stage.

[edit: 28.1.2009]
added vBgallery2.0 to UMG converter.
Fixed the complete Editor and changed the Categorydisplay.
Files to upgrade:
All php files, the folder clientscript and overwrite the product.

[edit: 1.2.2009]
Fix the sigpic BBCode.
Add Forum Integration for PRO Version (see this Post (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1731042&postcount=64)).

[edit: 12.2.2009]
fixed somed bugs 'bout the catid. Added a new converter: photoplogLITE_2_umg.php
Pls, change the PHP's.

[edit: 2.3.2009]
changed the converter: photopost_2_umg.php
You can now have 2 different databases

[edit: 4.3.2009]
fixed a lot of minor bugs (upgrade all files !!!)

01-12-2009, 06:04 PM
more images

01-12-2009, 06:05 PM
and again more images

01-12-2009, 06:06 PM
two more and reserved ...

01-12-2009, 06:50 PM
most interesting! would it be possible to show the demo using the default vB style perhaps?

01-12-2009, 07:10 PM
you now, can select default style.

01-12-2009, 07:57 PM
It's important to note that this mod (which looks nice, by the way :)) uses Highslide, which is only free to non-commercial sites and projects.

I only mention this because I'm a fan of the product and expect a lot of people will download this without reading the license, assuming it's free...

The license also requires that the download page of any project distributing it make note of the fact that it's a commercial script...so you might want to edit your initial post to that effect. :)

01-12-2009, 09:28 PM
Does this allow users to images into the social groups from this product?

01-13-2009, 01:03 AM
Where can I find details on the pro version?

01-13-2009, 05:35 AM
What kind of details do you need ? You can take a look at the documentation

01-13-2009, 06:32 AM
Does this allow users to images into the social groups from this product?
When you mean "social" = "public", yes, it's allowed (if they have permission)

01-13-2009, 02:10 PM
/me clicks install

01-13-2009, 02:47 PM
is there a demo in english?

01-13-2009, 03:56 PM

When I try to create a Category at "/umg.php?do=usercp&act=cat" after Clicking the "Save Changes" Button I receive an Error Page at "/umg.php?do=usercp":

"Can't Show Resource

HTTP Error 406 - Not Acceptable
Internet Explorer"

I've set all the Permissions for Administrator, and all Permissions for indicated Folders, and I also have vB373, so what could this Error be caused by? :confused:

My Best Regards.


01-13-2009, 04:12 PM
any chance your porting it to 3.8.0 gold?

01-13-2009, 05:03 PM
is there a demo in english?

Sure, just choose english as language

01-13-2009, 05:06 PM

When I try to create a Category at "/umg.php?do=usercp&act=cat" after Clicking the "Save Changes" Button I receive an Error Page at "/umg.php?do=usercp":

"Can't Show Resource

HTTP Error 406 - Not Acceptable
Internet Explorer"

I've set all the Permissions for Administrator, and all Permissions for indicated Folders, and I also have vB373, so what could this Error be caused by? :confused:

My Best Regards.


I can't recunstruct this Error. :confused:

01-13-2009, 05:19 PM
Sure, just choose english as language

who exactly do I do that? :)

01-13-2009, 05:20 PM
I can't recunstruct this Error. :confused:

Too Bad, I guess someone else should have and report the same error/bug so that you can track it.

I tried to create a New Category at "/umg.php" choosing Administration -> Categories then it displays the Add Category Page at "/umg.php?do=usercp&act=cat", then I set the Name, Description, Permissions (I set only Admins but I've also tried setting another Usergroup without sucess), then I click "Save Changes" and then comes the Error Page at "/umg.php?do=usercp" with the "HTTP Error 406 - No aceptable".

Is there some Option I should specificaly Set besides the Group Permissions for Admins to be able to Create the Categories without any Problem? :confused:

I've ReUploaded and also I've Uninstalled and Reinstalled the Product without any Sucess, because the same Error Occurs. :(

No Categories No way to Test the rest of the Mod. :(

I Hope you can Guide me, because this is Not Normal, sounds like a Bug on vB373. :confused:

My Best Regards.


01-13-2009, 05:50 PM
who exactly do I do that? :)

At the Bottom (left side) you can choose the style and language

01-13-2009, 05:54 PM
Too Bad, I guess someone else should have and report the same error/bug so that you can track it.

I tried to create a New Category at "/umg.php" choosing Administration -> Categories then it displays the Add Category Page at "/umg.php?do=usercp&act=cat", then I set the Name, Description, Permissions (I set only Admins but I've also tried setting another Usergroup without sucess), then I click "Save Changes" and then comes the Error Page at "/umg.php?do=usercp" with the "HTTP Error 406 - No aceptable".

Is there some Option I should specificaly Set besides the Group Permissions for Admins to be able to Create the Categories without any Problem? :confused:

I've ReUploaded and also I've Uninstalled and Reinstalled the Product without any Sucess, because the same Error Occurs. :(

No Categories No way to Test the rest of the Mod. :(

I Hope you can Guide me, because this is Not Normal, sounds like a Bug on vB373. :confused:

My Best Regards.

Can I have a Test-Account (include UMG) ? It's installed in over 5 Forums (we've testet 4 weeks long) and all without this Error.

01-13-2009, 07:45 PM
Social groups as in the social groups that are built into vbulletin.

01-13-2009, 08:07 PM
Ok, "the real vB social groups". No, all uploads will done into the gallery itself.

You can't upload into the forum. The only AddOn (coming with the Pro) is, that the users forum attachments get's an own "private" categorie to view them as an album.

(sorry, my grammar)

01-13-2009, 10:34 PM
On Mozilla Firefox the error says:

406 Not Acceptable

An appropriate representation of the requested resource /forums/umg.php could not be found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I'm curious about the 404 Not Found Error.

I can see the your Forum is located on the root of your Domain name http://www.php-unlimited.com/ and the Folder "umg_gallery" is on that root, as well as the other Folders of the vBulletin. Have you considered Forums located on Sub-Folders, because I've seen that many Mods consider that by providing (if Forum is in a Folder) a Field to Specify the Complete path to that Folder (or to the Mod Folder), or they provide a Variable inside a PHP File to Specify that Path (I had to Include that Information on PhotoPlog on the Mod's Options as well as on the config.php File where I had to set that path as "/home/zzz/public_html/forums/").

