View Full Version : Review My Site

01-11-2009, 08:09 PM
i removed this site cause i no longer own it

01-11-2009, 08:37 PM
First impressions are good,

Your meta description is filled with trash words

<meta name="description" content="Georgia Outdoors.info is an organization dedicated to all outdoor activities in Georgia. Learn about outdoor activities and view listings of outdoor services" />

Try to make the meta description about 12 words or less and try to use as many keywords as possible. Keyword density is important in the meta description. That means you should get rid of the "and" of" "all" "is" "an". Use trash words ONLY when you need to.

Your favicon is the default one.

Viewing members profiles is disabled for guest - good.

The header image is really cool looking.

Your home page is 109k - you might want to trim that down to less then 100kb. The smaller the hoem page, the faster it loads for dial up users.

From a hunters point of view, why do you have Hogs and Exotics listed together? Hogs are nuisance animals. Most states allow hunting of hogs year round, day or night and by any legal means. This is a LOT different then hunting exotic or imported animals.

I like the fact that you have a trail cam section.

Why does Trout Fishing gets its own section when bass fishing and cat fishing does not? Those bass and catfish might get a little jealous. Or dont yall have bass in Georgia? :) Come over to Texas, I'll show you some bass fishing.

I think you might have created too many sub forums. Some of them could be combined.

01-11-2009, 08:45 PM
First impressions are good,

Your meta description is filled with trash words

Try to make the meta description about 12 words or less and try to use as many keywords as possible. Keyword density is important in the meta description. That means you should get rid of the "and" of" "all" "is" "an". Use trash words ONLY when you need to.

Your favicon is the default one.

Viewing members profiles is disabled for guest - good.

The header image is really cool looking.

Your home page is 109k - you might want to trim that down to less then 100kb. The smaller the hoem page, the faster it loads for dial up users.

From a hunters point of view, why do you have Hogs and Exotics listed together? Hogs are nuisance animals. Most states allow hunting of hogs year round, day or night and by any legal means. This is a LOT different then hunting exotic or imported animals.

I like the fact that you have a trail cam section.

Why does Trout Fishing gets its own section when bass fishing and cat fishing does not? Those bass and catfish might get a little jealous. Or dont yall have bass in Georgia? :) Come over to Texas, I'll show you some bass fishing.

I think you might have created too many sub forums. Some of them could be combined.

Why does Trout Fishing gets its own section when bass fishing and cat fishing does not? Those bass and catfish might get a little jealous. Or dont yall have bass in Georgia? :) Come over to Texas, I'll show you some bass fishing.

i thought about that....needs to be combined

Thanks Man....wait til spring and i'll show you some Georgia Bass ;)

01-12-2009, 05:13 AM
Kev pretty much took care of everything ;)

Looks pretty nice, the colors fit your theme pretty well, though you may want to try some gradients on them to soften it up a bit.

01-12-2009, 05:35 AM
Mate looks good.

I would customize all of your status icons to keep in with the site theme.

The thread icons look pretty crap, compared to forum view ( carp icons )

All in all looks, very nice, and easy to read.

My fave spot in Georgia is Lake Lanier, and Stone Mountain.

Its a beaut place. Good Wok !