View Full Version : 3.6.4 help

10-26-2008, 05:30 AM
I need to be able to change the text of the Deletion Options Like shown in the image below.


I need them to be on a different color as the background without changing the background color or the color of this teak. I need it to be on a different css style or string

Any ideas ?

10-29-2008, 02:35 AM

10-29-2008, 03:25 AM
I'm not sure where that is an image of. Take a look at your page source and see what class is being used for the text and then either change the class text color, or find the template and change it inline.
NOTE: To find the template, go to vboptions > General Settings > Add Template Name in HTML Comments > set to Yes . Then go back to your page and view the source code and you will see the name of the template called around your part of the code.