In this case, as you can see on the Error Message my Forum is located on a folder called "forums" so the path is http://mydomain.com/forums/ and if this Mod is trying to locate the Information of vBulletin and of the Mod on http://mydomain.com/ then it won't find it and I think perhaps that could be the problem (or one of them).

Does this Mod considers the Complete Path of Forums located in Folders? If not, where can we set that Path so that the Mod works fine by locating the Information Ok? (I'm assuming that this Mod would require that Extra-Info of the Path to the Particular Forum's Folder) :confused:

(I've also noticed on the Information of the Mod that it doesn't work exactly inside the vBulletin Board Software, so perhaps that combined to what I wrote before about the path of the Folder, could have something to do with this Error? :confused:)

I've created a Test Account (I can't provide you a Admin Account for Security Reasons on my Board) with Permissions to Use the Mod, and I've made all the Category Creation Process and I get the same Error that I got with my Admin Account, so I guess it would not help much to provide you the login and password to that Account, but if you consider that it might help, please tell me and I'll send the Info to you via PM. :confused:

My Best Regards, I Hope I'd be able to use this Mod, is Very Interesting to be able to Provide a Gallery for the Media/Video/Audio Files as well as for the Images. (I was really sad for getting that error, I usually Install very well the Mods by following the Instructions).


01-13-2009, 11:39 PM
nice job................ i still use photoplog pro................. and still up to now prefer but will look at this carefully

01-14-2009, 03:21 AM
@inciarco: My test forum also is located in a sub-folder (http:// .... /forums/) and it works, too.
I'll send you a pm

01-14-2009, 04:23 PM
@inciarco: My test forum also is located in a sub-folder (http:// .... /forums/) and it works, too.
I'll send you a pm

Thanks to the Help and Guide of Coroner, I've been able to Create the Categories and of course to Use the Mod. :up::up::up:

The Solution was Really Simple and Coroner Pointed me in the Right Direction :); I'm quoting the Solutions Provided by Coroner:

Search the template "umg_usercp_category" and locate this line:
<form action="umg.php?do=usercp" method="post">

pls change it into:
<form action="umg.php" method="post">

I've tested so far the Mod Successfully in vB373. :)

I recommend Users to Pay Attention to the Usergroup Permissions, as well as Refreshing the Media Gallery Cache (with the provided option) to Apply Changes on Sizes of Media. I also recommend on the Usergroup Permissions to set the Extensions You'll allow your Users to Upload as well as the Sizes of those Files.

I Like a lot this Mod beause allows Forums to Upload, Search, Rate and Comment Media Files directly on the Forum's Server, and to be Able to See them with the Provided Third Party Player. :p

Thank You Very Much Coroner For Sharing this Great Mod, I Recommend it a Lot. :up::up::up:

One Recommendation for Next Releases: It would be nice to Provide the Checking of the Extensions Permissions, Size of the File Permissions, and that All Fields are Complete, without making the Uploading Process, because in case that Upload don't Fill the Permissions and the File is Large (lots of Mb) then Users have to wait for End of Upload Process to Receive a Message Page telling them that Something they did was not Right; also when they go Back they lose the Introduced Info on Title, Description and File Address on Computer; if this Process can be done via Ajax, without Changing the Page, then Users won't lose Precious Time and also no Introduced Info would be lost. That Problem has it almost all the Mods I know such as JukeBox, DownloadsII, Photobucket, and other more, so if you can make that Checking via Ajax you'll be Providing a very Valuable Functionality that others haven't provided yet (at least on the Uploading Files Mods that I Know). ;)

My Best Regards.


01-14-2009, 04:45 PM
One Recommendation for Next Releases: It would be nice to Provide the Checking of the Extensions Permissions, Size of the File Permissions, and that All Fields are Complete, without making the Uploading Process, because in case that Upload don't Fill the Permissions and the File is Large (lots of Mb) then Users have to wait for End of Upload Process to Receive a Message Page telling them that Something they did was not Right; also when they go Back they lose the Introduced Info on Title, Description and File Address on Computer; if this Process can be done via Ajax, without Changing the Page, then Users won't lose Precious Time and also no Introduced Info would be lost. That Problem has it almost all the Mods I know such as JukeBox, DownloadsII, Photobucket, and other more, so if you can make that Checking via Ajax you'll be Providing a very Valuable Functionality that others haven't provided yet (at least on the Uploading Files Mods that I Know). ;)

Help, is not a problem !

Sorry, you can't check the Upload before uploading. Even if you uploaded the file, (it's now in cache) you can check it.

01-14-2009, 06:24 PM
Coroner, so far all the Files I've tested have been working Fine (I've seen the Wanted AVI File you tested also), exept one in FLV Format; for the FLV Format File it displays the Player but when I click the First Time on Play nothing happens and the second time it makes the Play Process but stays there without displaying the FLV Video in the Player; I also noticed that in the FLV Player the "Full Window" Option isn't working, so perhaps there's something in the Code that isn't pointing the Player to the File, (I guess that's why also the Full Window isn't working because there's No Video Displayed). :confused:

I've uploaded a Test Video in the same Category (C3) where you Uploaded your AVI Video, so that you can Find it. I'm Attaching the same file to this Message so that you can make the same Test, (is the Demo/Test Video that comes with the JM FLV Player which I've installed on one of my Forums for providing a FLV BB Code for Playing .flv Videos).

I Hope you can Point me on what Changes should I make on Plugins, Templates, and/or Files to make the FLV Videos Work on the Media Gallery. ;)

My Best Regards, I Like this Mod a Lot. :up:


01-14-2009, 06:43 PM
2 Additional Small Details I've Noticed:

1. When Opening an MP3 File and Clicking the Close Link before stopping/Ending the Audio, the Audio Stays On; if I Click again to Open then a Second Instance of the Player is Opened and can be Played while the other (now invisible) instance is Playing without being able to stop it. :confused:

2. I noticed that When I click on an Image (jpg that should open with Highslide Player), it Loads the Image, but when I "close" it and Open it Again the Image is Loaded Again; I've always noticed that Highslide should Load the File Once and when you Click on it it should use the already loaded on memory Image File so viewing it is Fast and don't Uses Extra Data Transfer from the Server; right now is Loading/Opening as many Times a User Clicks on the Image and also causing the Display of the Image Slow because it has to Load Completely Every Time is Clicked (thatt's felt a lot on Large Images). :confused:

I Hope you can also Point me on what Code Lines to Change on Plugins/Templates/Files to Correct that. ;)

My Best Regards.


