View Full Version : Major Additions - Updated - Member/User Generator Script for vbulletin!

12-13-2008, 10:00 PM
Updated from https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=166693&highlight=Mass+User+Creation+Auto+Posting

It was re-useable code so I decided to improve it alot.

Compatible with 3.5.x, 3.6.x, 3.7.x, and 3.8.x!!

This script allows you to generate some members to your forum. This script is perfect for forums that need to 'boost' registration rates. I would rather register at a big forum over a smaller one!

Copyright 2008 iNRoC Productions - Webdevpros.net/forum
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################################################## ##########
#### vBulletin Member Generator Rewrite by iNRoC/123456 ####
#### Compatible with 3.6.x, 3.7.x, and 3.8.x ####
################################################## ##########


Member/User Generator Script for vBulletin

Known Bugs/Errors:
-- Not effective on vBadvanced and most CMPS [Minor]
-- If you refresh on 2nd page it will generate again [Low]

-- Upload files to forum directory
-- Import Product FakeLoggedInUsers by Atakon OTC

How to use:
-- Go to admincp and click on navigational link on left
-- Never generate over 100 users at a time

-- Added link to return to admincp after generation
-- Edited some phrases
-- Fixed minor bug causing E-mails to have different names
-Added No-Numbers in username generator
--- Has numbers in email addys
--- May cause usernames to repeat so make sure you add some of your own
names. Beta!
-- Added Link to Usergen from admincp navigational bar
-- Fixed spelling errors
-- Removed First post options till major statistic update bug is fixed
-- Removed extra options such as E-Mail and Password
-- Removed No - Numbers file
-- Added admincp compatibility
-- Removed OHW Logo (I am no longer apart of the OHW name)
-- Fixed some minor bugs
-- Added Online list to options menu
-- Removed Usernamelist.txt option (Major Bug caused it to fail!)
-- Fixed Copyright links
-- Fixed cpnav links
-- Fixed major bugs caused by my stupidity
-- Made everything easier to use

Whats in the next major release:
-- Option to remove numbers from usernames
-- Online list of names (Over 250 of them!)
-- CSS Editing to match admincp
-- Bug Fixes

Want to help me in the development of this mod? Send me/upload a list of names in a text file with one name per line so I can add it to the list! Since alexcogeek stopped updating, I will be doing it!



12-14-2008, 03:55 AM
Reserved for updates

Rene Kriest
12-14-2008, 05:16 AM
Interesting addon. I will give it a try in my test forums bcoz it's way easier to build a test community which such an addon.

12-14-2008, 09:34 AM

12-14-2008, 10:51 AM
Interesting addon. I will give it a try in my test forums bcoz it's way easier to build a test community which such an addon.

Ok let me know what you think. By version 1.2 I think I had all the major bugs out. I just need a list of names.

12-14-2008, 10:54 AM
This is coolies........

12-14-2008, 11:14 AM
This is coolies........

Lol thanks for the feedback, working on the online name list so if you have any name ideas, please post them in code tages (ONE NAME PER LINE).

12-18-2008, 09:47 AM
I'll try this addon. Is it safe?

12-19-2008, 01:14 PM
I'll try this addon. Is it safe?

Perfectly safe. I've used it on a few of my sites.

-- Added Online list to options menu
-- Removed Usernamelist.txt option (Major Bug caused it to fail!)
-- Fixed Copyright links
-- Fixed cpnav links


12-19-2008, 06:15 PM
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in ...../admincp/usergenerator.php on line 298

12-19-2008, 06:19 PM
ooo this could be a good one

12-19-2008, 08:40 PM
why would it put double commas between the names here is an example slick,,slick1,,slick2,,etc

12-20-2008, 12:15 AM
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/...../public_html/admincp/usergenerator.php on line 298

any ideas?

12-20-2008, 04:11 AM
why would it put double commas between the names here is an example slick,,slick1,,slick2,,etc

Disable the Product.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/...../public_html/admincp/usergenerator.php on line 298

any ideas?

Im on it. In the mean time try the v1.2 if you haven't already.

12-20-2008, 07:22 PM
ok but that didnt really answer the question lol, I would like to have this up and running.

I disable the product it will disable the plugin

12-20-2008, 10:34 PM
Do the user do anything/ever on?

12-21-2008, 03:56 PM
is there an approximate eta for 2.0?

12-22-2008, 12:41 AM
Couldn't there be a way to randomize the members that are shown after so many hours, and also the amount, like we can input 10 to 30 in the admincp and every time the cron runs it will choose a random number of members in between that range?

