View Full Version : BBCODE Creation. Need Help.

01-04-2009, 05:34 PM
I'd like to have a BBCODE in our forums called 'TMX'
As Option there's a String used, here TMU for example

So I created an own vBcode with the following Things:
Tag: TMX
Code:<? include ("http://forum.online-spielen.de/tmxinfo.php?id={param}|{option}"); ?>
Example: 856563
Use Option "YES"

If I call the URL in my browser everything is shown well. A table filled with the informations to display in a forums thread.

This php script to include is variable, so if i change the param or option there will be shown another result in the same table:

My problem is to include these table in the thread.

If I take a look at the sourcecode of the Thread there's the line
<? include ("http://forum.online-spielen.de/tmxinfo.php?id=856563|TMU"); ?>
inside, so the {param} and the {option} works well.

But no table is shown instead of the include php code :(

Please help me, because i've no idea...

Marco van Herwaarden
01-05-2009, 07:01 AM
Is that line in the HTML output? You can not execute PHP in a template.

01-05-2009, 09:49 AM
Yes, this:<? include ("http://forum.online-spielen.de/tmxinfo.php?id=856563|TMU"); ?>
is the Line in the output (Out of Sourcecode of the displayed Forumthread).

I think I'll have to realize it by a vBulletin-Plugin but how will i find the right anchor for the Plugin?