View Full Version : DDOS protection

11-15-2008, 08:01 AM
Hi all ;

somebody know how to protect my apache webserver ?

because i receive an attack from different IP

11-15-2008, 09:14 AM
DDoS protection should be done at the router point, if it reaches your server, it's already probably too far. Talk to your host.

11-17-2008, 01:14 AM
Short answer - no.

dDoS attacks just overflood your servers with thousands or even more requests at the same time and there's no protection against that - except maybe taking down the server but the result would be the same.

Load balancing might help - until a special point but generally there's not much you can do.

Brandon Sheley
11-29-2008, 04:55 PM
Here is a hack you might want to check out

11-29-2008, 04:58 PM
Here is a hack you might want to check out

this hack isnt against ddos ;)

Brandon Sheley
11-29-2008, 05:42 PM
ya, but I think it might be the best "mod" out right now for attacks
you can always pass protect your root url, and post the user and pass on the popup
but it will block the search engine spiders as well :(

11-30-2008, 01:56 AM
you can always pass protect your root url, and post the user and pass on the popup
but it will block the search engine spiders as well :(

Not if the dDoS overfloods the TCP Stack - then it doesn't matter if there's a 401 / 200 or whatelse reply - as long as the Webserver replies with something.

About pass protection the forum URL - you can still let some Useragents (Search Engine Bots) bypass the protection with LimitExcept / Limit directives still everyone who knows how to fake a Useragent can bypass the protection as well.

Brandon Sheley
11-30-2008, 02:39 AM
well, it's what I did when I was getting ddos'd for days at a time and the forum ran great after you entered the login for the popup
maybe things have changed since then, it was 5 years ago. :)

Marco van Herwaarden
12-01-2008, 11:36 AM
If the DDOS attacks the TCP stack, then no software solution will help. This would be best mitigaed by the host/datacenter at their outer border routers.

Most DDOS attacks i encounter are however attacking the web service. This kind of attack migth be stopped by an extra login.

12-11-2008, 02:48 AM
Most DDOS protection is unprotectable at the software level. Massive DDOS protections are unprotecable by software or hardware. If it was just a regular DOS attack you could probably minimize the damage with stuff like apf firewall or mod_deflate.

I use for my apache server http://www.configserver.com/cp/csf.html Also I use www.litespeed.com that helps with DOS. Litepseed also speeds up my server way way way way faster than apache.

If you ever get DDOS just have your host null route for a few hours, but that's only if it's extremely severe. If not, you can block the IP with iptables or the CSF firewall. It has a nice UI for WHM.

12-11-2008, 03:22 AM
Depends on the size of the attack, that will determine the amount of protection you need. If it is comming from a few IP's thats pretty easy to take care of with a few scripts. Litespeed is what you need to also be on as well with reverse DNS. You need the right host, and I have plenty in my mind if you ever run into a big one you can't take care of. There small hosting companies that specialize in that, liquidweb, theplanet etc will not protect you.