View Full Version : Some critical problems with Fulltext Search Engine

11-16-2008, 10:39 AM

I was satisfied from vb search engine to today when I saw that search doesn't find some polish words, eg. Piła (in a database as Pi³a). So I change a minimal word lengh in board and server configuration, I maked again Fulltext Index by VB CP and I updated a Counters againbecause I think that will help. Unfortunately no, this word and some other still was/were not searchable, but a lot of other 3-symbols words yes.

I camed into phpmyadmin and I saw that Title FullText in a thread table contain less records than my board have... This difference was comed to 20 000 records difference. Title FullText for post table contained a proper amount of records (same as amount of posts). I deleted manually a Title FullText in the thread table and after that was started bigger troubles...

Now FULLTEXT for both tables contain only... 1 record. Deleting and adding again fulltextes doesn't fix this problem - vb and mysql creates "castrated" fulltextes with only 1 record.

What is more on the other polish board on vbulletin, Piła word and other words which aren't searchable on my board, are searchable on that board. Maybe I have wrong configurated mysql server? And how can I proper add this fulltextes and "fix" castration problem? :P

MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
MySQL connection collation:: utf8_general_ci
Collation tables: latin1_swedish_ci

Maybe I write again Pila (that famous movie) word again in polish:

Please help me...

UPDATE: I see that my board is using the Vbulletin search engine now (because I see that word and postindex tables contain a lot of data), not fulltext, but in Admin CP > Search Type / Kind there is:

Your forum is currently using the Fulltext search engine.

If you wish to revert to the vBulletin search engine, please continue. You can leave the Fulltext indexes in place if you expect to return to the Fulltext search in the near future. Leaving them in place will cause added load on your system in the interim.
Remove Fulltext Indexes Yes / No

12-28-2008, 07:52 PM
I found a solution for both problems :P

1) This is a new mysql versions' issue. Repairing huge tables with fulltext cause changing the Cardinality to value "1" but really FULLTEXT contain proper amount of records.

2) We have to set utf8_general_ci charset for tables: thread, post and search. All columns in this tables which have other charset have to changed to utf8_general_ci. Rest of tables can have default charset: latin1_swedish_ci

Marco van Herwaarden
12-29-2008, 07:54 AM
Mixing charactersets can lead to problems. All tables should be using the same.