View Full Version : KX - Image Not Found

11-18-2008, 10:00 PM
This modification was brought to you by

~Modification name
Image Not Found

~Modification description
This modification shows an "Image not found" image if the image in the [IMG] bbcode could not be found.Very good if you have lots of posts with images from imageshack or photobucket.

~Modification options

Image Path?

~Modification info
File uploads: 0
File edits: 1
Templates: 0
Template edits: 0
Plugins: 0
SQL Queries: 0
Phrases: 5
Settings: 2
Hooks: 0

Install time: 1 min
Install level: Light

~Modification installation

Step 1: Import product

Step 2: Open file includes/class_bbcode.php and find:

function handle_bbcode_img_match($link)
$link = $this->strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $link));

// remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
$link = str_replace(array(' ', '"'), '', $link);

return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';

Replace with:

function handle_bbcode_img_match($link)
$link = $this->strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $link));
// remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
$link = str_replace(array(' ', '"'), '', $link);

if ($this->registry->options['kx_noimg_onoff'])
$check = @fsockopen($link, 80, $errno, $errstr, $this->registry->GPC['timeout']);

if ($check == true)
$link = $this->registry->options['kx_noimg_path'];

return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';

~Modification screenshots

~Modification changelog

1.0.0 - First Release

~Modification copyright
This may not be distributed,released or claimed as your work without author's permission.

11-19-2008, 07:14 PM

11-19-2008, 08:47 PM
Very nice idea :)

Would need this for deleted user album pictures... somethings there still exists links to a user album picture, but the user has already deleted this picture again and it causes the error messages "invalid picture, if you followed a valid link, please contact the administrator" ... this message is just wrong and I don't want to be contacted lol.

11-20-2008, 05:23 AM
Thanks for this, ill check it out in a bit :)

11-20-2008, 11:02 AM
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting '(' in /home/southcalif//public_html/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php on line 1990.

11-20-2008, 11:28 AM
Ah sorry I forgot.

11-20-2008, 12:52 PM
Ah sorry I forgot.

okay waitting for u

11-20-2008, 01:05 PM
Yes it is already fixed

Leo Brazil
11-21-2008, 06:26 PM
Great Idea. Installed !!!

12-29-2008, 07:20 PM
but remember fsocketopen uses pretty much of your memory resources,

well could not harm your site but if you got alot of users it could increase your memory usage alot

02-10-2009, 11:45 AM
No image shows, have Rebuild Post Cache and have the "no image" URL in place but still just shows as nothing :(

02-13-2009, 09:49 AM
I can't find this code in class_core :((
function handle_bbcode_img_match($link)
$link = $this->strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $link));

// remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
$link = str_replace(array(' ', '"'), '', $link);

return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';

02-13-2009, 11:55 AM
It's in class_bbcode.php :)

03-11-2009, 08:10 PM
What's the point in this? After all, if you're linking to photobucket and there's no image, they display their own message with no load penalty to yourself.

03-12-2009, 11:55 AM
But not every host displays such images.

03-13-2009, 09:09 AM
but remember fsocketopen uses pretty much of your memory resources,

well could not harm your site but if you got alot of users it could increase your memory usage alot

Is that true?
If I have many deleted images...will that with that MOD be to bad for forum when users read topics?

08-22-2009, 11:36 PM
Does not work!!!

08-22-2009, 11:40 PM
Does not work!!!

Why? Can you be more specific?? Have you thought it just might be on your end? I have no need for this but yet again another quick "this don't work" and nothing else to go off of!

Come on people, we're already sitting behind a computer no sense being lazy type us up some info!

10-21-2009, 02:06 AM
does this compatible to img resize ?
i've replace the code from class_bbcode.php, but it doesn't work.
only blank post appear when the img path is broken

06-10-2016, 11:22 PM
Installed but not working on my forum 3.8.5

Nothing changed, the old X images still on all pages

edited class_bbcode.php
Updated Post Cache
Sitting the hack ON

Any one can help please ?