01-14-2009, 07:13 PM
Two More Ideas:

- When Viewing a Media it would be nice that the Category Name could have a Link to the Category so that the User can Browse to it thru that Link and not having to user the Top Link Path (which not many use).

- It would be nice for Admins to Choose via Admin Control Panel the number of Tags a User can User and/or the Number of Letters the Tag Text Box an Contain; right now I can see that is Limited to a number of Letter, it would be nice for Admins to set that number of Letters/Words.

My Best Regards.


01-14-2009, 07:24 PM
Ok, I've tried the flv and can't start it, too. Checked out the HP of the player, but can't find anything about it.
Ok, there's GOOGLE ! All I found, that the server must support RTMP !? - sorry.

MP3: This also is taken from Goldbrick (all the Media displays, are Goldbrick - but with a little bit modifying myself).

Highslide: I use it like description on the HP but ... in the LITE version is NO direct Image/Media Link. All links to images/medias will get over umg_view.php..... I'll changed that in PRO (you can select it) for loads of images/medias in a category.

01-14-2009, 07:28 PM
Two More Ideas:

- When Viewing a Media it would be nice that the Category Name could have a Link to the Category so that the User can Browse to it thru that Link and not having to user the Top Link Path (which not many use).

- It would be nice for Admins to Choose via Admin Control Panel the number of Tags a User can User and/or the Number of Letters the Tag Text Box an Contain; right now I can see that is Limited to a number of Letter, it would be nice for Admins to set that number of Letters/Words.

My Best Regards.


See the navbar in the Picture. The category is LONDON and it's linked

The other one is a nice idea - but ... when I'll do it - all in PRO.

01-15-2009, 05:22 PM
Ok, I've tried the flv and can't start it, too. Checked out the HP of the player, but can't find anything about it.
Ok, there's GOOGLE ! All I found, that the server must support RTMP !? - sorry.

I've uploaded the Last Version of the JW FLV Player and when I tried to Play the Video it Said that the URL was Wrong, the Relative URL doesn't Work on that Player (so I guess swf Videos have this same Problem), so I tried on the "umg_extensions" File to Add the 'http://mysite.com/forum/' URL to the $url variable like:

$url = 'http://mysite.com/forum/' . $media_url;

for case 'swf': and for case 'flv': and now is Playing the FLV Videos, (and I guess also swf Videos).

That part of the Problem is Solved.

- Coroner, If you can Please Provide me the Code for the Basic Path of the Forum 'http://mysite.com/forum/' to use it instead of 'http://mysite.com/forum/' I'd appreciate it a lot? :confused:

- I'd also like to Ask You How can I Use the FullScreen Option of the Player, because it Plays the File but that Button Doesn't Work; is it because of the HighSlide Effect? :confused: How can that Option be Enabled? :confused:

My Best Regards, FLV Video Player is Important (Many Video Hosting Web Sites Like YouTube Use It).

My Best Regards.


01-15-2009, 05:41 PM
Will try to update the player 1st and when it's working, I'll do an upgrade.

But ... I don't know, if I can do I before moday. My kiddies will come tomorrow and I will spend with them.


01-15-2009, 09:04 PM
Family Time should Always be in First Place. :up::up::up:

I've looked in some of the .xlm files and I found one of the Codes you used to reference the Forum's root Directory, so the Code for $url in "swf" and "flv" cases on "umg_extensions.php" File should be (I've tested it and Works Fine this way):

$url = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . $media_url;

- If you can also include on the "Media Information", on the "Category" Information, a Link to the Category, that would be very Nice, because right now the Users can only Browse to that Category on the Top Links (the ones you showed on your image), but if you see in PhotoPlog and my other Mods when the Category Info appears it also has a Link to that Category, (great for easily going back and see other Medias), also Users are not very smart using the Top Path Links; right now only appears the Name of the Category but without a Link to it. :confused:

- I've also checked the Link provided for the Medias, and I can see that it uses a URL that includes "umg_view.php" in it; that Link when included on a Post doesn't Work, so it would be better to use the simple "umg.php?m=zzz#media" URL (zzz for the number of the Media), that Works Very Well (the one Displayed on the Address Field of the Browser). :confused:

My Best Regards.


01-16-2009, 01:57 AM
Such a powerfull gallery and has no image resize on upload feature ? or I'm just blind and couldn't find it ?
Thank you.

01-16-2009, 02:07 AM
It has Image View with Highslide (you can set the Size of the Viewer for Images).

It has Upload Feature, you have to set Permissions for Usergroups.

My Best Regards.


01-16-2009, 02:19 AM
It has Image View with Highslide (you can set the Size of the Viewer for Images).

It has Upload Feature, you have to set Permissions for Usergroups.

My Best Regards.


Lets say I set the permissions for maximum width and height of an image to 1024 Px and file size to 200Kb. When user trying to upload an image that is bigger than these settings, is it possible that the gallery will resize it automatically to these settings I set in the permissions ?

Thank you.

01-16-2009, 03:26 AM
Hey there,

Great mod - I'm very impressed with it. I just have two questions that I hope you'll be able to help me out with:

1. When uploading a file, what would I need to change to make it so the text editor (for entering a description of the file) spawns with text already inside? So instead of just having an empty box, it would have, say, "Name, Age, Location" etc - like a form.

2. Is there an option to change the default display order on a gallery index? I know you can do it as a user, but I'd like to make a global change, that applies to all users.

Thanks for your help. And again - great work!

