View Full Version : Moved to a VPS

10-31-2008, 12:18 AM
Hello my hosting suspended my account due to the traffic. I was having 2500 visits per day. it wasnt over the limit but well, they ask me to move to a VPS.

I change to a VPS with a Xeon Core 2.00 GB 2 Gb of disk Space. 100 MB/s Uplink 68RAM

I move the site, well they do it. AND it is working very very bad. Very slowly. Almost not working. I dont know why. They tell me that the vps is great for mi site. That i can have3 100000 hits per day, thousend of users, and bla bla. But now that ui have 40 online it almost dont work.

CPU load averages: 4.54 (1 mins) , 5.02 (5 mins) , 4.85 (15 mins)
CPU type: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5335 @ 2.00GHz (48 MHz)

What i have to doy? i am going crazy??

10-31-2008, 12:47 AM
You have a few options

1. Move to a different VPS, those specs there aren't that impressive, 68MB of ram isn't much, the 100MB/s connection is over kill, and that isn't a very power processor and 2GB of hard drive space could be filled within a few weeks.

2. Optimize your VPS, post in the server configuration options over at vBulletin.com

3. Upgrade your VPS further.