View Full Version : Moderators Functions - Moderate New User Registrations (ModCP Option)
Please click Mark as Installed if you are using this hack.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This hack can only be used by Super Administrators, Administrators and Super Moderators.
What Does This Hack Do?hr
This is an update to my 3.7.x version of this hack, with the addition of being able to ban members too (this new feature has NOT been included by Jelsoft in the standard vBulletin AdminCP moderate user functionality).
This hack was created because I liked the idea of the request in this thread, and seems to have been requested quite a few times over the years.
Do you have a spam problem and have resorted to manual user registration? If so, have you noticed that it is so tedious and wish you could spread the love by getting other people to do this for you, but not give them AdminCP access? If the answer is yes to both questions, then this hack is for you.
This is a hack gives your Super Moderators (and Administrators) the option in the ModCP to now manually approve new user registrations, that before now only Administrators could do from the AdminCP.
This means you can now spread the load of manually approving users with your Super Moderators, leaving you the administrator more time to do other things.
A notification in your welcome block in the navbar is displayed (if the notification option is enabled in the AdminCP) when there are new user registrations to be moderated. This is displayed to both Administrators and Super Moderators. The notification will only generate 1 extra query per page load (only if the notification is enabled, and then the extra query is only for Administrators and Super Moderators, so if you want to save a query then disable the option).
As this has been asked for a few times over the last couple of versions of this hack, all users being moderated by Super Moderators are now set to Ignore by default, so undesirable users are not accepted by accident.
Also included in this hack, if enabled and a ban usergroup is selected in the AdminCP Options, is the ability to ban users and emailing them to let them know, instead of just deleting them (this new feature has NOT been included by Jelsoft in the standard vBulletin AdminCP moderate user functionality), as it has also been requested before. So, if the ban feature is enabled, then Administrators clicking the notification link to moderate new registrations will be taken to the ModCP version (this hack) instead.
There is also an AdminCP Option to enable logging of user moderation to the Moderator's log.
What Do You Get?
With all features enabled in this hack, when there is a notification on the navbar that there are new user(s) to moderate, Super Moderators and Administrators can do the following for each individual moderated user:
Accept User (they are now a member)
Delete User (delete them from database)
Ban User (user is banned, username can not be reused)
Ignore User (leave them as a user yet to be moderated)
Or for all new moderated users, they can do the following:
Accept All
Delete All
Ban All
Ignore All
vBulletin Version Compatibilityhr
This hack can be used with vBulletin versions 3.7.0 - 3.8.8.
This hack is not compatible with v3.6.x (due to fact that notifications in the welcome block were not introduced until v3.7.0), but fear not, you can use the unsupported v3.6.x version of this hack instead.
For the v4.0.x version of this hack - check here.
Hack Support/Feature Requestshr
IMPORTANT: This hack is no longer supported.
There is a small unobtrusive block of copyright branding text at the bottom of each page generated by this hack, which is there to promote my work and allow you to use this hack for free.
You are NOT allowed to remove my copyright branding from this hack.
Install/Uninstall Instructionshr
There are no file or template changes at all and is fully phrased. You just need to upload 1 file, import 1 product and alter the correct vBulletin Options in the AdminCP, and then it will work from then on.
The InstallInstructions.txt instructions file is included in attached .zip file.
Shown in this order:
Notification in navbar
ModCP sidebar (with Moderate Registrations showing)
Moderate New User Registrations (with ban feature enabled)
Moderate New User Registrations (with ban feature disabled)
Showing what the banned user would look like in my Banned Members Log hack
AdminCP Options
Moderator Log
Version Historyhr
v3.8.005 - Wednesday 5th August 2009
-- Updated: Screenshots
-- Changed: user_moderation.php
-- Added: AdminCP Option to enable logging of action applied to each user in the Moderator log
-- Added: 3 new phrases
v3.8.004 - Tuesday 30th June 2009
-- Updated: Screenshots
-- Changed: user_moderation.php
-- Added: Option to send email to users that have been banned
-- Added: 3 new phrases
v3.8.003 - Tuesday 7th April 2009
-- Updated: Screenshots
-- Changed: If both ban user and notification features are enabled, administrators are also taken to the ModCP version of this hack. The AdminCP version does not have the ban user feature.
-- Changed: Redirect in ModCP forces a full page refresh, so that whole ModCP is viewable after moderating new users.