01-16-2009, 03:51 AM
Family Time should Always be in First Place. :up::up::up:

I've looked in some of the .xlm files and I found one of the Codes you used to reference the Forum's root Directory, so the Code for $url in "swf" and "flv" cases on "umg_extensions.php" File should be (I've tested it and Works Fine this way):

- If you can also include on the "Media Information", on the "Category" Information, a Link to the Category, that would be very Nice, because right now the Users can only Browse to that Category on the Top Links (the ones you showed on your image), but if you see in PhotoPlog and my other Mods when the Category Info appears it also has a Link to that Category, (great for easily going back and see other Medias), also Users are not very smart using the Top Path Links; right now only appears the Name of the Category but without a Link to it. :confused:

- I've also checked the Link provided for the Medias, and I can see that it uses a URL that includes "umg_view.php" in it; that Link when included on a Post doesn't Work, so it would be better to use the simple "umg.php?m=zzz#media" URL (zzz for the number of the Media), that Works Very Well (the one Displayed on the Address Field of the Browser). :confused:

My Best Regards.

Thank, for Info.
The Link: When you inside a medium/image you don't need those information (take a look at the navbar). You will see the category-link - or missunderstand it ?

01-16-2009, 03:56 AM
Lets say I set the permissions for maximum width and height of an image to 1024 Px and file size to 200Kb. When user trying to upload an image that is bigger than these settings, is it possible that the gallery will resize it automatically to these settings I set in the permissions ?

Thank you.

That's not possible. I've upload the "original" image and I gave the permission.
Example: If uploaded an image with a width / height of 4096 ich can resize it to 1024 but ... what happend with the filesize ? Du you really think it's 200 Kb ?

01-16-2009, 04:07 AM
Hey there,

Great mod - I'm very impressed with it. I just have two questions that I hope you'll be able to help me out with:

1. When uploading a file, what would I need to change to make it so the text editor (for entering a description of the file) spawns with text already inside? So instead of just having an empty box, it would have, say, "Name, Age, Location" etc - like a form.

2. Is there an option to change the default display order on a gallery index? I know you can do it as a user, but I'd like to make a global change, that applies to all users.

Thanks for your help. And again - great work!

1.) template: umg_usercp_upload
(example) <input type="text" class="bginput" name="uploadtitle" id="tb_uploadtitle" value="enter your title" size="50" maxlength="50" />
The text in orange color ist that you need to change

2.) A global change for what ? Categories, Members Galerie .... ?

01-16-2009, 04:24 AM
1.) template: umg_usercp_upload
(example) <input type="text" class="bginput" name="uploadtitle" id="tb_uploadtitle" value="enter your title" size="50" maxlength="50" />
The text in orange color ist that you need to change
Thanks! :)

A global change for what ? Categories, Members Galerie .... ?

Oh, sorry - for a category within a public gallery.

01-16-2009, 04:33 AM
That's not possible. I've upload the "original" image and I gave the permission.
Example: If uploaded an image with a width / height of 4096 ich can resize it to 1024 but ... what happend with the filesize ? Du you really think it's 200 Kb ?

Let's forget about the file size.. and still, will it be possible to autoresize on upload using Imagemagick or GD library?

If not, then is it possible to make all files to be uploaded on the external server ?

Thank you.

01-16-2009, 06:02 AM
Thanks! :)

Oh, sorry - for a category within a public gallery.
Users can't create a category in a public gallery. So, only the Mod, sMod or Admin (with permission) can create it.

01-16-2009, 06:04 AM
Let's forget about the file size.. and still, will it be possible to autoresize on upload using Imagemagick or GD library?

If not, then is it possible to make all files to be uploaded on the external server ?

Thank you.
You can't upload it on an external server. All files were upload in "umg_gallery/images/$gallery/...."

01-16-2009, 09:18 AM
Users can't create a category in a public gallery. So, only the Mod, sMod or Admin (with permission) can create it.
Okay, but as admin, how can I set it so that a category in a public gallery displays images in a certain way (in this case, lastest first) as default?

01-16-2009, 02:40 PM
There is NO option for a sortorder inside a category.

you can try this:
in umg_global.php search for:
if ($vbulletin->GPC['sort'] == 'name' OR $vbulletin->GPC['sort'] == 'date')
if ($vbulletin->GPC['sort'] == 'name') $sort_by = ' ORDER BY media.title ' . $vbulletin->GPC['sortwho'] . ' ';
if ($vbulletin->GPC['sort'] == 'date') $sort_by = ' ORDER BY media.dateline ' . $vbulletin->GPC['sortwho'] . ' ';
and change it into
if ($vbulletin->GPC['sort'] == 'name' OR $vbulletin->GPC['sort'] == 'date')
if ($vbulletin->GPC['sort'] == 'name') $sort_by = ' ORDER BY media.title ' . $vbulletin->GPC['sortwho'] . ' ';
if ($vbulletin->GPC['sort'] == 'date') $sort_by = ' ORDER BY media.dateline ' . $vbulletin->GPC['sortwho'] . ' ';
$sort_by = ' ORDER BY media.dateline ASC';

were ASC stands for oldest - change into DESC for newest

01-16-2009, 08:20 PM
Thank, for Info.
The Link: When you inside a medium/image you don't need those information (take a look at the navbar). You will see the category-link - or missunderstand it ?

In the Navbar the Link is always Ok, (vBulletin Generated), what I mean Coroner is in the Media Information, where is the Title, Description, Uploader (her appears Link to Forumer Ok), Category (here is where is missing the Link to the Category, for fast Browsing of Viewers), Uploaded, Hits, Filesize and the rest of the Media Info. Here, in this Table, in that Particular Cell of Category is where the Link if missing. :confused:

Not much People use the Navbar too well, so that Link is important for them to Browse back to the Category and look for other Medias. ;)

(That Link appears Ok in other Tables like in the UMG Home under "Newest Images / Medias" under each New Media, you see Information like the Title (with Link to Media Ok), Category (with Link to Category where the Media Uploaded, this is the Link that is missing in the Media Page), Uploader (Link to Forumer Ok), Filesize, Hits and Rating. ;)

My Best Regards, I'll be waiting for the Next Release of the Media Gallery. :up:


01-16-2009, 08:38 PM
One More Thing I Just Noticed Playing with the Options: On UMG Home, on the List of "Newest Images / Medias", the medias don't organize themselves in rows but occupy as much columns as Number of Medias are chosen to be displayed on "Ultimate Media Gallery - Global" Options; is important for you to set another Option for Max. number of Columns to use to Display the "Newest Thumbnails"; you provide the option for "Number of newest thumbnails to display on index", so you'll calculate the number of rows as you do with the Option "Thumbnail Columns of the Category Display" to Display the Medias on the Categories and the option for "Number of Thumbnails" which are the ones Displayed per page on each Category. I also noticed that the First Column of the "Newest Images / Medias" (for that First New Media) gets affected and Visually not Good when Choosing few New Medias to Display, you'll see that the width is Way Larger than the other Ones, they don't distribute nor get centered when there are too few to be Displayed. :confused:

I Hope you can include that on your Next Update, Coroner. ;)

My Best Regards.


