View Full Version : pull a post and post to forumhome?

11-19-2008, 09:23 AM
Hi Guys!

I have one quick question. I want to pull the certain amount of words of a latest thread from a certain forum... and post to forumhome. How do i do that?

I can pull a last thread title from certain forum, and post to the forumhome by using this:

$latesta = $db->query_first('SELECT title,threadid FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'thread WHERE 1 AND forumid = XX ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1');
$lastnews = "<a href=\"showthread.php?" . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "t=$latesta[threadid]\">$latesta[title]</a>";

Now i want to pull the message of that thread and display on forumhome as well. Thanks.