View Full Version : pimpvbulletin.com review

11-18-2008, 09:52 AM
Hello there - today I started a new website - and although there is alot of work to go I would like some input from professionals around here to tell me where it needs improvement (obviously the skin needs help)

I would appreciate any feedback and ideas inwhich you have in ways we can improve this website -

I have a graphics designer currently working on the skin but i mean board wise what can we do.

Please check it out and let me know I do appreciate any and all replies.

website: http://www.pimpvbulletin.com

Sorry I forgot to mention I have set up two demo accounts - the first to see as a registered member, the second as a premium member.

Registered User:
Username: demo
Password: demo1

Premium Member:
Username: demo1
Password: demo2

Tell me what you think

11-18-2008, 11:05 AM
Sorry I don't have time at the moment to give a proper review however I thought I should suggest you verify Jelsoft will allow your domain as vBulletin is now a trademark and I know for a fact they do not permit the use of that name in new domains ;)

11-18-2008, 11:06 AM
Cheers i will do that thank u

11-18-2008, 01:28 PM
I think you should pimp your vBulletin ;)

11-18-2008, 02:38 PM

Nothing is really done to review it, images don't work on the vBAdvanced home page, its all pretty standard?

11-18-2008, 02:39 PM
Style wise, it looks okay, although my judgement of how good a style is really is just guesswork, since I'm not a graphics designer. As for the content and community though, this is where the problems seem to be at the moment. First of all, you have WAY too many forums, and about two of them seem to be in any form of use, which means your forum looks nearly completely dead as a result. So merge some forums, and post some actual content in those that are still empty, as at the moment, you aren't going to get a whole great of registrations (or posts from members).

Secondly, cut the link hiding and whatever mod. It's pretty poor for SEO, and even worse for people looking for content.

Finally, considering it's a site about improving vBulletin stylewise, I can't say you've done too great in that aspect, because from what I can see, you've got no modifications other than some system shown in the footer copyright, no changed smilies, no changed BB code, no default avatars... You should at very least add some stuff that's different from the default.

So in general, your site style is nice... but the site content wise or community wise certainly isn't.

Edit: Why doesn't the banner work on the portal page?