-- Changed: Install/uninstall instructions file
-- Changed: VersionHistory.txt
-- Added: Ban user feature. If enabled extra and a ban usergoup is selected buttons appear when moderating new users.
-- Added: AdminCP Options to turn ban feature on, select ban group selected moderated users are to moved to and ban message.
v3.8.002 - Thursday 19th February 2009
-- Fixed: Form header incorrect, caused problems
-- Updated: Screenshots
-- Changed: File - user_moderation.php
-- Added: Install/uninstall instructions file
-- Added: VersionHistory.txt
v3.8.001 - Wednesday 7th January 2009
-- Initial vBulletin v3.8.x Release
-- Changed: Code re-write
-- Changed: All users being moderated are now set to "Ignore" by default
Thanks go out to Paul M who gave me permission to use some of his install code.
NOTE: Portions of the code are (c) Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
Show Your Appreciation hr
Although not required, if you have enjoyed the benefits of this hack, and would like show your appreciation for my efforts, then please feel free to click on the Support Developer link and donate any amount you feel is appropriate.
Adem GEN?
01-07-2009, 11:01 AM
For Notifications Moderation album picture
01-08-2009, 09:27 PM
Looks like it's still working for 3.8.0 :)
01-09-2009, 03:09 AM
I like it... is there anyway you could include an option to ban the user instead of deleting it? Reason being is if there is a potential that this user is a spammer by banning the username it prevents the username from being used again as well as using the email address again. If we delete it they can simply re-register.
I like it... is there anyway you could include an option to ban the user instead of deleting it? Reason being is if there is a potential that this user is a spammer by banning the username it prevents the username from being used again as well as using the email address again. If we delete it they can simply re-register.
Not without extra coding. This is not something I am interested in adding to this hack at the moment, but I may look at it again at a later date.
01-09-2009, 08:30 AM
I like it... is there anyway you could include an option to ban the user instead of deleting it? Reason being is if there is a potential that this user is a spammer by banning the username it prevents the username from being used again as well as using the email address again. If we delete it they can simply re-register.I'd install vBstopforumspam ( for that. I've enabled new user moderation (and installed this mod) just as a final manual check in case reCAPTCHA, vBSFS and a few other measures don't stop the spammer, and as of august last year none have come past those so far :)
...and d'oh! Had so many windows open while checking mod functionality last night, didn't notice this one was a 3.8.0 specific update already.
Hey! This is nice, I have downloaded it and am about to install it right now. I just wondered if this will also allow Super Moderators to change a users permission on the forums?
No, it does not. It is just for registration approval.
01-25-2009, 01:52 PM
Hi, I'm having a problem in version 3.8
My super moderators get the notification, they can access the moderation screen, but when they click on continue in order to approve the new member, they only get a blank screen with the footer (with the mod info/Copyright) and the member doesn't get approved.
Any idea of what might be the problem?
01-26-2009, 08:35 PM
I am having the same problem as Skywatcher... any fix for this?
01-27-2009, 08:06 PM
Same here?
01-27-2009, 10:10 PM
Has anyone made this work on 3.8? I see it was installed 29 times, are those installs working?
01-29-2009, 08:28 PM
Oh, just noticed Mosh's signature now.
Talk about lowsy timing :-/
02-05-2009, 11:37 PM
Has anyone made this work on 3.8? I see it was installed 29 times, are those installs working?Yep, seems to work.
02-06-2009, 09:22 PM
If you have blank screen than edit user_moderation.php:
print_form_header('user', 'domoderate'); and change to
print_form_header('user_moderation', 'domoderate');
This work's for me :)
02-07-2009, 12:17 AM
installed -- great!
02-08-2009, 05:10 PM
If you have blank screen than edit user_moderation.php:
print_form_header('user', 'domoderate'); and change to
print_form_header('user_moderation', 'domoderate');
This work's for me :)
Thanks man! That was the problem, now its working perfect!
Hi, I'm having a problem in version 3.8
My super moderators get the notification, they can access the moderation screen, but when they click on continue in order to approve the new member, they only get a blank screen with the footer (with the mod info/Copyright) and the member doesn't get approved.
Any idea of what might be the problem?
I am having the same problem as Skywatcher... any fix for this?
Same here?
