View Full Version : Profile Enhancements - Gender Bit: Show gender symbol next to username in postbits and many other places

11-19-2008, 10:00 PM
My first public mod. Please be kind to me :)

Gender Bit shows gender symbol next to username in postbits. See "prerequisite" and "Installation guide" below.


Fully uses plugins so there is no need to customize any templates
Makes use of the built-in User Profile Field system
Configurable through vBulletin Options
Includes a number of male-or-female symbol sets to choose from
Easily enable/disable the gender symbols in various places

Postbits, private messages, announcements etc
Profile pages

No database changes, no extra queries (instead it utilizes existing queries to fetch the gender info), no template edits, in short, no mess.
Version 1.0.2 and above: Now also takes care of default profile pictures and friends' avatars by showing default male/female avatar accordingly
Version 1.0.2 and above: Exposes a globally-scoped function genderbit_getgender for other mods and plugins to make use (refer change logs below for details)
New in 1.1.0: Support for the third gender type ...

A custom user profile field designated for members' gender must be manually created in user profile field manager. If your forum does not already have one and you have no idea how to create it, please read included README.txt for instructions.

Download guide:

Download and install the latest version only. The older versions are there for record purpose only.
The main product package file is Gender Bit x.x.x.zip. You would only need to install this to get the gender symbols in your postbits.
Gender Bit Ext x.x.x (requires Gender Bit x.x.x).zip is an extension product that displays gender-aware default avatars for your users. Only install this if you want to have the default avatars showing sillhoutte of a man or a woman depending on your users' genders.

Installation guide:

Upload the includes and images folders (inside the zipped upload folder) to your vbulletin directory (usually /forum). The folders should merge with existing /forum/includes and /forum/images.
Import the product XML in AdminCP product manager. Then, head straight to the option page for Gender Bit under vBulletin Options.
Configure the "User profile field name" to be the name of the user profile field. Usually it is in the form of 'fieldX' where X is a number.
Also configure the "Field value: Male" and "Field value: Female" to be the value(s) of the profile field when a member selects "Male" or "Female" respectively. If there are multiple values that refer to male (or female), separate them using pipe characters, example: Boy|Gentleman
Lastly configure the other options to your likings.
Save and the gender symbol will appear in postbits for members who have set their gender profile field.

Upgrading guide:
Same as installation, with the only difference is to tick the "Overwrite" checkbox when importing the product xml). Also, you would need to check the options page (Admin CP > vBulletin Options > Gender Bit) for any new settings.

Uninstallation guide:
To uninstall simply uninstall the product from AdminCP product manager. Optionally delete the images and xml files:


Version 1.0
- Initial version

Version 1.0.1
- Replaced align="absmiddle" with CSS to pass XHTML validation
- Extra image sets for male/female with a new option in vB Options to choose which set to use

Version 1.0.2
- Fixed php errors in private messages and a few other places
- New: Option to show gender symbol in memberlist
- New: Gender Bit can now take care of default profile pictures and friends' avatar to show default male/female avatar
- New: Exposes a globally-scoped function genderbit_getgender($registry, $userinfo, $unknown='') that returns 'male', 'female' or $unknown. The three parameters are:

$registry: the vbulletin core object, usually $vbulletin but may be $this->registry in some vb classes
$userinfo: the userinfo array, which usually holds 'userid' and 'username'
$unknown: string to return if $userinfo does not contain gender information. default to empty string

Version 1.1.0
- Major revamps.
- Added: a lots more places where the gender symbols will appear, with options to turn each one of them on/off in vBulletin Options
- Added: the third gender for those who think two genders are not enough.
- Changed: Gender Bit will only look for the images in forumdir/images/misc by default unless overridden in vBulletin Options.
- Starting from this version, the handling of gender-aware default avatars and profile pictures have been separated into an extension product named "Gender Bit Extension". Gender Bit does NOT require Gender Bit Extension to operate but Gender Bit Extension REQUIRES Gender Bit.

Note: Should also work in vB 3.6.x, but I haven't done any testing in that vB version.

Troubleshooting (aka why aren't the symbols/images showing?)

Step 1:
In { AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Gendet Bit } check if you have configured "Field value: Male" and "Field value: Female" to match what your members would choose if they are male or female. If in your forum/language "Shalabadaba" means "male" and "Shubidubidu" means "female", enter Field value: Male = "Shalabadaba" and Field value: Female = "Shubidubidu". Just overwrite the default "Male" and "Female" in the textboxes.

Step 2 (version 1.1.0 and above):
Still in { AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Gendet Bit }. Try setting Gender symbols image set = "Text/Font" to see if the symbols appear. If it does then you forgot to upload the images into ALL /images/misc folders for ALL STYLES installed in your forum.

Step 3:
From your showthread pages, find the following part (page navigation):
Right-click on the down-pointing arrow and select "Properties" from the popup menu. Check the path to the file, usually in the form of "http://www.yoursite.net/forum/images/misc/menu_open.gif". The bolded part is the path of the misc images folder for your current style. If it says "http://www.yoursite.net/forum/images/yuppie/v4/misc/menu_open.gif" then upload the gender images into forum/images/yuppie/v4/misc/

11-20-2008, 01:19 AM
First post reserved!