01-17-2009, 09:09 AM
One More Thing I Just Noticed Playing with the Options: On UMG Home, on the List of "Newest Images / Medias", the medias don't organize themselves in rows but occupy as much columns as Number of Medias are chosen to be displayed on "Ultimate Media Gallery - Global" Options; is important for you to set another Option for Max. number of Columns to use to Display the "Newest Thumbnails"; you provide the option for "Number of newest thumbnails to display on index", so you'll calculate the number of rows as you do with the Option "Thumbnail Columns of the Category Display" to Display the Medias on the Categories and the option for "Number of Thumbnails" which are the ones Displayed per page on each Category. I also noticed that the First Column of the "Newest Images / Medias" (for that First New Media) gets affected and Visually not Good when Choosing few New Medias to Display, you'll see that the width is Way Larger than the other Ones, they don't distribute nor get centered when there are too few to be Displayed. :confused:

I Hope you can include that on your Next Update, Coroner. ;)

My Best Regards.

Furst, the post before - I understand and it's in Upgrade.

And this QUOTE - sorry, don't understand what you mean :confused:
You can set the number of images/medias to display. And this is what it shows.
Did you mean rows/columns ?

01-17-2009, 12:03 PM
Furst, the post before - I understand and it's in Upgrade.

And this QUOTE - sorry, don't understand what you mean :confused:
You can set the number of images/medias to display. And this is what it shows.
Did you mean rows/columns ?

In my case, if I set more than 5 Thumbnails/Medias to Display on UMG Home then they're presented on the same row (getting out of the screen). I can see that You've Limited on your Code the Display of Maximum 9 Thumbnails (Random at the Top and Newest at the Bottom of the Page), but in my case with more than 5 they get out of the screen (the Newest); I'd also be nice not to limit the Number of Newest Medias/Thumbnails to Display (in case someone wishes to Display more than 9).

My Best Regards.


01-18-2009, 03:19 AM
There is NO option for a sortorder inside a category.

you can try this...

That worked perfectly! Thank you!

That said, I tried your suggestion for making a text editor appear with text already inside, and I realise I didn't properly explain what I meant.

What I wanted to do - and still want to do - is make it so that the "Description" WYSIWYG editor on the upload page (http://www.eegra.com/forum/umg.php?c=1&do=usercp&act=upload&special=upl) appears with text already inside. Is that possible?

Also, I notice that the text editor on that page doesn't have WYSIWYG enabled by default. Is there a way I can toggle that?

I apologise for asking so many questions, and I'm grateful for any help you can provide. If I can do anything in return, let me know.


01-18-2009, 08:16 AM
Texteditor in Upload-form.

search in umg_upload.php
$vbulletin->userinfo['showvbcode'] = 1;
$editorid = construct_edit_toolbar ('', $umg_html_allowed, 'nonforum', $umg_smilie_allowed, 12345678 + $vbulletin->GPC['c']);
and change into
$vbulletin->userinfo['showvbcode'] = 2;
$editorid = construct_edit_toolbar ('your text here', $umg_html_allowed, 'nonforum', $umg_smilie_allowed, 12345678 + $vbulletin->GPC['c']);

01-28-2009, 04:08 AM
I'm Testing the Last Version 1.4.4, Coroner.

So Far Ok. I've Noticed that You Corrected the Main Page Presentation of the Videos (To be able to Present more than 5 Videos, the Only Thing is that the Left Videos's Tables are Wider than the others) and the FLV Player Runs Ok Now. :up::up::up:

I've noticed that on Template "umg_usercp_category" is Still the Sentence "?do=usercp" that is Causing the Problem to Create Categories, so I Quote Again your Solution for this so that Forumers Using your Mod can Solve that Problem (if it presents it self on their Boards) :confused::

Search the template "umg_usercp_category" and locate this line:
<form action="umg.php?do=usercp" method="post">

pls change it into:
<form action="umg.php" method="post">

I Installed Overwriting the Files and Also Overwriting the Old Product on ACP Product Import.

My Best Regards. I'll Keep Testing and I'll Share You Anything I Find.


01-28-2009, 05:06 AM
There are some Bugs on the Comments System, Coroner:

When Posting the Comments via Quick Reply to the Medias on WYSIWYG Editor Mode, the Post is made with HTML Code and Displayed like this :confused::

<P>Prueba 2</P>
<P> </P>

And the Signatures Pics Below are Always Displayed Like This, No Matter the Editor Mode :confused::

On Normal Mode the Posts are made Ok, but the Signature Pics are Not Displayed Well :confused:.

The Complete Reply with the Complete Editor has a Bug when on WYSIWYG mode, when Entering a Reply that is too Short and Going Back to Change it, it Shows HTML Code.

Also on Complete Reply when on Normal Editor the Mod Allows Postings of Any Lenght Even if is too Short :confused:.

I Hope You Can Fix those Bugs (I'll Keep Testing).

My Best Regards.


01-28-2009, 12:20 PM
Thx for testing, will take a look and try to fix it.

01-28-2009, 04:35 PM
I'm Glad To Help. ;)

I Like This Mod a Lot, being able to Upload Medias (Audio, Video and also Images) is Very Useful for Many Purposes. :up:

I forgot to mentione it on my Previous Posts, I think the Option Menus would look nicer Centered; I tried it and Found the Template to do it, I share the part of that Template where I applied/added the Code to Center the Options/Titles/Texts:

Template umg_main:

<table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" class="tborder" style="width:100%">
<td class="thead" align="center">$vbphrase[umg_title]</td>
<td class="alt1" align="center">$vbphrase[umg_navigation]</td>
<div class="tborder" style="padding:1px; border-top-width:0px" align="center">

I added the Three (3) align="center" Codes to Center the Three Rows of the Table that Contains the Title, the Navigation Text, and the Menus.