Also this mod conflicts sorta with the user legend mod from here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=165980), can it be fixed to show the members in the correct area, instead of after the legend titles or w/e?

12-23-2008, 08:22 PM
Couldn't there be a way to randomize the members that are shown after so many hours, and also the amount, like we can input 10 to 30 in the admincp and every time the cron runs it will choose a random number of members in between that range?

Also this mod conflicts sorta with the user legend mod from here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=165980), can it be fixed to show the members in the correct area, instead of after the legend titles or w/e?

Wasnt on the past few days sorry, updating everything now.

12-23-2008, 09:46 PM
Wasnt on the past few days sorry, updating everything now.

thank you for the support :D

12-23-2008, 09:56 PM
Looks good. Where do I go to turn this mod on in the admincp after I upload it?

12-23-2008, 11:14 PM
Looks good. Where do I go to turn this mod on in the admincp after I upload it?

You upload it and then visit your admincp. There should be a link for it in there.

12-23-2008, 11:20 PM
did you update 1.4 or release 2.0? also, can I delete these users with this mod or just manually delete each one?

12-23-2008, 11:23 PM
strange...still nada

12-23-2008, 11:24 PM
by the way my forum link http://www.layupdrill.com/boards

12-23-2008, 11:31 PM
by the way my forum link http://www.layupdrill.com/boards

cool site (concept) I registered for ya, good luck ;)

12-23-2008, 11:57 PM
did you update 1.4 or release 2.0? also, can I delete these users with this mod or just manually delete each one?
I updated to 1.4 for the bugfixes
strange...still nada
I can't find the source of the problem just dont use it or change the legend.

12-24-2008, 12:39 AM
cool site (concept) I registered for ya, good luck ;)

Thanks alot!:)

12-28-2008, 12:19 AM
People have been asking me for a mass deletion modification. However there is a way to prune members from the adminCP or you can manually remove them from the SQL database.

12-30-2008, 06:27 AM
i have been installed this



can i set its automatically generate member daily?
example : 25 user generate everyday

12-30-2008, 10:00 AM
It would be nice if they showed in the Who's Online viewing random threads

tipu sulthan
12-30-2008, 04:38 PM
any problem for site?installing this

12-30-2008, 09:55 PM
any problem for site?installing this

This mod is 100% safe but is not effective on vBadvanced or most CMPS until I can figure it out.

tipu sulthan
12-30-2008, 09:58 PM
This mod is 100% safe but is not effective on vBadvanced or most CMPS until I can figure it out.
thanxx man :cool:

12-31-2008, 04:43 AM
No problem. If you do come accross anything though, let me know.

01-02-2009, 09:51 PM
Quick Question.

If you decide to remove the mod/disable it, do the fake members disappear to ?

How come you dont use it on your forum.

01-03-2009, 12:41 AM
Quick Question.

If you decide to remove the mod/disable it, do the fake members disappear to ?

How come you dont use it on your forum.

No they will not be deleted but they are easily deleted. Thats why you have to be careful when generating users. I'm working on a better one though based on the admincp.
My forum is 100% legit and active therefore i dont really need it.

01-13-2009, 06:46 PM
How can we fix the , username , , anotheruser problem? :)

And I just noticed… Users that are already logged in appear twice sometimes.

01-13-2009, 09:24 PM
How can we fix the , username , , anotheruser problem? :)

And I just noticed? Users that are already logged in appear twice sometimes.

You need to edit the plugin Fake Users with the following code

Edit Plugin Fake Logged in Users
eval('$activeusers .= " , ' . fetch_template


[CODE]Edit Plugin Fake Logged in Users
eval('$activeusers .= "' . fetch_template

Job done :)

01-13-2009, 10:45 PM
You need to edit the plugin Fake Users with the following code

Edit Plugin Fake Logged in Users
eval('$activeusers .= " , ' . fetch_template


[CODE]Edit Plugin Fake Logged in Users
eval('$activeusers .= "' . fetch_template

Job done :)

ummm... then if you were logged out i dont think it would work...

edit the template: FORUMHOME_loggedinusers

delete the ,

then you should be good

01-14-2009, 04:44 PM
ummm... then if you were logged out i dont think it would work...

edit the template: FORUMHOME_loggedinusers

delete the ,

then you should be good

Nope still works , if you delete the , from forumhome template that that will most likely mess it all up . As at the moment its fetching it twice

02-02-2009, 11:13 PM
The product will be updated and released soon. Im editing it right now.

