View Full Version : Size of forum on Homepage

11-21-2008, 12:47 AM
Can anyone point me in the right direction please...:confused:

The guy who used to look after our site has now 'gone west' and I am learning how to do some things as I go along:o. This is the site http://www.quadsuk.net/forums/index.php

The page sizes are all fine except the Homepage. I have tried changing the relevant fields in the StyleVars section of the AdminCP, but this does not make any difference at all to the homepage (it does change the other pages like serach results, posts etc.:(

Can anyone tell me how I get the homepage to display properly within the screen size without having to scroll along to see both side bars? I'm sure its simple but I can't find it, thanks very much for any help.


ok, if you go to the homepage as a non registered user it shows up fine, when you log in it takes you to http://www.quadsuk.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=9 which also works fine.

But if you then go to the homepage after you login in, it comes up 'spilling' over the page.

Any ideas?