My first public mod (although I've created a number of mods used only on my site).

Please be kind to me :)

11-20-2008, 02:17 AM
Cool mod! installed! :D

11-20-2008, 05:08 AM
I just realized that in the normal postbit template (non-legacy), both options in the "Gender bit location in postbit" setting give the same result but if the forum uses postbit_legacy, the result will be different. I only tested it on postbit_legacy so I was not aware that that particular setting doesn't do much difference in normal postbit. All is good though.

11-20-2008, 05:27 AM
Ive just installed previous version by peterska yesterday, but i might look into your code aswell, thanks.

Ash Ketchum
11-20-2008, 12:31 PM
I can't seem to install it....

11-20-2008, 09:38 PM
I can't seem to install it....
Did you import the included product-genderbit.xml file in AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products ?

Did you create a custom user profile page for members' gender using AdminCP > User Profile Fields > Add New User Profile Field ?

Did you configure Gender Bit to use that custom user profile field in Admin CP > vBulletin Options > vBulletin Options > Gender Bit ?

11-20-2008, 10:43 PM
thank you.. installed :D

11-20-2008, 11:01 PM
anyone got images for a dark based forum? :(

11-21-2008, 05:27 AM
anyone got images for a dark based forum? :(
Version 1.0.1 comes with a few image sets to choose from. Re-download the package above and install+upload. "Pixel Precision", "Japanese Kanji", "Bee & Flower" and "Toilet Sign" sets should look okay in dark-styled forum. Test for me please?

11-21-2008, 11:49 AM
i want to know formats like .swf or flv will work using this hack ?

11-21-2008, 01:13 PM
i want to know formats like .swf or flv will work using this hack ?
What are you going to do with the .swf or .flv?

11-22-2008, 06:19 AM
I dont understand what i have to write in the Profile Field bit....

11-22-2008, 07:10 AM
I dont understand what i have to write in the Profile Field bit....
Please refer to the second screenshot and see if it helps you, otherwise read on.

First, do you already have a User Profile Field for gender (look in AdminCP > User Profile Fields > User Profile Field Manager).

If you don't, create one by going to AdminCP > User Profile Fields > Add New User Profile Field. Select Profile Field Type = Single-selection Menu and click 'Continue'. On the next page put title, descriptions etc, but for the Options box, enter 'male' and 'female' text in your forum language. Save the new user profile field.

Back in User Profile Field Manager, find the user profile field for gender that you created. Look at its 'Name' column, there should be 'fieldX' written there (where X is a number). In my forum it is 'field5' but it might be different in yours.

Now go to AdminCP > vBulletin Options > vBulletin Options > Gender Bit and enter the 'fieldX' in the "User profile field name". Also configure the 'male' and 'female' values to match the texts you entered in the 'Options' box when creating the user profile field.

That said, this addon will only give useful outputs if your members update the gender profile field.

11-22-2008, 12:31 PM
Version 1.0.2 is up with many changes (see change logs)

A special note to other coders, version 1.0.2 exposes a globally-scoped function (refer changelogs) that your mod/plugin can call to get the user gender so that it is possible to build upon this mod. One nice idea for mod is the gender-aware phrase system that many have requested in this forum.

Maybe I should stop looking at the code or else I won't stop adding features ... :rolleyes:

11-22-2008, 03:00 PM
Thank you so much for this long awaited conditional default picture display for male/female and anything in between (on my site we have also bi-directional transgenders).

Works great on vb3.8 beta 3

As they say - appetite comes with eating, and now we ask you to implement the same conditional default for avatars.

I believe that you'd like to mention that the male and female pictures that are provided with the package can be replaced to fit different site themes. These images are unknown_male.gif and unknown_female.gif respectively.


11-22-2008, 08:45 PM
Nice Mod, Thanks

11-23-2008, 06:09 AM
As they say - appetite comes with eating, and now we ask you to implement the same conditional default for avatars.
Version 1.1.0 is coming soon. The male/female default avatar/profilepic will be a part of main feature together with gender symbols, and there will be separate configuration options for the two features. All this warranted the sudden jump in version number from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0


p/s: attached is screenshot of configuration options for symbols and avatars to drool over :p

11-23-2008, 06:40 AM
Thanks a lot. Drooling has warrented drooling indeed.

Since there's a lot of terminology interchange in these posts, I just hope that the new version takes care of both member picture and member avatar.

Would we be able to show one image for avatar and one for the picture?

Thanks again for a MOD well done.

Version 1.1.0 is coming soon. The male/female default avatar/profilepic will be a part of main feature together with gender symbols, and there will be separate configuration options for the two features. All this warranted the sudden jump in version number from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0


p/s: attached is screenshot of configuration options for symbols and avatars to drool over :p

11-23-2008, 07:53 AM
Thanks, Great Mod :)

11-23-2008, 10:33 AM
Nicely done!
Will install this babe. :=)

Cheers mate!