02-15-2009, 08:10 AM

doen't work

only visitor is ok

02-16-2009, 06:07 AM
Edit:* I originally asked how to edit the code to make a few changes. Instead, I ended up learning a bit while trying to help myself. Thought I'd share with others (see next post)

02-16-2009, 03:03 PM
Option #1 - [No numbers on the end of generated names]
For anyone else who'd like to remove the numbers added to the end of names;

Simply find this line of code in the usergenerator.php file
$user = trim($names[$i]).$n;And replace it with -->
$user = trim($names[$i]); //.$n;-----------------------------------------------------

Option #2 - [Shorter numbers on the end of generated names.]
(this will help the script avoid duplicate names if you plan on making a lot of fake users)

Alternately, in case anyone else would like to keep the names+numbers; but doesn't like how long the numbers are here here is an adjustment to the number variables that will create names with shorter number suffixes.

Example; Mike12673212 will now be something closer to Mike01 or Mike23

Find this block of code:
$newuser =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);

$i = rand(0, count($names)-1);
$n = rand(0,10);
for($ii = rand(2, 8); $ii > 1; $ii--) {
$n .= rand(0, 9);
$user = trim($names[$i]).$n;

$newuser->set('username', $user);And change it to:
$newuser =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);

$i = rand(0, count($names)-1);
$n = rand(0,1);
for($ii = rand(1, 2); $ii > 1; $ii--) {
$n .= rand(0, 9);
$user = trim($names[$i]).$n;

$newuser->set('username', $user);
Additional Names - [Adding more names to the source in which the script pulls its names]
Here's a how to for anyone planning on making more than 20-30 fake users; I recommend adding more names to the source.

Find the code below: (I've shortened the names list to save space here - I'm sure you get the idea)
$names = array('neo', 'raydon', 'mark', 'giovanni', 'haxerrebel', 'twisted', 'metsrule', 'yankessloser', 'bigwang', 'gangstapride');
Simply add names in the same format as you see above. I've added some below as an example.
$names = array('neo', 'raydon', 'mark', 'giovanni', 'haxerrebel', 'twisted', 'metsrule', 'jimmyjam', 'tonka', 'tweedle', 'deedum', 'RocketMan', 'tommyboy', 'yankcranker', 'mothergoose', 'rainman', 'yankessloser', 'bigwang', 'gangstapride');

Then after you've made your changes, make sure to save your work. Then upload it - overwrite if prompted. (make sure you upload it to the same location and directory as before).

I hope this little bit helps other coding newbs like myself who were looking for a little bit more flexibility in the script.

please note* I am not the creator of the original code - nor do I make any claims to such. My thanks to it's creator. With a bit of tweaking this script can be polished into a fine tool for forum owners to give themselves a little jump start in building up their forum community.

03-10-2009, 11:38 AM
i have problem with this in vBulletin 3.8.1
i install this but in admin cp=>User Generator (User Generator v1.4) not open! and show my forum home page
i can't register new members with this
online users and guests work

03-11-2009, 06:58 PM
Thanks.I'll Try.

03-21-2009, 10:18 AM
It shows me a full black page for me with nothing on it

Full black page
I use vb 3.8.1 patch 1

Kindly Please help
I used usergen 1.4

I have uploaded the files to correct places , also in my admincp it shows me the Listings of User Generator on my admincp

But when i click on that option of User Generator v1.4
It shows a full black page

By the way i have renamed by admincp address ok but it should not be a problem

Whatz wrong

05-10-2009, 08:33 PM
I get an error... :( :

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class vS_HHR_Engine in /home/public_html/forums/includes/visionscripts/psionic_hide/global_start.php on line 13

05-10-2009, 08:34 PM
Can you help me with this?

07-04-2009, 03:29 PM
thanks i love this all you have to do is change the user name number at the end and the password if you like in admin ...

great way to boost my site

07-10-2009, 05:53 AM
32 installs of 162 downloads?

I want to try it but I am afraid with stats like this.

10-04-2009, 07:38 PM
I have uploaded files in upload/include/xml
and upload/admincp
my globla.php is in uploas folder
I am getting error
require_once(././global.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/website/public_html/forum/upload/admincp/usergenerator.php on line

It looks like I am uplaoding files in wrong folder. Please help.

01-10-2010, 07:33 AM
Hey, can any1 help me out a bit? Its really weird how I generated the users 12 hours ago and they still appear as logged in unless I click on whose online...