View Full Version : Shared forums between two websites

11-01-2008, 05:10 PM
Hey guys,

We have 2 websites each of them has a forum, and has a different styles and themes,

I am asking if we could make some of the forums shared between the 2 forums, and each member in the 2 forums could reach those shared forums,

what are the technical solutions for these problem??

Thank you so much in advance

11-02-2008, 03:32 AM
Easiest solution? Have both forums use the same database and hide/show forums based on domain.

In any case, any solution will still require an individual license for each "site".

11-02-2008, 10:15 PM
I experimented with something similar a while ago. I used one vbulletin installation (with two licenses), and a plugin called 'different domain, different style' so that depending on which domain the user reached the forum from, a different style would be used. I then used conditional 'if' statements in the templates to control which forums showed on the main page.

There's another useful plugin called 'cookie cutter'. When you login from domain A, it will also place the cookies on domain B - so if you then access the forums via domain B, you'll already be logged in.