View Full Version : Profile Enhancements - Meebo Chatin profile

10-29-2008, 10:00 PM
First thanks to zoints for having meebo as one of there blocks and thanks to stangger5 for making the profile blocks for the mp3 player and for youtube. I did use his as a guide but the rest is all me.

What does this mod do? it adds a free chating system to your profile right side block. It can be added any where as a block in the MEMBERINFO template of your skin. Its free to use and is an alternative to an ajax chatbox. This adds a small embed of the standalone meebo chating system and whats even better is you dont even have to be logged on. You can add some info in the xml file just encase you wont to make it so your users can select the height and width of there meebo chating system do do so open the xml file scroll near the end and make another $userinfo[fielda] and $userinfo[fielda]. Replace the numbers in height="" with $userinfo[fielda] and replace the numbers in the width="" with $userinfo[fieldb] and make two more text box user profile fields and add there numbers there. when your naming them make sure to name them meebo chat height and meebo chat width and tell them to write down the height and width of the embed aswell. and there you go that wraps up the meebo in your profile mod.

make sure to follow the read me txt file included in the zip any questions please leave them here and i`ll answer them as soon as i can.


Forum Lover
10-30-2008, 09:26 AM
Any demo so far?

10-30-2008, 01:11 PM
too difficult for me..
Because I am little bit busy now a days..

10-30-2008, 01:58 PM
Could do with a demo or or screenshots please

10-30-2008, 02:21 PM
Please demo

10-30-2008, 04:37 PM
I got it setup on my site if you want an unofficial demo


Your basic Meebo block, but still a nice addition to the site. Thanks for the plugin :)

10-30-2008, 04:46 PM
Does this mean that anyone on AOL IM or Yahoo IM or any others that are used through Meebo can chat using this mod?

I installed the Yahoo Pingbox, but since we have lots of folks that are on AOL only (and they don't want to add Yahoo) it makes it difficult to have it as our only option.

Or, do you have to be signed up with Meebo to use this?

10-30-2008, 04:56 PM
Looks like for the widget you have to be signed up with Meebo. The actual web client also allows you to use other IM services, but the widget only sends to the Meebo one.

10-30-2008, 06:28 PM
Thanks for the info Calash. At least it's another option to use aside from the Yahoo Pingbox. I know of only a couple of my members using Meebo. But, we'll see.

10-30-2008, 09:42 PM
For the visitor, they need nothing but to visit the page. On your end you have to have a Meebo account, then they show up as meeboguest and can chat with you.

10-31-2008, 12:48 AM
they can leave messages too right...???

10-31-2008, 04:10 AM
Do you have to be logged in via meebo?

10-31-2008, 12:39 PM
TsirhCitna, I know that with the Yahoo Pingbox, you have to be logged into Yahoo for it to show you as 'online' and get the message and communicate back.

But, I'm not sure with the Meebo version here. Can someone confirm this?

10-31-2008, 01:06 PM
You have to be logged into Meebo to be shown as Online and interact with the visitors. The visitors use the widget and get a guest ID, so they do not need an account.

10-31-2008, 04:40 PM
sorry about that everyone heres the link to my profile so you an see how it works but it only keeps the info if your logged in but you can view the messages left if your not logged in.

DEMO (http://www.anime-dreamz.com/forum/member.php?u=1) hope you like it and once again thanks to stanger5 and zoints for the inspiration.

11-01-2008, 03:42 AM
Yes that all true what makes this mod different is that you dont have to be signed into meebo for it to work and you can interact with other im systems with your meebo widget. the only issue if you can call it one is that you the profile owner must sign up for meebo which is a free widget and can sign in to be shown as online so you can interact with other guests. I saw this on zionts and thought it would be a great add on for the regular vbulletin and I used stangger5 xml file as a template to make my own but i did leave in the bit to added user id numbers so the admin can choose who can use that profile filed. I didnt added the other userinfo fields because you can tell them a size o you can let them pick and that's why i added it to the txt file. Its free to use which is a plus its server friendly unlike some chat boxes and unless you have low bandwidth then its over all a good solution to faster chating without a huge chat box on your front page or forumhome template. Thanks to all who liked or have used my mod.