View Full Version : charset problem while migrating from mssql

11-12-2008, 02:36 PM
I'm trying to migrate to vBulletin from an old version of maxportalweb.
Forum is Turkish and db is mssql uses latin1.
Impex system does not support mssql. So I had to first convert database to mysql then try to import them.
Because migration tool failed, I transfered db as utf-8 on another software. (Not have another encoding option)

I can see the data correctly while using selects on query analyser.
But when I try insert-select or use working modules of impex system I get "?"s in my language specific characters.
I tried migration tool to convert to latin1, it failed.
I tried CONVERT(... using latin1) in query, nothing changed.

11-12-2008, 03:01 PM
Impex is a software that is supported at vbulletin.com, i would issue a support ticket there.

11-12-2008, 03:30 PM
I know but they already said impex does not support maxportalweb on mssql.
The maxportalweb module of impex is not fully functional even on mysql. I am half using impex half writing queries on query analyser. :(
And this is not their problem.
I have a utf8 database derived from mssql. If I ask I'm quite sure the answer will be: "Your database is corrupted impex needs intact data..."

11-12-2008, 07:46 PM
Your database is corrupted impex needs intact data