My Best Regards, Coroner.


01-28-2009, 06:47 PM
I know :) And I've did the Update for you.
Please, check the Editor out. I've test it - without any bugs.
The signaturepics on my wife's forum are all ok :confused:

So, I'll be waiting for your feedback

Regards inciarco

01-29-2009, 05:50 PM
The Signature Pics are still Not Displaying; perhaps you did something on the Pro Version and not on the Lite Version. :confused: Is Displayed as :(

The Problem with the WYSIWYG Editor with HTML Tags seems to be corrected.

I found another Bug on WYSIWYG Editor and is that if you set a BB Code on Normal Editor and Switch to WYSIWYG Editor then it doesn't get converted to the Icon, the same with other BB Codes. :confused:

On "umg_newest_pics" I Found that $colspan isn't being calculated well; if I introduce the code colspan="4" with the number of columns of Latest Medias of the Options, then the Width isn't Affected on the first column, (I saw that on Pro Version on your Web Site is working fine so there's something on the Pro that you didn't changed on the Lite Version).

I'll Keep Testing and Sharing my Results.

My Best Regards.


01-31-2009, 04:32 AM
For BBCodes and Smilies:

In the product add this:
<plugin active="1" product="umg">
<title>UMG - parse Smilies</title>
if ($forumid == 'umgeditor')
$dohtml = $this->registry->options['umg_com_html'];
$dobbimagecode = $this->registry->options['umg_com_images'];
$dosmilies = $this->registry->options['umg_com_smilies'];
$dobbcode = $this->registry->options['umg_com_bbcode'];

This will parse the smilies. It's include in the next update

01-31-2009, 05:02 AM
I added the Plugin as "UMG - parse Smilies" and Works Fine when Switching the Editors.

But the [SIGPIC ][ /SIGPIC] still shows as BBCode not as Image. (Perhaps you did that Update on the Pro Version and not in this Lite one).

My Best Regards.


02-01-2009, 04:31 PM
Fix the Problem with the SIGPIC.

02-13-2009, 02:35 PM
just installed it, works fine, and looks like a great mod, In this lite version there are only 5 categories? thanks!

02-13-2009, 04:22 PM
Yes, that's true.

02-19-2009, 04:28 AM
thx for the mod its realy nice
i got 2 error
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/umg_gallery/umg_page.php on line 324
and secend
the page is left to right
i want it to be right to left any idea ?

03-03-2009, 08:22 AM
thank you for this great mod ..

I install it in my local server ..
when I try to upload swf file I see this error :

Filename CivicChoir.swf has the wrong extension, is too big or has the wrong dimensions!

any Idea ?

thank you ..

03-03-2009, 09:09 AM
How is the filesize of your SWF and what filesize is allowed ?

03-03-2009, 03:32 PM
Going to install on 3.6.11. If this works as it seems, its exactly what I wanted. A picture and video gallery.

03-04-2009, 12:59 PM
Do I install the Highslide Javascript and video player in the forums folder or where?

03-04-2009, 01:42 PM
Upload the files and folders as they are.

Highslide is in:
a.) clientscript/
b.) umg_gallery/images/highslide

03-07-2009, 08:03 AM
thanks Coroner

now I upgrade to vb 3.8.1 and now I can upload swf and flv files

but I cant see the player

http://c4upload.com/w1/2009/03/07/c4upload.com_39093876.jpg (http://c4upload.com)

and when click on it I see just black secreen

http://c4upload.com/w1/2009/03/07/c4upload.com_19145437.jpg (http://c4upload.com)

please help and thank to you :)

03-07-2009, 08:52 AM
You can try the following:
open umg_extensions.php

case 'flv':
$width = $ext['flv']['width'];
$height = $ext['flv']['height'];
$url = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . $media_url;
$src = 'umg_gallery/player/flvplayer.swf';
$mtpl = 'flashext';
$mime = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';

a.) if your code is the NOT the same, change it like this
b.) if your code IS the same like this, change:
$url = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . $media_url;
$url = $media_url;

03-08-2009, 08:13 AM
Hi ..

thanks Coroner
it was the same like that code
and I make the change to

$url = $media_url;

but it still the same problem ..

can use the player like youtube view the player in the page NOT by clicke on the icone ?

03-08-2009, 09:14 AM
We had this problem without: $vbulletin->options['bburl']

I've testet it in the Lite and the PRO - no problems. Sorry :(

03-16-2009, 08:24 PM
I have installed the gallery at Flugzone.ch where can i find the link to the Galler? I see nowhere th elink sorry for this question and my english but i cant see th eLinkks ?:mad:

03-17-2009, 06:32 AM
I have installed the gallery at Flugzone.ch where can i find the link to the Galler? I see nowhere th elink sorry for this question and my english but i cant see th eLinkks ?:mad:

You need to create yourself the link in the navbar

03-17-2009, 07:19 PM

i need a link to which file ? umg.php ?
i can't see something by flugzone.ch/umg.php > the system say > you have no rights to see this page!
But i'm the Admin of the Page ?

Sorry for my English normal i speak Swiss German :-)

03-20-2009, 04:10 PM
Database Error

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.10:

Invalid SQL:

userfield.*, usertextfield.*, user.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(passworddate) AS passworddate,
IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid,
language.phrasegroup_album AS phrasegroup_album,
language.phrasegroup_user AS phrasegroup_user,
language.phrasegroup_search AS phrasegroup_search,
language.phrasegroup_posting AS phrasegroup_posting,
language.phrasegroup_umg AS phrasegroup_umg,
language.phrasegroup_showthread AS phrasegroup_showthread,
language.phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global,
language.options AS lang_options,
language.languagecode AS lang_code,
language.charset AS lang_charset,
language.locale AS lang_locale,
language.imagesoverride AS lang_imagesoverride,
language.dateoverride AS lang_dateoverride,
language.timeoverride AS lang_timeoverride,
language.registereddateoverride AS lang_registereddateoverride,
language.calformat1override AS lang_calformat1override,
language.calformat2override AS lang_calformat2override,
language.logdateoverride AS lang_logdateoverride,
language.decimalsep AS lang_decimalsep,
language.thousandsep AS lang_thousandsep

FROM user AS user
LEFT JOIN userfield AS userfield ON (user.userid = userfield.userid)
LEFT JOIN usertextfield AS usertextfield ON (usertextfield.userid = user.userid) LEFT JOIN language AS language ON (language.languageid = IF(user.languageid = 0, 1, user.languageid))

WHERE user.userid = 1;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'language.phrasegroup_album' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Friday, March 20th 2009 @ 12:17:42 PM
Script : http://www.XXXXXX.com/forums/umg.php
Referrer :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database

What am I missing?