11-24-2008, 05:12 AM
Did you import the included product-genderbit.xml file in AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products ?

Did you create a custom user profile page for members' gender using AdminCP > User Profile Fields > Add New User Profile Field ?

Did you configure Gender Bit to use that custom user profile field in Admin CP > vBulletin Options > vBulletin Options > Gender Bit ?

This is confusing specially CREATE A CUSTOM USER ? U have to know we not a coder and no idea where to start and WHAT TO ADD and FILL ...U not helping in process Create New Custom user field ?

This Script / addon no Intructions / Read Me txt !


11-24-2008, 05:16 AM
All i see under ADD NEW CUSTOM FIELD :



Increase Size Decrease Size

Profile Field Category (Uncategorized)

Default Value
You may specify a default value that is entered into this field at the time of registration.

Max length of allowed user input

Field Length

Display Order

Field Required Yes, at registration and profile updating Yes, Always No No, but display at registration

Field Editable by User Yes No Only at registration

Private Field Yes No

Field Searchable on Members List Yes No

Show on Members List Yes No

Regular Expression
You may require the input field to match a regular expression (PCRE).

Seriouslly i have no idea WHAT TO FILL IN THERE ? U NOT HELPING AT ALL .

11-24-2008, 06:11 AM
anyone got images for a dark based forum? :(



11-24-2008, 06:57 AM
All i see under ADD NEW CUSTOM FIELD :



Increase Size Decrease Size

Profile Field Category (Uncategorized)

Default Value
You may specify a default value that is entered into this field at the time of registration.

Max length of allowed user input

Field Length

Display Order

Field Required Yes, at registration and profile updating Yes, Always No No, but display at registration

Field Editable by User Yes No Only at registration

Private Field Yes No

Field Searchable on Members List Yes No

Show on Members List Yes No

Regular Expression
You may require the input field to match a regular expression (PCRE).

Seriouslly i have no idea WHAT TO FILL IN THERE ? U NOT HELPING AT ALL .
Such a hater you are.

Here lemme spoon-feed you, I've added the instruction on how to create the gender field in the mod description above.

The reasons the field is not automatically created by the mod:

Some forum admins may have already created the Gender field themselves so it's better to not create duplicate and make use of the existing one.
Some forums may be in other languages than English so it's better to give the freedom on the label for "Male" and "Female" in whatever languages there are. This freedom can't be achieved if the profile is created by scripting.
Some forums may want more than two labels, say Boy, Gentleman, Girl, Lady etc.

So it all boils down to freedom. Any attempt to automate the creation of the new profile field will be made complicated if the same level of freedom as what manual creation could give is to be provided. Plus, vBulletin has provided the nice interface for manually creating the custom user field.

11-24-2008, 10:09 AM
Maybe u need add READ ME file into ya next version and more deeper explaination .
Btw only two option for Gender ? LOL can it be more then 2 ?


Glory to God
11-24-2008, 11:22 AM
I am trying to import. I get this error: XML Error: Empty document at Line 1

11-24-2008, 12:50 PM
I am trying to import. I get this error: XML Error: Empty document at Line 1
Try again. Or redownload.
Maybe u need add READ ME file into ya next version and more deeper explaination .
Btw only two option for Gender ? LOL can it be more then 2 ?

From now on, I'd follow what other mods enforce:

Mark as Installed if you want support

Thanks and have a good day.

11-24-2008, 03:16 PM
VERY COOL! :cool: I wish they would release this for vBulletin as a standard. :cool:

11-24-2008, 07:16 PM
good mod thanks. marked as installed

11-26-2008, 12:28 AM
good mod

But when the change addres from www.xxxx.com to xxxx.com the pictures do not show


11-26-2008, 07:44 AM
good mod

But when the change addres from www.xxxx.com to xxxx.com the pictures do not show

Give me the URL so that I can see the problem myself.

Because in my forum both with and without "www" still show the symbols.


Either it's your forum configurations, or your browser.

11-26-2008, 09:03 AM
Great mod but my images are not showing. I added the field which was field5 chose original gender but no images are showing. I also uploaded the images to my misc folders.

11-26-2008, 10:29 AM
Great mod but my images are not showing. I added the field which was field5 chose original gender but no images are showing. I also uploaded the images to my misc folders.
Did your members set their gender fields?

Do you use other words than "Male" and "Female" for the two genders?

Does your forum style have a different /images/misc folder than the default one because most custom styles especially those that have different button images have different misc folder. Check AdminCP > Style & Templates > Style Manager > (The dropdown for your styles) > StyleVars > Miscellaneous Images Folder. Upload to those folders as well.

Lastly, post a screenshot of your AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Gender Bit

p/s: if nothing works, please wait for version 1.1.0 which shall come in a day or two (all done but I'm doing testing on it).

11-26-2008, 12:11 PM
Is it possible to show gender in who is online (bottom of forum index or online.php)?

11-26-2008, 02:01 PM
Is it possible to show gender in who is online (bottom of forum index or online.php)?
Will add in upcoming version 1.1.0

11-26-2008, 03:43 PM
That would be great. Thanks!

