View Full Version : Is there a threaded response message view hack?

07-24-2000, 04:56 AM
Hey Everyone,

In wwwthreads (www.wwwthreads.org) replies under the original message can be listed in what they call expanded or collapsed. It lets you view expanded or threaded in both the forum listing and under each message:

take a look at expanded here:

use the + and - to expand/collapse

If it doesnt exist can someone make it?


07-24-2000, 05:14 AM
I could be wrong, but couldn't this be done through templates?

07-24-2000, 08:08 AM
not in the way he(she?) wants.

they want a true threaded mode where the posts show up under the one you're replying to, rather than straight inline.

07-24-2000, 08:41 AM
I believe it's on Johns (huge?) todo list

07-24-2000, 08:53 AM
yeah, it's on the todo list.

But why want threaded? I always found it confusing and messy.

07-24-2000, 09:19 AM
<canned threadhead response>
It's too hard to tell who is responding to what in flat mode
</canned threadhead response>

07-24-2000, 06:29 PM
I've personally never been too fond of threaded view, it seems to cluttered to me, and I see people read all the replies, and then post a reply to the last one in the thread, when they meant to reply to the original thread.

I don't find flat confusing at all, as usually most respones are to the originator, and when they aren't they either have quotes from someone else, or the person states who they are talking to.

But thats just my opinion...

07-24-2000, 09:45 PM
Because in some cases its easier to understand. Where users reply to other users in the middle. But in wwwthreads its a user profile option, so you can decide what you like yourself.

most other forums have this - phorums etc.

anyone else want to give this a go? Is John's todo list published somewhere?

Thanks... I think vbulletin and this community is very promising!


07-24-2000, 10:14 PM
I know some webmasters who prefer threaded view because it provides many more page hits, and therefor more banner advertising exposures. In my experience users generally prefer the flat mode because they don't have to keep "clicking" around to read the next response.

07-24-2000, 10:50 PM
I would vote that if this is on the list that it goes way down to the bottom.

07-25-2000, 04:48 AM
I would like vBulletin to have a threaded mode as well.

I think that a true threaded view is a good thing. Although some threads are merely a lot of replies to the original poster, many others evolve into quite a long conversation with, well, many different threads. Having a threaded view will help people traverse these children topics rather than each poster needing to quote the other person in order to carry over the context of the conversation.

Threaded mode need not involve separate pages for each message. Check out <http://www.dslreports.com/comments/1050> for an example of a threaded forum that shows all of the messages in one page...

[Edited by akiy on 07-25-2000 at 01:49 AM]

07-30-2000, 08:47 AM

yes please, i DO suggest this feature to be implemented in next release!


07-31-2000, 04:27 AM
I was never a fan of threaded topic forums, until akiy posted the link to dlsreports.com. I really like how they have done there threaded response and i would use this type of layout in my forums :)

01-18-2002, 04:51 AM
Theraded is a must for my users

01-18-2002, 04:01 PM
My suggestion originally (on vB's support forum) was for an additional button function to be put on each post in a thread that would allow jumping to the previous or next reply, so you could just click on "See Original" or something to trace back.

This would probably have to be done after a major vB version (3.x) had already moved to a threaded structure. The bonus is that you could still have flat views, but still be able to navigate replies. It's the threaded structure that's important (to me?), not the mere view or display method.

Maybe this could be a hack once a Threaded-vB was created.

01-18-2002, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by
I was never a fan of threaded topic forums, until akiy posted the link to dlsreports.com. I really like how they have done there threaded response and i would use this type of layout in my forums :)

That site is a porn site. Couldn't find a forum there...