If you have blank screen than edit user_moderation.php:
print_form_header('user', 'domoderate'); and change to
print_form_header('user_moderation', 'domoderate');
This work's for me :)
Oh crap, can not believe I missed that :o Sorry about that folks. I will update it in the next version :)
Update: v3.8.002 - Thursday 19th February 2009
-- Fixed: Form header incorrect, caused problems
-- Updated: Screenshots
-- Changed: File - user_moderation.php
-- Added: Install/uninstall instructions file
-- Added: VersionHistory.txt
02-28-2009, 09:31 AM
Nice mod Mosh... thanks for coding it. I clicked 'installed'
03-09-2009, 11:40 PM
Mosh-or anyone else for that matter. I'd like the ability to give regular moderators this ability. How hard is that to do?
03-10-2009, 02:48 AM
I looked through the php of the modcp.php file that was in the upload folder, and i saw "permissions" but what can I add to that to allow a certain usergroup to be able to use this feature?
Mosh-or anyone else for that matter. I'd like the ability to give regular moderators this ability. How hard is that to do?
I looked through the php of the modcp.php file that was in the upload folder, and i saw "permissions" but what can I add to that to allow a certain usergroup to be able to use this feature?
It can be done, as the hack (and optional navbar notification) use those specific permissions to check, and they check if a user is in an administrator usergroup or a super moderator group, they can not be used to check if the user is in a moderator group. I would have to rewrite all the permissions, but I am not interested in updating the hack to do it, it works exactly the way I want it to, and apart from the bug I introduced into the last version of this hack (v3.8.001 fixed in v3.8.002), this hack has been working bug free since about December 2006 (I released it here at the end of August 2007).
If I ever need to add permissions for additional usergroups/users for any of my sites, then I will update this hack at that time, but until then I will not be added anything additional on the permissions end of things.
But if you wanted to do it yourself, you would have to alter the permission in user_moderation.php file, and also all 3 plugins associated with this hack.
03-10-2009, 06:28 PM
Well as I tried and don't know how to code as well as you, I cannot do it by myself and i'm sure since you built it, changing a line or two of coding in 4 files wouldn't be terribly time consuming or difficult. Oh well, uninstalled and marked 1 star.
Update: v3.8.003 - Tuesday 7th April 2009
-- Updated: Screenshots
-- Changed: If both ban user and notification features are enabled, Administrators are also taken to the ModCP version of this hack. The AdminCP version does not have the ban user feature.
-- Changed: Redirect in ModCP forces a full page refresh, so that whole ModCP is viewable after moderating new users.
-- Changed: Install/uninstall instructions file
-- Changed: VersionHistory.txt
-- Added: Ban user feature. If enabled extra and a ban usergoup is selected buttons appear when moderating new users.
-- Added: AdminCP Options to turn ban feature on, select ban group selected moderated users are to moved to and ban message.
I like it... is there anyway you could include an option to ban the user instead of deleting it? Reason being is if there is a potential that this user is a spammer by banning the username it prevents the username from being used again as well as using the email address again. If we delete it they can simply re-register.
Not without extra coding. This is not something I am interested in adding to this hack at the moment, but I may look at it again at a later date.
This feature request has now been added in v3.8.003 :)
Thanks for this addon (Y)
04-10-2009, 10:03 AM
Would it be possible for this mod to allow the Super Moderator to change the Primary or Additional Usergroups of a User?
I would find that to be a very nice addition.
Would it be possible for this mod to allow the Super Moderator to change the Primary or Additional Usergroups of a User?
I would find that to be a very nice addition.
Unfortunately not, as the link for Super Moderators to the users profile uses a link the the ModCP version of user.php which does not allow for the editing of users, only administrators have permission to edit users. Adding your request would actually involve creating a brand new hack to move the edit user admin functions out to the ModCP and sorting out Super Moderator permissions to include the ability to edit a uses profile.
04-14-2009, 09:57 PM
Is there any option to email banned members? same as the mail being sent to those who aproved or deleted?
thanks in advance
Is there any option to email banned members? same as the mail being sent to those who aproved or deleted?
thanks in advance
Not at the moment, but I could probably add the feature if enough people are interested in having it added.
04-16-2009, 01:25 PM
Hi Mosh, great add-on. Thanks for that.
I have a question:
- Why is it not possible to use this in the modCP without having new members to verify e-mail address?