03-21-2009, 06:43 AM

i need a link to which file ? umg.php ?
i can't see something by flugzone.ch/umg.php > the system say > you have no rights to see this page!
But i'm the Admin of the Page ?

Sorry for my English normal i speak Swiss German :-)

I know, but the language here is english *g
Have you set the permissions for the usergroups ?

03-21-2009, 06:44 AM
Database Error

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.10:

Invalid SQL:

userfield.*, usertextfield.*, user.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(passworddate) AS passworddate,
IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid,
language.phrasegroup_album AS phrasegroup_album,
language.phrasegroup_user AS phrasegroup_user,
language.phrasegroup_search AS phrasegroup_search,
language.phrasegroup_posting AS phrasegroup_posting,
language.phrasegroup_umg AS phrasegroup_umg,
language.phrasegroup_showthread AS phrasegroup_showthread,
language.phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global,
language.options AS lang_options,
language.languagecode AS lang_code,
language.charset AS lang_charset,
language.locale AS lang_locale,
language.imagesoverride AS lang_imagesoverride,
language.dateoverride AS lang_dateoverride,
language.timeoverride AS lang_timeoverride,
language.registereddateoverride AS lang_registereddateoverride,
language.calformat1override AS lang_calformat1override,
language.calformat2override AS lang_calformat2override,
language.logdateoverride AS lang_logdateoverride,
language.decimalsep AS lang_decimalsep,
language.thousandsep AS lang_thousandsep

FROM user AS user
LEFT JOIN userfield AS userfield ON (user.userid = userfield.userid)
LEFT JOIN usertextfield AS usertextfield ON (usertextfield.userid = user.userid) LEFT JOIN language AS language ON (language.languageid = IF(user.languageid = 0, 1, user.languageid))

WHERE user.userid = 1;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'language.phrasegroup_album' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Friday, March 20th 2009 @ 12:17:42 PM
Script : http://www.XXXXXX.com/forums/umg.php
Referrer :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database

What am I missing?
The text says, that the phrasegroup "album" is missing.
So check out if your vB is running without errors, first.

06-27-2009, 11:57 AM
Hi, we have upgraded from the Lite gallery to the paid for version - we need some help with doing the upgrade as we can't find any instructions on how to do this. Can you help?

06-27-2009, 01:06 PM
Simply overwrite ALL files and upgrade the product.

07-02-2009, 04:10 AM
For youtube Instead of of showing the URL thumb, is there any way for it to show the video thumb?

07-02-2009, 11:37 AM
No, not yet - maybe in a further version

07-03-2009, 01:09 AM
Ok, cheers, looking forward to it.
Great module though :)

07-17-2009, 08:02 PM
I've been having trouble with the installation of the plugin, it all apparently went well but i cannot see the UMG section on the sidebar of my admin cp. All files were copied acordingly to the documentation provided with the file i downloaded from this post.

Any clues?

Thanks in advance & sory for my bad english!

07-18-2009, 08:09 AM
Try this:
AdminCP - Usergroups - Administrator Permissions

Here you have to set YES for the UMG.

REMEMBER: You have to be a Super-Administrator to do that !

08-14-2009, 01:59 PM
Hello, I tested UMG and I find it very well done, I would also like to buy the PRO version but I have one question: If Allow users to create galleries, may or may not enable the user groups, but that will see all the groups and some groups that I would like to keep secret should not be seen.
How to solve?
Moreover, a user can prevent an administrator or a moderator see his gallery?
This seems to me a contradiction.
Thank you


08-15-2009, 01:55 AM
Hello Coroner.

I've noticed that there is a Bug on the Lite Version of this Great Mod; the Windows Media Player (WMV) isn't Playing the Uploaded Videos for the Private Categories, (the Video Popup but they don't Play, not even when Clicking on the Play Button); the same WMV Video Uploaded in a Public Category Plays Well but on the Private Category it doesn't. :confused:

I Hope You Can Fix This, Coroner. ;)

My Best Regards.


08-23-2009, 01:25 PM
Hello Coroner.

I've noticed that there is a Bug on the Lite Version of this Great Mod; the Windows Media Player (WMV) isn't Playing the Uploaded Videos for the Private Categories, (the Video Popup but they don't Play, not even when Clicking on the Play Button); the same WMV Video Uploaded in a Public Category Plays Well but on the Private Category it doesn't. :confused:

I Hope You Can Fix This, Coroner. ;)

My Best Regards.


Noticed the same, Its uploading the files to the private gallery folder (created folder 1 in my case) but then its looking to playback the files from public gallery folder 0.

08-23-2009, 01:41 PM
It's nothing other than in PRO !?

You can try the follwing:
open umg_extensio.phpn and search for: 'wmv'
in this part change:
$url = $media_url;
$url = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . $media_url;

08-24-2009, 04:47 AM
It's nothing other than in PRO !?

You can try the follwing:
open umg_extensio.phpn and search for: 'wmv'
in this part change:
$url = $media_url;
$url = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . $media_url;

I tried the Change Coroner, but it didn't Worked; seems like it's something different. :(

What Else Can I Try? :confused:

My Best Regards.


08-24-2009, 04:54 AM
Noticed the same, Its uploading the files to the private gallery folder (created folder 1 in my case) but then its looking to playback the files from public gallery folder 0.

Yes, the Problem is Exactly there as you mention it; it's Pointing to the Gallery Folder Zero (0) and not to the Gallery Folder of the User ID Number. :confused:

Coroner, seems like there is a Code Line that is Pointing to that Folder Zero (0) and that is Not Pointing to the Number of the User's Folder. :confused:

Is Pointing to:


And It Should be (in my case is 3):


Perhaps could be in the Code Lines that Assign the Path to the Variable "$media_url", that is missing the Option to Assign that Folder Number when the Media is in a User's Category.

