View Full Version : fade/highlight posts (like engadget comments)

12-22-2008, 03:07 PM
I was wondering how difficult would it be to make a mod that allows users to vote on posts (using the reputation system or its own). The more positive the votes received the more highlighted the posts become and the negatively rated posts start to fade away more and more. A fine example would be at engadget.com as shown in screenshot below...


As you can see the middle post is faded slightly and can be faded away more depending on vote results. The first comment was rated high thus highlighted more.

If anyone could make something like that for v3.7, it be pretty cool. If it exists already sorry for the post as I couldn't find one. :)

12-23-2008, 06:18 PM
No thoughts on this? Just curious if anyone thinks it's a really difficult thing to modify in vbulletin. I see the highlight threadstarter mod but thats not anything like what I'm describing. Would it have to modify vbulletin code?