Hi Mosh, great add-on. Thanks for that.
I have a question:
- Why is it not possible to use this in the modCP without having new members to verify e-mail address?
It is possible with quite a few alterations to this hack, but would alter the way this hack works (and would require a lot of testing to ensure permissions were not broken.
The permissions are the way that they are, because that is the way I chose to do it when I first created the hack for my own forums (vBulletin 3.5.x version, unreleased to public) in 2006 and to me it makes sense if you are passing on manual approval of your potential users to your Super Moderators, for the potential user to have to verify there email address (if the email address exists, then it is one more step to proving they may be legit, i.e. not spammers).
This hack has working exactly the way I like it for over two and a half years, and as I have told others who have requested changing permissions (to allow other usergroups to be selected apart from Super Moderators, or remove the need to confirm emails), is that is not something I wish to do with this hack.
Silver Tiger
05-20-2009, 06:44 PM
How can I disable the feature of moderators being able to delete users. In other words, I would use this hack if moderators can accept + ban only.
Thanks :up:
How can I disable the feature of moderators being able to delete users. In other words, I would use this hack if moderators can accept + ban only.
Thanks :up:
This is not currently possible. You can only turn the feature On and Off, and affects both Administrators and Super Moderators, if it is On, both Admins and SMods can ban users when registering, if Off, the ban feature is not there for both Admins and SMods.
Please click Mark as Installed if you are using this hack.
06-09-2009, 04:20 PM
how do i disable the notification for new users?
and also mods cannot see where they can approve members once they are in mod cp but onyl work when they click the link on notification
if i disable the notification moderator will not be able to see oending users
how do i disable the notification for new users?
In the AdminCP Options, see second screenshot
and also mods cannot see where they can approve members once they are in mod cp but onyl work when they click the link on notification
if i disable the notification moderator will not be able to see oending users
See third screenshot (Moderate Registrations at the bottom). Just a note, this hack can only be used by Administrators and Super Moderators only, NOT Moderators.
06-23-2009, 01:34 AM
yes but super moderators still cant access approve users page if i disable the notification.
there will just be empty page, if i renable the notification and moderator refresh the page again they will see users again
yes but super moderators still cant access approve users page if i disable the notification.
there will just be empty page, if i renable the notification and moderator refresh the page again they will see users again
I can not replicate this issue at all, I have just tested it out. Even when I turn off notifications there if there are users awaiting moderation, they are still be there for Super Moderators. See the screenshot attached.
Update: v3.8.004 - Tuesday 30th June 2009
-- Updated: Screenshots
-- Changed: user_moderation.php
-- Added: Option to send email to users that have been banned
-- Added: 3 new phrases
Is there any option to email banned members? same as the mail being sent to those who aproved or deleted?
thanks in advance
Now added in v3.8.004 :)
08-04-2009, 02:36 PM
thanks for the mod but was wondering if u can implement a log feature that will log which moderator has been approving members ebcause as in my case i have few moderators who isnt approving but they are arguing they have approved. so i need the logs to prove them otherwise.
was wondering if u can implement a log feature that will log which moderator has been approving members
Very good idea, I like it ;)
I will add an option to the hack to enable moderator logging. Should be released soon :)
Upgrade: v3.8.005 - Wednesday 5th August 2009
-- Updated: Screenshots
-- Changed: user_moderation.php
-- Added: AdminCP Option to enable logging of action applied to each user in the Moderator log
-- Added: 3 new phrases
08-05-2009, 04:11 AM
thanks alot for implementing and for the quick update
could i know where i can check the logs?
Statistics & Logs, cant find it there yet
thanks alot for implementing and for the quick update
could i know where i can check the logs?
Statistics & Logs, cant find it there yet
You were in the right place. See the Statistics & Logs ( section of the vBulletin Manual.
Note: To access these parts of the Admin Control Panel you may need to edit your config.php please refer to Editing the vBulletin Configuration File ( for further instructions.
08-06-2009, 07:45 PM
Assuming you've set said permissions correctly: statistics & logs -> moderator log -> select product -> view
08-13-2009, 07:08 PM
Is there any way for it to redirect you back to the homepage of the forums instead of the admincp?
08-13-2009, 08:35 PM
thank you installed
Is there any way for it to redirect you back to the homepage of the forums instead of the admincp?
