View Full Version : Moving a banner up 10 pixels

12-13-2008, 04:13 AM
First, here's the link to my site: http://www.vermontoutdoors.net/

Now, the banner in the upper right. I'd like to move that up about 10 pixels. I've tried a valign tag in the table but it's already middle aligned. And top aligning it shoves it up above the visual borders of that 'cell' in the style. I've tried changing the height of the table but doing that screws up the background images below that 'cell'. Is there some other method that I can use to move that banner up about 10 pixels to make it look a bit more centered vertically in that background graphic?

12-13-2008, 08:58 AM
First, here's the link to my site: http://www.vermontoutdoors.net/

Now, the banner in the upper right. I'd like to move that up about 10 pixels. I've tried a valign tag in the table but it's already middle aligned. And top aligning it shoves it up above the visual borders of that 'cell' in the style. I've tried changing the height of the table but doing that screws up the background images below that 'cell'. Is there some other method that I can use to move that banner up about 10 pixels to make it look a bit more centered vertically in that background graphic?

try using CSS i.e margin-top: 10px;

12-14-2008, 10:47 PM
Where would I put that?

This is what I have and it's still on the bottom of that background image:

<td height="133" align="center" valign="middle" id="header_right_cell" margin-top: 10px>
<if condition="$ad_location['ad_header_logo']">$ad_location[ad_header_logo]<else />$random_banner[$random_number]</if>

12-14-2008, 10:56 PM
That goes in a separate CSS file.

Or, open the banner in an image editing program, and add a bit more transparent space to the bottom, and it should raise it a bit.

12-15-2008, 11:09 AM
Use the class="css name" and add the margin-top: 10px; in your additional css under the css name.

12-16-2008, 11:24 AM
use valign="top"

then as Adam21 suggested add
you can adjust by editing the number 10 to whatever fits

Seven Skins
12-16-2008, 01:11 PM
In header template:

<a href="http://www.treadlightly.org/"><img src="http://www.vermontoutdoors.net/images/offhighwaymotorcyclebanner.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>

<a href="http://www.treadlightly.org/"><img src="http://www.vermontoutdoors.net/images/offhighwaymotorcyclebanner.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a><br /><br />

12-22-2008, 02:27 AM
Thanks all. The last explanation was the best for my knowledge level of HTML and CSS. And it looks fine.