I am using vbadvanced portal. I have seen that your mod provides a genderbit_getgender function. Would I be able to use that to display genders on the who is online module?

11-26-2008, 09:45 PM
Did your members set their gender fields?

Do you use other words than "Male" and "Female" for the two genders?

Does your forum style have a different /images/misc folder than the default one because most custom styles especially those that have different button images have different misc folder. Check AdminCP > Style & Templates > Style Manager > (The dropdown for your styles) > StyleVars > Miscellaneous Images Folder. Upload to those folders as well.

Lastly, post a screenshot of your AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Gender Bit

p/s: if nothing works, please wait for version 1.1.0 which shall come in a day or two (all done but I'm doing testing on it).

I deleted my old and added a gender field the way you posted and it works now. Thanks..

11-26-2008, 09:53 PM
That would be great. Thanks!

I am using vbadvanced portal. I have seen that your mod provides a genderbit_getgender function. Would I be able to use that to display genders on the who is online module?
Technically yes, if you know where to call the function to get "male" or "female", and how to display the male/female indicators.

However, I do not recommend overdisplaying the gender symbols all over the places wherever usernames are displayed. I think the gender symbols are only suitable to be displayed alongside usernames only if the usernames are displayed in separate rows for each like:


and not suitable if they are displayed like:
user1, user2, user3

11-27-2008, 06:51 AM
Version 1.1.0 is up.

Starting from this version Gender Bit has been broken up into two products: Gender Bit and Gender Bit Extension.

Gender Bit handles the core functions and gender symbols (original purpose).

Gender Bit Extension adds the support to display gender-aware default avatars and profile pictures. You do not have to install this product if you just want the gender symbols. Requires Gender Bit to be installed first.

11-27-2008, 07:37 AM
Thanks a lot for keeping your promise:)

Will you be kind and add UPGRADE instructions to your MOD?

Also, version 1.0.2 worked flawlessly in vb3.8 beta 3. Would you like me to test the new version on beta 4 and post the results here?

Version 1.1.0 is up.

Starting from this version Gender Bit has been broken up into two products: Gender Bit and Gender Bit Extension.

Gender Bit handles the core functions and gender symbols (original purpose).

Gender Bit Extension adds the support to display gender-aware default avatars and profile pictures. You do not have to install this product if you just want the gender symbols. Requires Gender Bit to be installed first.

11-27-2008, 08:40 AM
Will you be kind and add UPGRADE instructions to your MOD?
The upgrade procedure is the same as most other mods you found here: upload the files, import the product xml (make sure the "override" checkbox is ticked) and check the new settings. Shouldn't be too hard.
Also, version 1.0.2 worked flawlessly in vb3.8 beta 3. Would you like me to test the new version on beta 4 and post the results here?
Sure, thanks. I have not installed vB 3.8.x beta on my forum so I only tested it on vb 3.7.4. The new version has a lot more plugins than before maybe one or two plugins do not work in vb 3.8.x if the hook locations changed. Thanks again for your support.

p/s: hope the separation between gender symbols portion and default avatars/pics portion does not bother you much. as you would notice if you install both Gender Bit and the Extension products, the number of plugins doubles with both products are installed compared to Gender Bit only. By separating them, those who are not interested with the default avatars will not have to have the unutilized plugins, which do affect performance in the long run.

11-27-2008, 09:49 PM
this is such a worthy mod, after switching from IPB to VB, the genders were all gone, so I had to install this mod. thank you OP.

11-28-2008, 03:35 AM
The new version 1.1 and the avatar/profile picture extension also work flawlessly in vb3.8 beta 3 & 4.

Also, this is one of the better planned and wisely implemented mods I have ever used. I'm thrilled to have ReCom decided to share is professional experties with the rest of us.

11-28-2008, 04:33 AM
I have found a few glitches in vb3.8 (never installed on vb3.7.x):

In the "Friends" block on member profile - it shows members pictures instead of avatars, with the image width set to avatar max width.
When viewing a member profile when the visitor belongs to a user group that has no permission to view member profile pictures, it displays default picture, instead of not displaying anything at all.

11-28-2008, 04:52 AM
In the "Friends" block on member profile - it shows members pictures instead of avatars.
Weird because the plugin code outputs the "unknown_male.gif" or "unknown_female.gif':
if (!empty($gender) AND $user['avatarurl'] == "$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/unknown.gif" AND ($this->registry->options['genderbit_loc_avatars'] & $this->registry->options['genderbit_loc']['profile']) != 0)
$user['avatarurl'] = $this->registry->options['genderbit_imgdir']."/unknown_$gender.gif";
Since gender-aware default profile pictures are "unknown_pic_male.gif" or "unknown_pic_female.gif' it's hard to imagine how the plugin picks the default profile pictures over the default avatars in vb 3.8.
When viewing a member profile while NOT logged in, it shows default picture even when member has their own. Avatar display, on the other hand is OK.