This is not supported (see first post for type of support offered) but should work. If it does not work, you are on your own.
Edit user_moderation.php, find (x2 instances):
define('CP_REDIRECT', 'index.php?');
Change to:
define('CP_REDIRECT', './index.php?');
thank you installed
Then please click Mark as Installed.
09-25-2009, 01:49 AM
If i want the moderators, say group number 12 also to have the previlage to allow users.
which line of code should i change.
i saw that line 29 but was unable to change it.
can you please help me out thanx
If i want the moderators, say group number 12 also to have the previlage to allow users.
which line of code should i change.
i saw that line 29 but was unable to change it.
can you please help me out thanx
Please read the first post carefully. I have posted a snippet from the Hack Support section below:
I will not be providing any support at all to people who have not clicked Mark as Installed.
Free support for this hack is in its unaltered form, and does not include supporting alterations to this hack, custom code, custom template edits and integration with other third-party hacks.
10-24-2009, 08:52 AM
when i try to download the zip file, i get a file called attachment.html. I don't get it, is there a problem with the download or is this happening only with me?
10-24-2009, 10:08 AM
Works perfectly. Thx. Had to turn new account moderator feature on because of a previous member who was just banned. He kept comming back and creating new accounts. At least now my 4 super moderators can approve new accounts.
Perfect mod, thx.
when i try to download the zip file, i get a file called attachment.html. I don't get it, is there a problem with the download or is this happening only with me?
The problem seems to be with just you. I just tried it and no problems downloading the attachment at all, also 97 other people did not seem to have a problem either looking at the number of downloads for the attachment.
10-24-2009, 10:49 AM
The problem seems to be with just you. I just tried it and no problems downloading the attachment at all, also 97 other people did not seem to have a problem either looking at the number of downloads for the attachment.
i just found out how to download, apparently i cannot download using safari. When i tried with firefox it worked and i just installed it, thanks a lot for the wonderful job.
i just found out how to download, apparently i cannot download using safari. When i tried with firefox it worked and i just installed it, thanks a lot for the wonderful job.
Then please click Mark as Installed in the first post.
10-25-2009, 04:05 PM
Installated but no works :(, i no understand why ...
Installated but no works :(, i no understand why ...
What does not work for your site??? Please elaborate, and be as descriptive as possible.
10-28-2009, 06:18 PM
I had a new member register since I installed this mod and they recieved a ban message upon registering. Is their a way to fix that? That can be misleading to new registered members. Thanks
I had a new member register since I installed this mod and they recieved a ban message upon registering. Is their a way to fix that? That can be misleading to new registered members. Thanks
This does not automatically ban a user, someone has to select Ban or Ban All when using this tool, as it is set to Ignore for each user as default. So, this is going to be user error, and not an error with this hack.
10-30-2009, 01:18 AM
Is there anyway to make the option appear in the ModCP WITHOUT turning on the "Moderate New Members" option??
The reason being is I have another mod to let through all white listed IP's using this mod:
Moderate New Registrations Based On IP Geographical Origin:
This works well, local stuff goes through, but the moderation rights are not given to SuperMods unless I flip the above switch to make ALL new registrations require moderation.
So I either have work for Admin (which I don't want) or lots of work for Super Mods (which I would also like to avoid).
edit: I also love the ban option in this mod since if I simply delete spammers they get to reuse the same email address, banning stops that.
10-30-2009, 02:33 AM
Seems that editing the xml install file and the user_moderation.php file removing the references to $vbulletin->options['moderatenewmembers'] means this little hack doesn't check to see if the moderate new members flag is on, but still checks everything else and still only allows supermods access. (which is exactly what I want).
Is there any downside that I'm missing here?
Is there anyway to make the option appear in the ModCP WITHOUT turning on the "Moderate New Members" option??
The reason being is I have another mod to let through all white listed IP's using this mod:
Moderate New Registrations Based On IP Geographical Origin:
This works well, local stuff goes through, but the moderation rights are not given to SuperMods unless I flip the above switch to make ALL new registrations require moderation.
So I either have work for Admin (which I don't want) or lots of work for Super Mods (which I would also like to avoid).
edit: I also love the ban option in this mod since if I simply delete spammers they get to reuse the same email address, banning stops that.
