View Full Version : Does anyone have blue Category ribbon(bar) graphics?

10-31-2008, 06:02 PM
I am looking for blue ribbon graphics for categories for the front forum page. Actually, for all the main bars or ribbons.

I'm talking about that medium blue strip where the main categories sit above the sub categories for the default templates on the main forum page where the forums are listed. Mine are listed as the index, but I know some of you have an actual index page, and the forums behind it.

I thought I saw some different colors listed on the home page, but can't seem to find them now.

Does anyone have any blue images they are willing to part with?

Or can someone point me in the right dierection to find them?

Thanks ...


--------------- Added 1225561708 at 1225561708 ---------------

Lol, so noby can help with my request?

Just point me in the right direction, and I'll be a ahappy camper. Promise. ;)