View Full Version : Active Topics Hack for vB 1.x

06-09-2001, 07:09 PM

I'm trying to find an active topics hack fro vB 1.x. What I need this to do would be to display links to threads on a non vB page. Hopefully, I would be able to specify the number of links I want and the forum the threads are from.

I know one exists, and i've searched the vB forums, but the links I got were old and outdated, got many 404s etc.

Can someone please help me out? Thanks.

06-12-2001, 01:16 PM
Can someone help me out please!

Wayne Luke
06-12-2001, 04:08 PM
Did you try the search????

How about this thread. It is the basis of almost every Active Topic hack available for all versions of vBullet (#5 result in a search on Active Topics).