Seems that editing the xml install file and the user_moderation.php file removing the references to $vbulletin->options['moderatenewmembers'] means this little hack doesn't check to see if the moderate new members flag is on, but still checks everything else and still only allows supermods access. (which is exactly what I want).
Is there any downside that I'm missing here?
Not that I can think of, but if you run across any issues I will not be able to help unless you revert the changes, as I do not support custom modifications to this hack.
10-30-2009, 06:59 AM
Not that I can think of, but if you run across any issues I will not be able to help unless you revert the changes, as I do not support custom modifications to this hack.
I appreciate that, it's only a minor change to switch it back if needed, but so far in testing it's looking pretty good.
11-16-2009, 01:33 AM
didnt even see the option in modcp..
didnt even see the option in modcp..
Sorry it has taken so long to answer, but have just come back off vacation ;)
280 other sites do not have a problem with this hack showing in the ModCP, so it must be a problem just local to your site.
Can you elaborate further as to the steps you took to install this hack, including vBulletin version you are trying to install this on? As you have not provided any info that will allow me to help you.
The vBulletin v4.0.x version of this hack is available here.
thanks for this will be very useful
Hi all,
It is with regret that after over 4 years (and thousands of hours) spent providing free support for my free hacks released here, as of today I will no longer be able to provide support for free.
This is due to being unemployed for a while, being strapped for cash and unable to rely on the virtually non-existent donations from here to help to pay the bills or put food on the table for my family. I am now providing all support for my free hacks released here over at Wolfshead Solutions ( via an annual support subscription (for a small fee).
It does not mean I will be no longer release free hacks, I will, but I will just no longer be supporting them for free.
My free hacks have and always will remain free to download and use. And so will updates/bug fixes.
I will be releasing more free hacks, but if you require any support at all for those free hacks, you will need to purchase an annual support subscription over at Wolfshead Solutions to receive support.
I am really sorry I have to do this, but revenue generated by my programming gigs are now my only source of income, and I can no longer afford the luxury of providing free support here, when that time can be spent creating new commercial products, doing paid work requests or providing paid support to pay the bills.
Thank you for the understanding.
10-05-2010, 04:30 PM
never mind. please delete this post.
Hi all,
Free support has now been moved back to
Please see the first post for more information (and also this thread ( at Wolfshead Solutions).
Enjoy :)
Mosh Shigdar - Wolfshead Solutions.
08-03-2011, 07:52 PM
is there a mod like this for 4.1.4?
04-09-2012, 08:13 PM
Works great!
04-30-2012, 08:01 AM
Followed the instructions and using 3.8.3 but getting a 404 error when clicking to view the users under moderation in either VB Mod panel or notifications on the actual forum :(
I can edit the settings and see that this mod is active.
Anyone know why this might be happening?
05-06-2012, 01:43 PM
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling this hack and still my Super Mods cannot get access to moderate new members.
Does anyone know of an alternative? Looks like this is dead and I won't get a response.
Followed the instructions and using 3.8.3 but getting a 404 error when clicking to view the users under moderation in either VB Mod panel or notifications on the actual forum :(
I can edit the settings and see that this mod is active.
Anyone know why this might be happening?
It sounds like you have not uploaded the file in Step 1 of the installation instructions to the right location, as a 404 Error is that the file can not be found.
07-09-2012, 01:45 PM
thanks for add
12-05-2012, 11:26 PM
This mod works fine for me except that for the mods, above the main frame showing registrations that need approving, they suddenly get a new frame with a bunch of errors:
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/{mysite}/public_html/forum/includes/init.php on line 55 another 8 places in init.php, and one in class_core.php.
It doesn't seem to affect the mod, but it's annoying and freaks out my mods.
This mod works fine for me except that for the mods, above the main frame showing registrations that need approving, they suddenly get a new frame with a bunch of errors: another 8 places in init.php, and one in class_core.php.
It doesn't seem to affect the mod, but it's annoying and freaks out my mods.
It is an issue with the PHP version, I suspect you have PHP v 5.3.x or greater installed. You will just need to suppress depreciated messages in your php.ini file...... before you ask, I can not help you with that, but your web host may be able to help, or you could ask over at -
07-09-2013, 04:37 PM
Is there a mod the same as this for vb4
vBulletin® v3.8.12 by vBS, Copyright ©2000-2025, vBulletin Solutions Inc.