11-20-2008, 06:12 PM
helloo every body & how r all..........
i am new & now days i convert my phpbb 3.0.2 to VB 3.7.4. in my forum the threat and quivk replay menu is simple show. mean's not designable menu...
so how to show nad set the threat and quick reply as a designable mean...
thanks in ADNS
if i post this threat as worng so plz soorryy 4 that becoz i am new newbie,
plz any body help.........
new Soft world
i am new & now days i convert my phpbb 3.0.2 to VB 3.7.4. in my forum the threat and quivk replay menu is simple show. mean's not designable menu...
so how to show nad set the threat and quick reply as a designable mean...
thanks in ADNS
if i post this threat as worng so plz soorryy 4 that becoz i am new newbie,
plz any body help.........
new Soft world