View Full Version : Planet NBA

Attila M.
11-06-2008, 12:43 AM
<a href="http://planetnba.vndv.com/" target="_blank">http://planetnba.vndv.com/</a>

Just made it in the past two days.

Now starting to recruit.

11-06-2008, 02:39 PM
First things first:
Dump the free hosting, and get your own domain name.
It looks like planetnba.com is already taken, so you will probably have to rethink the name a bit.

Site doesn't really make me think of Basketball.. it is pretty bland and boring with the skin. It looks like an old school Coppermine photo gallery theme.. try to get inspired by nba.com. The red/blue/white from the actual NBA logo are great colors to work with if used correctly.

Basketball communities have the potential of being huge due to the large audiences.. your site needs to be better than the competition. It needs to.

11-07-2008, 12:57 PM
I agree with Tyler.

I love what you've don with heforum icons, but you definiely need a theme. Use NBA type colors to better welcome your users (these are probably the colors they'd expect as well). Also, work on formatting your ads in a bit smoother, as it's one of the first things i saw. You have several forums with 0 posts, content content content!