View Full Version : SotW-Bot

01-01-2009, 08:23 PM
Hello I've been looking for a SotW-Bot which is basicly doing this:

The bot is coming every monday at 0 o'clock and creates a new SotW-Thread for the next week. The previous SotW-Thread is automaticly converted into a voting, where all the user can vote for the best signature. This voting is running exacly one week. The winner is produced automaticly and is for the next week at the front page for one week.

For people which say thats impossible it's not I've seen this at more than one GFX Board and I am really wondering if this bot exists or if anyone can make one :)

Thanks a lot guys!

PS: SotW = Signature of the Week


01-01-2009, 08:48 PM
Why not use the actual SOTW product hack for VB

We use it, and have it rebadged as WOTW ( wont explain LOL )

We manually update it every week.
Each weeks winner must set a poll, and choose 5 candidates for next weeks voting.

Then in awards manager, we award the winner of the WOTW with a prize.

Simple. No crons, and fully controllable

Feel free to check ours out.


01-23-2009, 02:53 PM
It's actually too much work (:

I saw it already in Vb. Someone may be has it?
