View Full Version : Tahoma font wont work?

12-03-2008, 07:40 PM
Why when I try to use Tahoma fonts for the Thead and Tcat, its causing for everything on the content to be moved to the left, there is like a huge margin on the right when you use tahoma, why? anybody knows about this?

12-03-2008, 08:14 PM
please provide a URL so that we can help you

12-03-2008, 08:55 PM
Thanx I will. ill make a test style but yea when I tried for only the thead and tcat everything got moved to the left.

how would you put the tahoma font family on the CSS because I just put

font: tahoma

and ive seen that sometimes there are like 5 different type of fonts like

font: arial, verdana, sans serif, etc...

--------------- Added 1228370975 at 1228370975 ---------------

Here is my profile and you can see the marging is causing on the right side


any ideas? :confused:

12-04-2008, 03:04 PM
font: italic normal 12px tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;that's shorthand for
- font-style
- font-weight
- font-size
- font-family

having multiple fonts tells the browser if tahoma font doesn't exist in local computer try these other fonts

if you just want to replace the font-family use something like this
font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serifabout your problem...
I really don't see anything wrong on that page. Can you take a screenshot of the problem?

12-04-2008, 04:59 PM
Sorry I had to put back the other font on my profile.
But I did now just to have a screenshot.

Just weird, if you try when you ad tahoma on the Tcat and Thead of you site you will notice that only on the profile page, it moves the contents to the left.

On friends list, it makes the avatars take 2 columns instead of 3, and the visitor comment gets shorter

12-04-2008, 07:31 PM
Thats pretty odd, Have you tried resizing the font just to test that out?

12-04-2008, 10:08 PM
Thats pretty odd, Have you tried resizing the font just to test that out?

I tried that, and also using tahoma on other places, nothing changes except on the profiles pages.
Should I report this to the vbulletin bugs forums, probably they havent noticed that?