It's because usergroup "Unregistered / Not Logged In" does not have permission to view profile pictures so vBulletin original code does not output the profile pictures (AdminCP > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Unregistered / Not Logged In > Edit > General Permissions > Can View Others' Profile Pictures). Gender Bit plugin detects it as "the user profile does not have a profile picture" and inject a default one. Seeking opinion here: will it make more sense if Gender Bit does not show the default profile picture to usergroups that do not have permission to view profile pictures (like before Gender Bit is installed)?

Thanks for testing Gender Bit on vBulletin 3.8 .. I don't think I will be installing 3.8 until at least RC version is out ..

11-28-2008, 05:54 AM
Another option for glitch #1 is that it does use the avatar picture but assigns wrong dimentions (even though wrong dimensions would distort the image and not cut it into half). Here is a sample URL (http://www.fetishrings.com/members/lordoftherings.html) in my ADULT site.

As to #2 - logic prevails:) Logically, the default picture should abide by the same rules of the game as a user-assigned one. I can dream, of course, about a third option where you give us the opportunity to display another picture variation when not allowed to view profile pictures. In my case I will put my site's logo with a diagonal message that encourages the visitor to register.

Weird because the plugin code outputs the "unknown_male.gif" or "unknown_female.gif':
if (!empty($gender) AND $user['avatarurl'] == "$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/unknown.gif" AND ($this->registry->options['genderbit_loc_avatars'] & $this->registry->options['genderbit_loc']['profile']) != 0)
$user['avatarurl'] = $this->registry->options['genderbit_imgdir']."/unknown_$gender.gif";
Since gender-aware default profile pictures are "unknown_pic_male.gif" or "unknown_pic_female.gif' it's hard to imagine how the plugin picks the default profile pictures over the default avatars in vb 3.8.

It's because usergroup "Unregistered / Not Logged In" does not have permission to view profile pictures so vBulletin original code does not output the profile pictures (AdminCP > Usergroups > Usergroup Manager > Unregistered / Not Logged In > Edit > General Permissions > Can View Others' Profile Pictures). Gender Bit plugin detects it as "the user profile does not have a profile picture" and inject a default one. Seeking opinion here: will it make more sense if Gender Bit does not show the default profile picture to usergroups that do not have permission to view profile pictures (like before Gender Bit is installed)?

Thanks for testing Gender Bit on vBulletin 3.8 .. I don't think I will be installing 3.8 until at least RC version is out ..

11-28-2008, 06:28 AM
Another option for glitch #1 is that it does use the avatar picture but assigns wrong dimentions (even though wrong dimensions would distort the image and not cut it into half). Here is a sample URL (http://www.fetishrings.com/members/lordoftherings.html) in my ADULT site.
Well, because your default avatars are bigger than vbulletin buit-in dimension for each friend's avatar in the Friends box. Gender Bit don't and won't modify the built-in limit to avoid messing up the Friends box. I suggest you resize your default avatars to smaller dimension (vBulletin's default unknown.gif is 60x60 so better stick to that). p/s: you are bad for making me click that link :mad:
As to #2 - logic prevails Logically, the default picture should abide by the same rules of the game as a user-assigned one.
Will add another setting in vBulletin Options in next version.
I can dream, of course, about a third option where you give us the opportunity to display another picture variation when not allowed to view profile pictures. In my case I will put my site's logo with a diagonal message that encourages the visitor to register.
Maybe in next version Gender Bit will display unknown_pic_nopermission.gif to them ... or do you want unknown_pic_nopermission_male.gif and unknown_pic_nopermission_female.gif variations as well?

11-29-2008, 02:41 AM
Well, because your default avatars are bigger than vbulletin buit-in dimension for each friend's avatar in the Friends box. Gender Bit don't and won't modify the built-in limit to avoid messing up the Friends box. I suggest you resize your default avatars to smaller dimension (vBulletin's default unknown.gif is 60x60 so better stick to that).
I see your point, but nonetheless, the friends block is displaying non-standard-size avatars just fine when they (the avatars) have been assigned manually.

p/s: you are bad for making me click that link :mad:
So sorry. I would never try to trick you into that. This is why I stated that it is an adult site in bold and red text. Unfortunately, this is the only site yet where I have implemented your mod. But soon enough it will be implemented on the other PG forums.

Will add another setting in vBulletin Options in next version. Maybe in next version Gender Bit will display unknown_pic_nopermission.gif to them ... or do you want unknown_pic_nopermission_male.gif and unknown_pic_nopermission_female.gif variations as well?
Thanks for your exceptional accommodation. It seems that a single unisex picture would be
enough yet gender-specific images will better follow your script's business logic; the user can always duplicate the same image across the genders.

11-29-2008, 08:09 AM
I have a suspicion this doesn't work with the vBExperience (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=171014) mod. Havent been able to make it show anywhere in postbit or elsewhere...:( Checked all the image paths and settings with no luck so far.

11-29-2008, 09:03 AM
I have a suspicion this doesn't work with the vBExperience (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=171014) mod. Havent been able to make it show anywhere in postbit or elsewhere...:( Checked all the image paths and settings with no luck so far.
I haven't installed vBExperience so I cannot say for sure how that mod changes the architecture and the look of a forum ... but a quick look at vBExperience features list and screenshots showed me that that mod latches onto the username display in postbits like Gender Bit does, so my theory is that vBExperience simply overwrites the changes that Gender Bit does on the username display.

