View Full Version : "Favorites" feature

Ed FvC
06-12-2001, 10:46 PM
I used to have this hack on my UBB system. Users would be able to select their favorite forums, it would store in a cookie, and only display those selected. It comes in really handy for those sites with a long list of forums.

Can this be done either using a cookie or in the user database? Thanks! :D

06-13-2001, 12:52 AM
I am not sure on this at all... but wouldn't it just take a little bit of modifying the "subscribed forums" part.

Where you can subscribe to different forums... and then those can the only ones seen if you select that..

like make a yes or no radio button function to allow each user to just show the forums they are subscribed to, or to show all..

dunno like I said, and this may be more work than it's worth.. or there is probably alot easier ways.

06-13-2001, 03:59 AM
There's a discussion about this exact subject here ( :)