My Best Regards.


08-24-2009, 05:07 AM
I just noticed that this also happens on other Media Formats on the Private Galleries; I just uploaded a FLV Video and it didn't Played on the Private Gallery, I think it should be because of the number of the Folder (Zero and not the User's Number).

What Code Lines Should we Edit, Coroner, to Correct this? :confused:

My Best Regards.


08-24-2009, 01:45 PM
Holly sh... - I will fix it.
For all who wanna fix it itself, open umg_page.php and search for:
$media_url = 'umg_gallery/images/0/original/' . $media['mediaid'] . '_' . $media['efilename'];
change into:
$media_url = 'umg_gallery/images/' . $media['gallery'] . '/original/' . $media['mediaid'] . '_' . $media['efilename'];

08-25-2009, 02:50 AM
Holly sh... - I will fix it.
For all who wanna fix it itself, open umg_page.php and search for:
$media_url = 'umg_gallery/images/0/original/' . $media['mediaid'] . '_' . $media['efilename'];
change into:
$media_url = 'umg_gallery/images/' . $media['gallery'] . '/original/' . $media['mediaid'] . '_' . $media['efilename'];

Thank You Very Much For the Solution, Coroner. :up:

Medias in Private Galleries are Working Fine Now. :up::up::up:

My Best Regards.


08-26-2009, 02:48 AM
Coroner, I think there is a Bug in the Deleting Process of the Uploaded Media Files for Public and Private Categories. :confused:

When I Delete a Media, Like a WMV Video, the Mod Deletes the File named "2_mediatype_wmv.gif" (for the Second Media in this Case), but Don't Deletes the "2_video_prueba_wmv.wmv" File, which is the Video itself, Leaving Lot's of Unused Files on the Folders, with the Consequence on Server Disk Usage Filled with "Trash" Files that are Very Hard to Select and Delete Manually One by One. :confused:

I Hope you can Fix this, because in case of Many Files is Very Hard for Admins to Select Which Files are Used and Which have been Deleted but have the Unused Video File in them, and more if Users Create Private Categories and Start Uploading and Deleting Many Videos, Collapsing the Server's Hard Disk Space. :confused:

My Best Regards.


08-26-2009, 03:46 AM
There are more than one option for deleting media.
So which option do you mean ?

1.) inside a category (mark checkbox and "delete media")
2.) inside the media itself (edit/delete)

08-26-2009, 03:57 AM
There are more than one option for deleting media.
So which option do you mean ?

1.) inside a category (mark checkbox and "delete media")
2.) inside the media itself (edit/delete)

Inside the Media itself there is No Option to Edit/Delete, (only to Report and to Rate the Media, and the Info of the Media).

Inside the Category I Check the Media and Choose the "Delete Media" Option and the Button "Go (1)", (1 for 1 Media Selected or the Number of Media Selected).

It says "The selected Images/Media were deleted.", but only the .gif File is Deleted and Not the File of the Video. :confused:

My Best Regards, Coroner, I Hope You Can Fix this and Tell Us What Changes to Apply to Make this Possible.


08-26-2009, 07:14 AM
Sorry, after loads of upgrades .... Option 2 is in PRO.

In umg_actions.php you will find:
if ($med['filename'] != $med['efilename'])
@chmod (DIR . '/umg_gallery/images/' . $med['category'] . '/original/' . $med['mediaid'] . '_' . $med['efilename'], 0777);
@unlink (DIR . '/umg_gallery/images/' . $med['category'] . '/original/' . $med['mediaid'] . '_' . $med['efilename'], 0777);
This part is for deleting the file.

You can try to change this line:
@unlink (DIR . '/umg_gallery/images/' . $med['category'] . '/original/' . $med['mediaid'] . '_' . $med['efilename'], 0777);
@unlink (DIR . '/umg_gallery/images/' . $med['category'] . '/original/' . $med['mediaid'] . '_' . $med['efilename']);

08-26-2009, 02:46 PM
Sorry, after loads of upgrades .... Option 2 is in PRO.

In umg_actions.php you will find:
if ($med['filename'] != $med['efilename'])
@chmod (DIR . '/umg_gallery/images/' . $med['category'] . '/original/' . $med['mediaid'] . '_' . $med['efilename'], 0777);
@unlink (DIR . '/umg_gallery/images/' . $med['category'] . '/original/' . $med['mediaid'] . '_' . $med['efilename'], 0777);
This part is for deleting the file.

You can try to change this line:
@unlink (DIR . '/umg_gallery/images/' . $med['category'] . '/original/' . $med['mediaid'] . '_' . $med['efilename'], 0777);
@unlink (DIR . '/umg_gallery/images/' . $med['category'] . '/original/' . $med['mediaid'] . '_' . $med['efilename']);

Thank You Very Much For Your Help Coroner; the File Edit Works Fine and Now Video Files are Being Deleted when Deleting them from the Galleries. :up:

My Best Regards.


08-26-2009, 05:44 PM
Ok, thx. Will upgrade the Files (vB37 / vB38) tomorrow.

Zaki Shafqat
08-27-2009, 03:47 AM
2 questions: Is there a different between this version and the 3.8.x version? i have installed 3.7.x version on my board and now found 3.8.x too just want to know if there is any difference between both version?

Second question is: Can i show images on my forum home page replacing the album pictures (remember there is a hack that shows Randam Pictures on Forum Home) just want to know if it can show random pictures on my forum home so i can just turn off my albums and use this one

08-27-2009, 11:02 AM
1.) Definately NO. Both versions are the same
2.) Do you mean "forumhome" (index.php) ? Not in the LITE - the PRO hast some AddOn's.
Images in "forumhome", ProfileTab (User Media), MiniSlideshow ...

Zaki Shafqat
08-28-2009, 12:28 AM
can somebody help out by answering post number 105?

08-28-2009, 03:14 AM
can somebody help out by answering post number 105?

The answer is #106

04-07-2010, 11:09 PM
need a lil help

i wana upload more images at 1 time

but i can only upload 1 image at 1 time

whyz dat??

04-08-2010, 02:18 PM
whyz dat ?? cauze it'z so *g

I didn't implemet more than one dl at one time (also PRO). But with ZIP or FTP upload in the PRO you can upload more than 1.