Can you please try out these steps to confirm my theory:

1. in Gender Bit Options, set Image Set = "Text/Font" and enable the location "Who's Online" for gender symbols.

2. Now look into your Who's Online list (WOL) and see if the gender symbols are there (next to Last Activity). If they aren't there then you simply misconfigured the first three settings in Gender Bit Options. Post a screenshot of them here so that I can point out what's wrong.

3. If the gender symbols appear, change Image Set to something other than Text/Font and refresh WOL. If now the symbols disappear, that would mean you uploaded the images to wrong location (or if you changed Image folder Option to $stylevar['imgdir_misc'])

4. If gender symbols still appear in WOL, then it's 50% confirmed vBExperience has something in this. Go back to Gender Bit Options and set Gender Symbols Position In postbit_legacy = "Before the online/offline icon". Open a showthread page with postbits from members that already selected a gender, and see if gender symbols appear in that postbits before online/offline icon. If it appears, 100% confirmed vBExperience overwrites the gender symbols that Gender Bit injected into username displays.

5. Either stick to showing gender symbols before online/offline icon, or try and ask vBExperience to not overwrite other mods' changes ;)

11-29-2008, 09:41 AM
It's working now. I forgot that I changed the fieldnumber after having uninstalled/reinstalled your mod:o

11-29-2008, 10:05 AM
I'm glad you got it working :D

hmm .. all these "not working" posts kinda make me think that it would be good idea if I include a troubleshooter in the next version, so that I don't have to repeat the same troubleshooting steps over and over ... :(

11-30-2008, 04:43 PM
Cool.. i really like the japanese Kanji.

12-01-2008, 09:58 AM
anychance of a "couple" option? :)

12-01-2008, 11:01 PM
anychance of a "couple" option? :)

Have you tried the "type 3" option? Like I wrote in the description of that option in Gender Bit Options page, it's up to your imagination what "type 3" is. A "couple", unisex, animal, God, an It, flying spaghetti monster, whatever you can think of ...

12-02-2008, 12:00 PM
Yeah i used all 3 of them ...If posible ya next version have 5 ! thanks

12-03-2008, 05:36 PM
cool mod...


12-03-2008, 10:34 PM
Excellent first public mod! :)

Thank you

12-07-2008, 12:42 AM
Did you import the included product-genderbit.xml file in AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products ?

Did you create a custom user profile page for members' gender using AdminCP > User Profile Fields > Add New User Profile Field ?

Did you configure Gender Bit to use that custom user profile field in Admin CP > vBulletin Options > vBulletin Options > Gender Bit ?

yes isr I did all these steps and yet nothing is appearing in the profile or with the user name.
in the very first post of a thread, however, i can see a little "noVstats" written in the bottom left of the first post....i dont know why it is there.

is there any suggestion?

12-09-2008, 07:37 PM
yes isr I did all these steps and yet nothing is appearing in the profile or with the user name.
in the very first post of a thread, however, i can see a little "noVstats" written in the bottom left of the first post....i dont know why it is there.

is there any suggestion?Glad someone brought this up! :p

I have uploaded all the files and followed all the instructions too. :eek:

I am having the same problem, but on my board they do not display at all.

All files uploaded too. :confused:

It was after I installed EXT. I have uninstalled and deleted and reinstalled and reuploaded more than enough times. :(

Installed 1.0.2 and 1.1.0, both do not work. :(

Could you take a look at my board ReCom? :o

12-09-2008, 10:35 PM
oh i figured out what was wrong:o

actually there were 2 things.

1) when i created the field, i accidently instead of assigning the field number in the vb options, assigned the field display order number. (both are different since i have been creating and deleting fields). when i corrected the field number, the sign appeared.

2) then another thing i was not doing correctly was that when you write your preferences like boy or gentleman or male or female or lady etc, if you write in upper case then the members have to write accordingly. if the upper case is mixed with lower case, then the images wont display.

I am glad that i figured out this, but i am really disappointed in the support. no support has been provided here which is really frustrating and i might even uninstall this hack as an agitation.

12-10-2008, 10:16 AM
I did everything, even what is stated above. Also, the Text does not display. :(

Still not working... :(

12-14-2008, 04:36 AM
Thank you!

12-14-2008, 06:17 AM
I was visiting my hometown, that has no internet access, for one week and just look at people whining as if they paid me for my supports. Many others managed to install and get this thing working on their forums in many languages so if something is wrong, it's your forum, or you.

Uninstall it, or delete it from your recycle bin. I lose nothing, just like I gain nothing posting this addon up and answering posts.

I am disappointed in losers.

12-14-2008, 06:38 AM
thanks it is working fine

12-14-2008, 05:31 PM
I was visiting my hometown, that has no internet access, for one week and just look at people whining as if they paid me for my supports. Many others managed to install and get this thing working on their forums in many languages so if something is wrong, it's your forum, or you.

Uninstall it, or delete it from your recycle bin. I lose nothing, just like I gain nothing posting this addon up and answering posts.

