View Full Version : Need to create a new template/skin/style

Sawa Dee SohL
12-08-2008, 03:12 PM
Can I get one from freewebtemplates.com - or some site that offers templates, or do I have to use a VB template, and alter it?

If I can use a template from another site, how would I go about putting it on my forum? Or can someone link me to instructions if this is possible?

12-08-2008, 04:25 PM
vBulletin only supports skins you (or someone else) creates using the style manager, so unless those skins come with a vbulletin supported .xml file you won't be able to use them.

You can create one to mimic them using the style manage though if you want.

12-14-2008, 03:37 AM
Sometimes if you have a PSD file or even a general layout & design for your web page a good designer can make a vbulletin skin for you for a price. I do that with many clients all the time.

Sawa Dee SohL
12-16-2008, 07:06 PM
At MP designs, are they free (the ones you show) ?

12-16-2008, 07:29 PM
At MP designs, are they free (the ones you show) ?

No all the designs are custom for others websites. I usually make skins to match the current site the client has. Or I can code a PSD file into a forum skin, or other scripts skins as well as taking a vbulletin skin and adapting it to something like coppermine and vice versa. There are plenty of free designs here on this site in the styles area. I have only posted a couple of designs there in that area here are the links:


I have other color variations of those two skins that I could post if you want. The generic blue I have also in red, green, & yellow and the cool mint I also have in white, yellow, & pink.