12-07-2008, 10:00 PM
I have developed a new way to send e-mail to all members of a forum :cool:
to a large amount of members than can not send any message mailing them, and now it can with QLEB :up:
Modus operandi QLEB
The organization amounts each time transmission
Want to send a message to all members of a forum
Choose the amount of transmission 200 instead of 500.
QLEB will send each batch every 5 minutes
The lack of any resource server load
QLEB Has been tested on many forums and its work fine.
Have been provided QLEB with a timer counting downward for periods of transmission
now u have no problem ever to send your all memeber what ever the amount was
1- Just upload qleb_time.js to your ADMNCP path .
2- edit your email.php orginal file
open the file (email.php) in your admincp path
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.cpform_dosendmail)
function send_submit()
var submits = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(
function(element) { return (element.type == "submit") },
"input", this
var submit_button;
for (var i = 0; i < submits.length; i++)
submit_button = submits[i];
submit_button.disabled = true;
setTimeout(function() { submit_button.disabled = false; }, 10000);
return false;
YAHOO.util.Event.on(document.cpform_dosendmail, 'submit', send_submit);
// -->
replace with :
<!----START QLEB --->
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.cpform_dosendmail)
function send_submit()
var submits = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(
function(element) { return (element.type == "submit") },
"input", this
var submit_button;
for (var i = 0; i < submits.length; i++)
submit_button = submits[i];
submit_button.disabled = true;
return false;
YAHOO.util.Event.on(document.cpform_dosendmail, 'submit', send_submit);
setTimeout('document.cpform_dosendmail.submit()',3 00000);
<table border="1" width="100%" style="border-style:dotted; border-width:1px; border-collapse: collapse; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; padding-top:1px; padding-bottom:1px" dir="ltr">
<td><p><font face="Tahoma" size="2">NEXT DUE :</font><span id="_qleb_sendmail_timer"></span></p></td>
<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="2">developed by
<a target="_blank" href="http://www.qleb.net">
<span style="text-decoration: none"><font color="#000000">
<script src="qleb_time.js"></script>
var qlebtimer = 5;
new Date(0,0,0,0,qlebtimer,0));
<!----END of QLEB --->
and dont forget to upload the file (qleb_time.js) to your admincp path
thats it :D
-->>Dont forget to mark as Installed<<--
I have developed a new way to send e-mail to all members of a forum :cool:
to a large amount of members than can not send any message mailing them, and now it can with QLEB :up:
Modus operandi QLEB
The organization amounts each time transmission
Want to send a message to all members of a forum
Choose the amount of transmission 200 instead of 500.
QLEB will send each batch every 5 minutes
The lack of any resource server load
QLEB Has been tested on many forums and its work fine.
Have been provided QLEB with a timer counting downward for periods of transmission
now u have no problem ever to send your all memeber what ever the amount was
1- Just upload qleb_time.js to your ADMNCP path .
2- edit your email.php orginal file
open the file (email.php) in your admincp path
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.cpform_dosendmail)
function send_submit()
var submits = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(
function(element) { return (element.type == "submit") },
"input", this
var submit_button;
for (var i = 0; i < submits.length; i++)
submit_button = submits[i];
submit_button.disabled = true;
setTimeout(function() { submit_button.disabled = false; }, 10000);
return false;
YAHOO.util.Event.on(document.cpform_dosendmail, 'submit', send_submit);
// -->
replace with :
<!----START QLEB --->
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.cpform_dosendmail)
function send_submit()
var submits = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(
function(element) { return (element.type == "submit") },
"input", this
var submit_button;
for (var i = 0; i < submits.length; i++)
submit_button = submits[i];
submit_button.disabled = true;
return false;
YAHOO.util.Event.on(document.cpform_dosendmail, 'submit', send_submit);
setTimeout('document.cpform_dosendmail.submit()',3 00000);
<table border="1" width="100%" style="border-style:dotted; border-width:1px; border-collapse: collapse; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; padding-top:1px; padding-bottom:1px" dir="ltr">
<td><p><font face="Tahoma" size="2">NEXT DUE :</font><span id="_qleb_sendmail_timer"></span></p></td>
<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma" size="2">developed by
<a target="_blank" href="http://www.qleb.net">
<span style="text-decoration: none"><font color="#000000">
<script src="qleb_time.js"></script>
var qlebtimer = 5;
new Date(0,0,0,0,qlebtimer,0));
<!----END of QLEB --->
and dont forget to upload the file (qleb_time.js) to your admincp path
thats it :D
-->>Dont forget to mark as Installed<<--