I am disappointed in losers.
I installed the Genderbit, then installed the EXT before setting the profile fields. How can I clean out my database to fix this?

It has not been working after that. No matter what I do.

12-15-2008, 10:01 PM
I installed the Genderbit, then installed the EXT before setting the profile fields. How can I clean out my database to fix this?

It has not been working after that. No matter what I do.
Gender Bit and Ext do not modify your database (other than what vbulletin does to absorb the addon into its environment). To uninstall them, just use the product manager (uninstall Ext before Gender Bit). Nothing will be left over in the database.

Post up link to your forum and a screenshot of the Gender Bit options AdminCP page, and I'll point out what you did wrong.

12-16-2008, 08:27 AM
Here are the pictures you requested. :cool:

Simple fix? :erm: *crosses fingers*

12-16-2008, 09:15 AM
Here are the pictures you requested. :cool:

Simple fix? :erm: *crosses fingers*
In the fifth picture (the big "User Profile Field Name") you should enter field60 instead of just 60.

Yup, a simple fix indeed. All these troubles would have not happened if you had looked at the 2nd screenshot in the main post above for the sample how the User Profile Field Name should be entered. :mad:

12-16-2008, 08:06 PM
In the fifth picture (the big "User Profile Field Name") you should enter field60 instead of just 60.

Yup, a simple fix indeed. All these troubles would have not happened if you had looked at the 2nd screenshot in the main post above for the sample how the User Profile Field Name should be entered. :mad:
I read the first post and the installation guide. ;)

" Configure the "User profile field name" to be the name of the user profile
field. Usually it is in the form of 'fieldX' where X is a number."

This is where I kept thinking of the number. :erm:

Thanks for looking at the screenshots. :)

12-17-2008, 09:43 PM
Thank you. A very useful and well done mod. Works like a charm :up:
*installed, nominated*

12-18-2008, 09:31 AM
thank you.. installed

12-19-2008, 01:20 PM
In the fifth picture (the big "User Profile Field Name") you should enter field60 instead of just 60.

Yup, a simple fix indeed. All these troubles would have not happened if you had looked at the 2nd screenshot in the main post above for the sample how the User Profile Field Name should be entered. :mad:

I think you should fix the phrase: "The user profile field name that contains the user gender. Go to [AdminCP > User Profile Fields > User Profile Field Manager] and look in the 'name' column for the profile field designated to gender. Normally in the form of 'fieldX' where X is a number."

I got confused too when enter the number then nothing appears. :D

Thanks for your hack.

12-20-2008, 02:54 AM

12-20-2008, 10:41 PM
very hard install mod :(

12-25-2008, 10:50 AM
I would like to try out this mod

If I install it together with existig one 'gender in postbit'
Will it produce some troubles for me ?

And this mod will work in postbit-legacy ?

01-03-2009, 06:22 AM
I would like to try out this mod

If I install it together with existig one 'gender in postbit'
Will it produce some troubles for me ?
No. This mod and that put gender symbols at different location.
And this mod will work in postbit-legacy ?
Yes. Fully compatible with legacy postbit.

01-11-2009, 12:16 AM
Is this MOD working on vBulletin v3.8.0?

01-11-2009, 03:02 AM
yes i am using it on 3.8 and it is working

01-15-2009, 08:42 AM
How would i move where the image is placed in the postbit?

01-21-2009, 05:40 AM
thank you

02-01-2009, 11:23 AM
How would i move where the image is placed in the postbit?

Some question ?
i hope the new version have this options:
1- add the image manulley in the postbit or the postbit legacy
2- and more pictures

but it is great mod ;)

02-09-2009, 10:08 PM
Gender Bit 1.1.0 and Gender Bit Ext 1.0 (requires Gender Bit 1.1.x) install but not saw anything why..?

Forget it i must be field 5 and not 5 in Gender....

02-10-2009, 06:26 AM
i get this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function genderbit_getgender() in /home/XXXXXX/domains/XXXXXX.co.il/public_html/includes/class_postbit.php(260) : eval()'d code on line 1

02-14-2009, 12:35 AM
i get this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function genderbit_getgender() in /home/XXXXXX/domains/XXXXXX.co.il/public_html/includes/class_postbit.php(260) : eval()'d code on line 1


02-14-2009, 01:02 PM


same error

sry.. uninstalled. :(

02-16-2009, 12:07 AM
I don't care. I lost no money.

02-16-2009, 08:39 AM
Some question ?
i hope the new version have this options:
1- add the image manulley in the postbit or the postbit legacy
2- and more pictures

but it is great mod ;)

I hope you care about this suggestion ;)

02-23-2009, 09:08 AM
Works great, thanks.

Quick question which may not totally belong in this thread but it's directly related. I have a board that is 95% female. I'd like to turn all their default Gender to Female and then post a note asking the blokes to go and manually change theirs. While I know I could force the gender field to mandatory, I don't want to inconvenience them.

Does anyone know what SQL command I could run to have all the users genders set automagically ?

