View Full Version : google search results to file?

12-31-2008, 04:28 PM

My website's SEO is terrible. My site's links are almost all flash now and when you search for "bodybuilding" it used to be #3 now it's like #25 because the rank is low. I also used to have 300+ .htm files that are all now .php files.

I run this search in google:

site:abcbodybuilding.com .htm

Is there any way to spool everything google finds into a text file?

This would make writing a new .htaccess file MUCH faster for me.

Thanks for anything you all can help me with!


12-31-2008, 06:32 PM
When you redo a site it takes time for it to be reindexed. The best thing you can do is create a sitemap.

12-31-2008, 07:46 PM

My website's SEO is terrible. My site's links are almost all flash now and when you search for "bodybuilding" it used to be #3 now it's like #25 because the rank is low. I also used to have 300+ .htm files that are all now .php files.

I run this search in google:

site:abcbodybuilding.com .htm

Is there any way to spool everything google finds into a text file?

This would make writing a new .htaccess file MUCH faster for me.

Thanks for anything you all can help me with!


The easiest way would probably get a SEO tool like IBP and it can create a list of all your pages indexed if you want, pretty sure you can use custom commands to find certain pages as well.

01-01-2009, 02:38 AM
You can do it that old xxx.htm redirect to xxx.php.