02-26-2009, 05:10 AM
Execute the following SQL assuming your vBulletin table prefix is vb_:

UPDATE `vb_userfield` SET `field5` = 'Female' WHERE `field5` = 'Unspecified'

Change `field5` to the id of the gender user profile field in your forum and 'Female' and 'Unspecified' to appropriate values.

02-26-2009, 05:58 AM
Execute the following SQL assuming your vBulletin table prefix is vb_:

UPDATE `vb_userfield` SET `field5` = 'Female' WHERE `field5` = 'Unspecified'

Change `field5` to the id of the gender user profile field in your forum and 'Female' and 'Unspecified' to appropriate values.


04-15-2009, 04:20 PM
does this work on vb 3.82 ??

08-05-2009, 06:12 AM
INSTALLED and works great once I figured out I had to input the field as field# and not just #. That part is not so clear in the description.

08-06-2009, 08:57 PM
Installed on 3.8.3!

Has anyone got this working on 3.8, I can't get it too work, great mod aswell but something doens't seem to be right!


08-09-2009, 01:50 PM
Got it working now!

Just curious but maybe would it be possible for you to provide me with some help regarding this please?


08-26-2009, 10:10 AM
Image for unknown gender....?

Mr. W
08-26-2009, 06:24 PM
This seems to work on 3.8.4.

10-07-2009, 11:48 AM
Hello This is a great mod that works really well. Thanks. I've installed this on my local test forum but before i can roll it out into production I need an answer to a question.

In regards to the genderbit extension that shows default male/female images when a user hasn't uploaded an image...

In short I need to be able to specify a different image src url for my memberinfo template.

The template I am using requres a larger profiile image than the image used for the avatar.

I tried to mod the genderbit templates by adding "_lg" to the gif thats being called but the hack overwrites the request (or ignores it at the template level)


What I tried:

When i put the larger image in the images/misc directory...no good

So i need to have for example a male/female image of say 240x240 on the profile page and maybe a 100x100 on the memberlist , and perhaps a 60x60 ijn the member comments.

I know this is an older hack but hey...the last post was from someone reporting running successfully on 3.8.x


10-07-2009, 12:01 PM
ok after i wrote my last comment i thought to myself, something is superceding the template...so i looked in the plugins xml bitfield...and it looks liker if i modify the xml it should work....i'll try to modify it there...if you don't hear from me...it worked! lol

10-09-2009, 09:56 PM
I want to place the Gender Icon elsewhere. What would the hook be?

10-10-2009, 12:14 PM
Work like a treat for me ( vB 3.8.4 )

The sql I ran was UPDATE `userfield` SET `field5` = 'Female' WHERE `field5` = 'Unspecified'
leaving the vb_ off because I didn't put it in when I installed.


10-19-2009, 12:40 AM
anyone using this with the psi-stats hack and know what to enter in the "Demographics: Gender Field" area?

edit : got it

10-30-2009, 07:00 PM

How to fix this....?

12-27-2009, 08:14 AM
Hi ReCom,

Thanks for this useful mod, we are using it long time.
Can you upgrade it to 4.x ?


01-17-2010, 04:08 AM
Do the images have to be saved to forum/images/misc to work with the new version?

Because the forum I admin on(I became an admin at this forum after it was set up) is setup as public_html/images/misc

How can I set this mod up so that it checks somewhere else for the images?

02-03-2010, 08:44 PM
what needs to be done to make this compatible with vb4? I don't like the template edit mod that's in the vb4 section right now. besides, we're already using this so i don't want my members to lose their current settings.

02-15-2010, 09:23 AM
thank you for sharing a Standard webware

04-10-2010, 01:44 AM
works like a charm. thanks

07-18-2010, 01:50 PM
How to make it work with VB4 please ??

This is Error message with VB4 :

Warning: fetch_template() calls should be replaced by the vB_Template class. Template name: genderbit_display_post in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 3984

Help Thanks.

07-18-2010, 02:10 PM
How to make it work with VB4 please ??

This is Error message with VB4 :

Warning: fetch_template() calls should be replaced by the vB_Template class. Template name: genderbit_display_post in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 3984

Help Thanks.

Use the vB 4.x version:


11-11-2010, 02:39 AM
How do we add our own image sets to it except overwriting images of an existing set?

12-06-2010, 04:21 PM
Can we see this in vb 4.1.x ?

01-04-2011, 02:31 PM
I'm new to this do you have to down kload all of this

Gender Bit 1.0.2.zip (19.3 KB, 307 downloads)
Gender Bit 1.1.0.zip (20.1 KB, 611 downloads)
Gender Bit Ext 1.0 (requires Gender Bit 1.1.x).zip (19.1 KB, 289 downloads)

Digital Jedi
01-04-2011, 09:19 PM
I'm new to this do you have to down kload all of this

Gender Bit 1.0.2.zip (19.3 KB, 307 downloads)
Gender Bit 1.1.0.zip (20.1 KB, 611 downloads)
Gender Bit Ext 1.0 (requires Gender Bit 1.1.x).zip (19.1 KB, 289 downloads)
Check the Download Guide in the first post. You should only download the newest version.